
Defines functions discoParseMeta

Documented in discoParseMeta

#' Generate Experiment Metadata
#' Parses the sample metadata from a vector of sample names (often column names
#' of a Maindata format data.frame).
#' @param samplenames character, a list of sample names following the
#' DiscoRhythm naming convention (<prefix><Time>_<UniqueID>_<ReplicateID>).
#' @param shinySession shiny session object for use only by the DiscoRhythm
#' shiny app \code{discoApp()} to update the axis labels using the time
#' value prefix.
#' @details The regular expression used to obtain metadata is
#' "^([[:alpha:]]*)(\\-?[0-9]+[\\.]?[0-9]*)\\_?
#' ([[:alnum:]\\.]*)\\_?([[:alnum:]\\.]*)$"
#' Where each () will be used to construct the final metadata data.frame
#' @return a data.frame containing 3 columns of metadata. ID = unique sample
#' identity. Time = sample colleciton time. ReplicateID = Identifier where Time
#' + ReplicateID indicates a biological sample ID.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' discoParseMeta(c("CT24_AD_1","CT24_AS_1","CT24_AE_2","CT24_AW_2",
#' "CT26_AB_1","CT26_AC_1","CT26_BB_2","CT26_BC_2"))
discoParseMeta <- function(samplenames, shinySession = NULL) {

    # master regular expression to extract metadata
    myregex <- paste0("^([[:alpha:]]*)(\\-?[0-9]+[\\.]?[0-9]*)",

    foo <- grepl(myregex, samplenames)
    if (!all(foo)) {
        # Check if getting rid of white space helps
        if (all(grepl(myregex, trimws(samplenames)))) {
            warning("Sample names contained white spaces that was removed.")
            samplenames <- trimws(samplenames)
        } else {
                "Unable to parse sample names: ",
                paste(samplenames[!foo], collapse = ","), ". ",
                "Column names should contain time values only, ",
                "or use the same structure as the provided example", 
                "to indicate replicates."

    meta <- data.frame(
        "name" = samplenames,
        "prefix" = gsub(myregex, "\\1", samplenames),
        "Time" = gsub(myregex, "\\2", samplenames),
        "unique_id" = gsub(myregex, "\\3", samplenames),
        "replicate_id" = gsub(myregex, "\\4", samplenames)

    # If technical replicates were not explicitly identified
    if (any(meta$replicate_id == "")) {
        # Add dummy techrep ID and sample ID
        meta$replicate_id <- seq_along(meta$Time)
        message(c("Missing replicate information for some samples. ",
            "Assuming there are no technical replicates in this dataset."))

        message("Some samples cannot be uniquely identified. New unique
        identifiers have been created for all samples.")
        meta$unique_id <- paste0("uid",seq_along(meta$Time))
        samplenames <- paste0(meta$prefix,meta$Time,

    # If executed in the shiny app, update the axis labels using the parsed
    # prefix
    timeName <- unique(meta$prefix)
    if (!is.null(shinySession) & length(timeName) == 1 & timeName != "") {
            paste0("Using the detected column name prefix (",
                ") as the time unit")
        shiny::updateTextInput(shinySession, inputId = "tUnit",
                                value = timeName)
    ret <- data.frame("ID" = samplenames,
        "Time" = as.numeric(as.character(meta$Time)),
        "ReplicateID" = as.character(meta$replicate_id),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

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DiscoRhythm documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:32 p.m.