#' Import Data for DiscoRhythm Analysis
#' Performs various checks and cleaning operations on the input data.
#' Rows containing NA's or all constant values are removed.
#' If matrix values are character it will be attempted to convert them
#' to numeric.
#' If input is not a matrix it will be converted using
#' \code{as.matrix()}.
#' User will be warned if row IDs contain duplicate entries.
#' @inheritParams discoInterCorOutliers
#' @param n_min_sample numeric value specifying minimal number of samples
#' needed to perform analysis.
#' @return SummarizedExperiment checked for errors and
#' modified as needed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' se <- discoGetSimu(TRUE)
#' se_clean <- discoCheckInput(se)
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment colData
discoCheckInput <- function(se, n_min_sample = 3) {
if (!methods::is(se,"SummarizedExperiment")) {
stop("Input must be a SummarizedExperiment.")
dat <- assay(se)
# Check enough data is available for analysis
if (ncol(se) <= n_min_sample) {
"More than", n_min_sample,
"samples are needed to perform analysis."
if (anyDuplicated(rownames(se))) {
warning("Duplicate row IDs found, deduplicating by appending row
# Note: its still possible to have duplicate rows after this operation
rownames(dat) <- paste0(rownames(dat),"_",seq_len(nrow(dat)))
# If values are not read as numeric coerce to numeric
if (!all(vapply(dat, function(x) is.numeric(x), logical(1)))) {
warning("Data was not read as numeric, attempting to coerce to numeric")
colNames <- colnames(dat)
dat <- as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) as.numeric(x))))
colnames(dat) <- colNames
# Remove constant rows or rows with NAs
# Flag rows with NAs
rowToKeep <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) {!any(})
# Flag rows with constant values
rowToKeep[rowToKeep] <- apply(
dat[rowToKeep, ], 1,
function(x) {!(max(x) == min(x))}
if (sum(!rowToKeep) != 0) {
dat <- dat[rowToKeep, ]
"Deleted", sum(!rowToKeep),
"rows since they were constant across samples or",
"contained missing values."
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
stop("Deleted all rows, no result to return.")
ret <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = dat,
colData = colData(se)
#' Summarize the experimental design
#' Using sample times and biological sample Ids, constructs a summary
#' table of the number of total samples at each timepoint and additionally
#' summarizes the number of replicates for each biological sample.
#' @inheritParams discoInterCorOutliers
#' @inheritParams discoDFtoSE
#' @seealso discoParseMeta
#' @export
#' @return A table where the first row summarizes the number of datapoints for
#' each timepoint and other cells indicate the number of technical replicates
#' for a given biological sample.
#' @examples
#' # import example data
#' Metadata <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(discoGetSimu(TRUE))
#' # Summarize the experiment design
#' discoDesignSummary(Metadata)
discoDesignSummary <- function(Metadata) {
bioRep <- data.frame(
ID = paste("Biological Sample", Metadata$ReplicateID),
ZT = Metadata$Time,
Rep = Metadata$ReplicateID
bioRep <- bioRep[order(bioRep$ZT,bioRep$Rep), ]
bioRep <- reshape2::melt(table(bioRep$ID, bioRep$ZT))
bioRep <- bioRep[bioRep$value != 0, ]
tmp <- matrix(
nrow = nrow(bioRep),
ncol = length(unique(bioRep$Var2)),
dimnames = list(rep("Samples", nrow(bioRep)), unique(bioRep$Var2))
for (i in unique(bioRep$Var2)) {
ids <- paste0(
bioRep[bioRep$Var2 == i, ]$Var1,
" (", bioRep[bioRep$Var2 == i, ]$value, ")"
tmp[seq_along(ids) + 1, as.character(i)] <- ids
tmp[1, as.character(i)] <- sum(bioRep[bioRep$Var2 == i, ]$value)
rownames(tmp)[1] <- "Total"
rownames(tmp)[-1] <- ""
keep <- max(apply(tmp, 2, function(X) sum(!
if (keep == 0) {
stop("Nothing to return, all values are NA")
final <- tmp[seq_len(keep), ]
final[] <- ""
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