sequencing.annotate <- function(obj, methdesign, all.cov=FALSE, contrasts = FALSE,
cont.matrix = NULL, fdr = 0.05, coef, ...){
if(is(obj, "data.frame")){
if (!(all(c("stat", "chr", "pos", "diff", "fdr") %in% colnames(obj)) | all(c("stat", "chr", "pos", "fdrs") %in% colnames(obj)))) {
stop("Error: object does not contain all required columns, was it created by DSS::DMLtest() or DSS::DMLtest.multiFactor?")
if(!"diff" %in% colnames(obj)){
obj$diff <- 0
obj$pval <- 2*pnorm(-abs(obj$stat))
obj$fdr <- p.adjust(obj$pval, method="BH")
nsig <- sum(obj$fdr < fdr)
annotated <- GRanges(as.character(obj$chr), IRanges(obj$pos, obj$pos), stat = obj$stat,
diff = obj$diff, ind.fdr = obj$fdr, is.sig = obj$fdr < fdr)
names(annotated) <- rownames(obj)
annotated <- sort(annotated)
} else if(is(obj, "BSseq")){
phen <- pData(obj)
obj <- BSseq(M=as.matrix(getCoverage(obj, type = "M")),
Cov=as.matrix(getCoverage(obj, type = "Cov")),
pos=start(obj), chr=seqnames(obj))
colData(obj) <- phen
if(any(width(obj) > 1)){
stop("Error: all ranges in the BSseq object must be single nucleotides with width 1.")
stop("Error: BSseq object must be annotated with colData with sample IDs as rownames of the data.frame.")
message("Filtering out all CpGs where at least one sample has zero coverage...")
obj <-obj[apply(getCoverage(obj, type = "Cov"), 1, function (x) all(x > 0)),]
} else {
message("Filtering out CpGs where no samples have coverage...")
obj <- obj[rowSums(getCoverage(obj, type = "Cov")) > 0,]
message("Processing BSseq object...")
obj <- orderBSseq(obj)
meth <- getCoverage(obj, type="M")
unmeth <- getCoverage(obj, type="Cov") - meth
countmatrix <- eval(parse(text=paste0("cbind(", paste(sapply(1:ncol(meth),
function (x) gsub("idx", x, "meth[,idx], unmeth[,idx]")), collapse=', '), ")")))
colnames(countmatrix) <- paste(rep(rownames(colData(obj)), each=2),
rep(c("C", "T"), times=ncol(obj)), sep=".")
message("Transforming counts...")
ym <- voom(countmatrix, methdesign, lib.size = rep(colSums(meth+unmeth), each=2))$E
if (contrasts & is.null(cont.matrix)) {
stop("Error: a contrast matrix must be specified if contrasts = TRUE")
message("Fitting model...")
fit <- lmFit(ym, methdesign, ...)
if (contrasts) {
stopifnot(coef %in% colnames(cont.matrix))
fit <-, cont.matrix)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
tt <- topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = nrow(ym), = "none")
nsig <- sum(tt$adj.P.Val < fdr)
annotated <- GRanges(as.character(seqnames(obj)), IRanges(start(obj), start(obj)), stat = tt$t,
diff = tt$logFC,, ind.fdr = tt$adj.P.Val, is.sig = tt$adj.P.Val < fdr)
names(annotated) <- paste0("cpg", 1:nrow(tt))
annotated <- sort(annotated)
} else {
stop("Error: obj must be a data.frame or BSseq object")
if (nsig == 0) {
message("Your contrast returned no individually significant CpGs. Consider increasing the 'fdr' parameter using changeFDR(), but be warned there is an increased risk of Type I errors.")
if (nsig > 0 & nsig <= 100) {
message(paste("Your contrast returned", nsig,
"individually significant CpGs; a small but real effect. Consider increasing the 'fdr' parameter using changeFDR(), but be warned there is an increased risk of Type I errors."))
if (nsig > 100 & nsig <= 100000) {
message(paste("Your contrast returned", nsig,
"individually significant CpGs. We recommend the default setting of pcutoff in dmrcate()."))
if (nsig > 100000) {
message(paste("Your contrast returned", nsig,
"individually significant CpGs; this is plenty. Consider decreasing the 'fdr' parameter using changeFDR(), for more precise DMR definition."))
return(new("CpGannotated", ranges=annotated))
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