#' Euclidean neighbor smoothing
#' This function constructs a variable that for each event shows the average
#' value for its euclidean k-nearest neighbors. It builds on the same
#' idea as has been put forward in the Sconify package:
#' -Burns TJ (2019). Sconify: A toolkit for performing KNN-based statistics for
#' flow and mass cytometry data. R package version 1.4.0 and
#' -Hart GT, Tran TM, Theorell J, Schlums H, Arora G, Rajagopalan S, et al.
#' Adaptive NK cells in people exposed to Plasmodium falciparum correlate
#' with protection from malaria. J Exp Med. 2019 Jun 3;216(6):1280–90.
#' First, the k nearest neighbors are defined for cell x. Then, the average
#' value for the k nearest neighbors is returned as the result for cell x.
#' @param focusData The data that should be smoothed. Should be a matrix with
#' the variables to be smoothed as columns.
#' @param euclidSpaceData The data cloud in which the nearest neighbors for the
#' events should be identified. Can be a vector, matrix or dataframe.
#' @param neighRows The rows in the dataset that correspond to the neighbors
#' of the focusData points. This can be all the focusData points, or a subset,
#' depending on the setup.
#' @param ctrlRows Optionally, a set of control rows that are used to remove
#' background signal from the neighRows data before sending the data back.
#' @param kNeighK The number of nearest neighbors.
#' @param kMeansK The number of clusters in the initial step of the algorithm.
#' A higher number leads to shorter runtime, but potentially lower accuracy.
#' @return An object of the same dimensions as focusData that has been smoothed.
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom gmodels fast.prcomp
#' @importFrom FNN knnx.index
#' @examples
#' data(testData)
#' data(testDataSNE)
#' euclidSpaceData <-
#' testData[, c(
#' "SYK", "CD16", "CD57", "EAT.2",
#' "CD8", "NKG2C", "CD2", "CD56"
#' )]
#' \dontrun{
#' smoothGroupVector <- neighSmooth(
#' focusData = as.numeric(testData$label),
#' euclidSpaceData
#' )
#' }
#' @export neighSmooth
neighSmooth <- function(focusData, euclidSpaceData,
neighRows = seq_len(nrow(as.matrix(focusData))),
ctrlRows, kNeighK = max(100, round(nrow(
) / 10000)),
kMeansK = max(1, round(nrow(
) / 1000))) {
if (is.vector(focusData)) {
focusData <- data.frame(focusData, 0)
focusDataIsVector <- TRUE
} else {
focusDataIsVector <- FALSE
if (is.vector(euclidSpaceData)) {
euclidSpaceData <- data.frame(euclidSpaceData, euclidSpaceData)
} else if (is.matrix(euclidSpaceData)) {
euclidSpaceData <-
# First, the dimensionality is reduced to 10 dimensions for the
# euclidSpaceData
if (ncol(euclidSpaceData) > 10) {
dataRedDim <- fast.prcomp(euclidSpaceData)$x[, seq(1, 10)]
} else {
dataRedDim <- euclidSpaceData
# Now, the cells are clustered according to this analysis
kMeansResult <- kmeans(dataRedDim, kMeansK, iter.max = 100)
kMeansCenters <- kMeansResult$centers
kMeansClusters <- kMeansResult$cluster
print("Done with k-means")
# Here, the rows connected to the neighbors, the control neighbors or
# neither are defined
groupVec <- rep("none", nrow(dataRedDim))
groupVec[neighRows] <- "neigh"
if (missing(ctrlRows) == FALSE) {
groupVec[ctrlRows] <- "ctrl"
rowNumbers <- seq_len(nrow(dataRedDim))
focusDataClustList <- split(focusData, kMeansClusters)
dataRedDimClustList <- split(, kMeansClusters)
groupVecClustList <- split(groupVec, kMeansClusters)
rowNumList <- split(rowNumbers, kMeansClusters)
# clusterIds <- split(kMeansClustersData, kMeansClustersData)
if (nrow(kMeansCenters) > 11) {
distCenters <- as.list(
t(knnx.index(kMeansCenters, kMeansCenters, 11))
} else {
distCenters <- as.list(
t(knnx.index(kMeansCenters, kMeansCenters, nrow(kMeansCenters)))
print("Now the first bit is done, and the iterative part takes off")
nCores <- detectCores() - 1
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
allClusters <- names(focusDataClustList)
firstCluster <- 1
resultList <- list()
x <- 1
while (firstCluster <= length(allClusters)) {
timeBefore <- Sys.time()
if (((firstCluster + nCores) - 1) < length(allClusters)) {
clusterRange <- firstCluster:((firstCluster + nCores) - 1)
} else {
clusterRange <- firstCluster:length(allClusters)
# Now, the datasets are constructed from this cluster range
locDataRedDimClustList <- dataRedDimClustList[clusterRange]
# Here, the neighbors and the control neighbors are found in the 11
# closest clusters for each of the focus clusters.
locDistCenters <- distCenters[clusterRange]
neighCtrlNeighReturnList <- lapply(locDistCenters, function(y) {
locNeighList <- lapply(y, function(z) {
locNeigh <- dataRedDimClustList[[z]]
locReturn <- focusDataClustList[[z]]
locGroup <- groupVecClustList[[z]]
locNeigh[which(locGroup == "neigh"), ],
locNeigh[which(locGroup == "ctrl"), ],
locReturn[which(locGroup == "neigh"), ],
locReturn[which(locGroup == "ctrl"), ]
locNeighNeigh <- as.matrix(
lapply(locNeighList, "[[", 1)
locNeighReturn <- as.matrix(
lapply(locNeighList, "[[", 3)
locCtrlNeigh <- as.matrix(
lapply(locNeighList, "[[", 2)
locCtrlReturn <- as.matrix(
lapply(locNeighList, "[[", 4)
list(locNeighNeigh, locNeighReturn, locCtrlNeigh, locCtrlReturn)
resultNeigh <- foreach(
i = seq_along(locDataRedDimClustList),
.packages = "DepecheR"
) %dopar%
dataCenter = as.matrix(locDataRedDimClustList[[i]]),
dataNeigh = neighCtrlNeighReturnList[[i]][[1]],
dataReturn = neighCtrlNeighReturnList[[i]][[2]],
method = "mean", k = kNeighK
if (missing(ctrlRows) == FALSE) {
resultCtrl <- foreach(
i = seq_along(locDataRedDimClustList),
.packages = "DepecheR"
) %dopar%
dataCenter = as.matrix(locDataRedDimClustList[[i]]),
dataNeigh = neighCtrlNeighReturnList[[i]][[3]],
dataReturn = neighCtrlNeighReturnList[[i]][[4]],
method = "mean", k = kNeighK
neighCtrlDifference <- lapply(seq_along(resultNeigh), function(y) {
resultNeigh[[y]] - resultCtrl[[y]]
} else {
neighCtrlDifference <- resultNeigh
resultList[[x]] <-"rbind", neighCtrlDifference)
timeAfter <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - timeBefore)
"Clusters ", clusterRange[1], " to ",
" smoothed in ", timeAfter, " ",
attributes(timeAfter)$units, ". Now, ",
length(allClusters) - clusterRange[length(clusterRange)],
" clusters are left."
firstCluster <- (clusterRange[length(clusterRange)] + 1)
x <- x + 1
fullResult <-"rbind", resultList)
fullResultOrdered <- fullResult[order(unlist(rowNumList)), ]
if (focusDataIsVector) {
fullResultOrdered <- fullResultOrdered[, 1]
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