Man pages for Dune
Improving replicability in single-cell RNA-Seq cell type discovery

ARIEvolutionPlot the evolution of the pairwise ARIs as merging happens
ARIImpARI improvement
ARIsARI Matrix
ARItrendARI improvement plot
clusMatA clustering matrix used to demonstrate the ari-merging...
ConfusionEvolutionPlot the evolution of the ConfusionPlot as merging happens
ConfusionPlotPlot confusion matrix
functionTrackingTrack the evolution of a function along merging
intermediateMatFind the clustering matrix that we would get if we stopped...
nucleiCluster labels for a subset of the allen Smart-Seq nuclei...
plotARIsPlot an heatmap of the ARI matrix
plotPrePostPlot the reduction in cluster size for an ARI merging with...
whenToStopWhen to Stop
Dune documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:55 p.m.