#' @export
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics sort
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb sortSeqlevels
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges makeGRangesFromDataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @title create DESeq data object
#' @description create DESeq data object from sliding window counts,
#' phenotype data and annotation data
#' @details
#' If \code{annotObj} is a file name, the input file MUST be <TAB> separated, and supports reading in .gz files. \cr
#' If \code{annotObj} is a data.frame, \code{colnames(annotObj)} MUST not be empty.\cr
#' This function checks for the following columns after reading in the file or on data.frame:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{chromosome}: chromosome name
#' \item \code{unique_id}: unique id of the window, \code{rownames(object)} must match this column
#' \item \code{begin}: window start co-ordinate, see parameter \code{start0based}
#' \item \code{end}: window end co-ordinate
#' \item \code{strand}: strand
#' \item \code{gene_id}: gene id
#' \item \code{gene_name}: gene name
#' \item \code{gene_type}: gene type annotation
#' \item \code{gene_region}: gene region
#' \item \code{Nr_of_region}: number of the current region
#' \item \code{Total_nr_of_region}: total number of regions
#' \item \code{window_number}: window number
#' }
#' This function creates a \code{\link[DESeq2:DESeqDataSet]{DESeqDataSet}} using supplied countData, phenotype data
#' and annotation data. The chromosomal locations and annotations of the sliding windows
#' (parsed from \code{annotObj}) can be accessed from the returned object using: \code{rowRanges(object)}
#' @param countData \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}, sliding window count data
#' @param colData \code{DataFrame} or \code{data.frame}, phenotype data,
#' see \code{\link[DESeq2:DESeqDataSet]{DESeqDataSet}}
#' @param annotObj \code{data.frame} or \code{character}, can either be a data.frame or a file name,
#' see details
#' @param design \code{formula} or \code{matrix}, design of the experiment,
#' see \code{\link[DESeq2:DESeqDataSet]{DESeqDataSet}}
#' @param tidy \code{logical}, If TRUE, first column is of countData is treated as rownames
#' (defalt: FALSE), see \code{\link[DESeq2:DESeqDataSet]{DESeqDataSet}}
#' @param ignoreRank \code{logical}, ignore rank, see \code{\link[DESeq2:DESeqDataSet]{DESeqDataSet}}
#' @param start0based \code{logical}, TRUE (default) or FALSE.
#' If TRUE, then the start positions in \code{annotObj} is considered to be 0-based
#' @examples
#' data("SLBP_K562_w50s20")
#' slbpDat <- counts(SLBP_K562_w50s20)
#' phenoDat <- DataFrame(conditions=as.factor(c(rep('IP',2),'SMI')),
#' row.names = colnames(slbpDat))
#' phenoDat$conditions <- relevel(phenoDat$conditions,ref='SMI')
#' annotDat <-
#' # by default chromsome column is 'seqnames'
#' # and begin co-ordinate column is 'start'
#' # rename these columns
#' colnames(annotDat)[1:2] <- c('chromosome','begin')
#' slbpDds <- DESeqDataSetFromSlidingWindows(countData = slbpDat,
#' colData = phenoDat,annotObj = annotDat,design=~conditions)
#' @return DESeq object
DESeqDataSetFromSlidingWindows <- function(countData, colData, annotObj,
design, tidy=FALSE,
ignoreRank=FALSE, start0based=TRUE){
stopifnot(ncol(countData) > 1)
if(is(countData,'data.table') ||is(countData,'tbl') ){
countData <- data.frame(countData)
warning('countData is a data.table or tibble object, converting it to data.frame. First column will be used as rownames')
tidy <- TRUE
if (tidy) {
# this code is copied from DESeq2 source, credits to authors
rownms <- as.character(countData[,1])
countData <- countData[,-1,drop=FALSE]
rownames(countData) <- rownms
}else if(is.null(rownames(countData))){
stop('rownames of countData cannot be empty')
annotData <- .readAnnotation(fname=annotObj,asGRange=FALSE,start0based=start0based)
}else if(is(annotObj,"data.frame")){
if(is(annotObj,'data.table') ||is(annotObj,'tbl') ){
annotObj <- data.frame(annotObj)
neededCols <- c('chromosome','unique_id','begin','end','strand','gene_id','gene_name','gene_type','gene_region','Nr_of_region',
missingCols <- setdiff(neededCols,colnames(annotObj))
stop('Input annotation data.frame is missing required columns, needed columns:
chromosome: chromosome name
unique_id: unique id of the window
begin: window start co-ordinate
end: window end co-ordinate
strand: strand
gene_id: gene id
gene_name: gene name
gene_type: gene type annotation
gene_region: gene region
Nr_of_region: number of the current region
Total_nr_of_region: total number of regions
window_number: window number
Missing columns:
',paste(missingCols,collapse=", "),'')
annotData <- annotObj
rownames(annotData) <- annotData$unique_id
stop('annotObj MUST be a data.frame or character')
stop('There are no common unique ids between the countData and annotObj. Please check your data sets!')
}else if(length(setdiff(rownames(countData),rownames(annotData)))>0){
warning('Cannot find chromosomal positions for all entries in countData.
countData rows with missing annotation will be removed !')
commonIds <- intersect(rownames(annotData),rownames(countData))
countData <- countData[commonIds,]
annotData <- annotData[commonIds,]
# The code below is copied from DESeq2 source, credits to authors
if (is(colData,"data.frame")){
colData <- as(colData, "DataFrame")
# check if the rownames of colData are simply in different order
# than the colnames of the countData, if so throw an error
# as the user probably should investigate what's wrong
if (!is.null(rownames(colData)) & !is.null(colnames(countData))) {
if (all(sort(rownames(colData)) == sort(colnames(countData)))) {
if (!all(rownames(colData) == colnames(countData))) {
stop(paste("rownames of the colData:
are not in the same order as the colnames of the countData:
if (is.null(rownames(colData)) & !is.null(colnames(countData))) {
rownames(colData) <- colnames(countData)
# assemble summarized experiment
gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(df=annotData,seqnames.field='chromosome',start.field='begin',
gr <- sortSeqlevels(gr)
gr <- sort(gr)
countData <- as.matrix(countData[as.character(mcols(gr)$unique_id),])
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts=countData),colData = colData,rowRanges=gr)
return(DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank))
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