## Copyright 2010 Laurent Jacob, Pierre Neuvial and Sandrine Dudoit.
## This file is part of DEGraph.
## DEGraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## DEGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with DEGraph. If not, see <>.
## @RdocFunction getSignedGraph
## @title "Given a graph, builds a signed version of the adjacency matrix
## taking into account the type of interaction (e.g., activation or
## inhibition)"
## \description{
## @get "title".
## }
## @synopsis
## \arguments{
## \item{graph}{A \code{\link[=graph-class]{graph}} object.}
## \item{positiveInteractionLabels}{A @character @vector specifying which
## interaction labels correspond to positive interactions. Defaults to
## 'c("activation", "expression")'.}
## \item{negativeInteractionLabels}{A @character @vector specifying which
## interaction labels correspond to negative interactions. Defaults to
## 'c("inhibition", "repression")'.}
## \item{verbose}{If @TRUE, extra information is output.}
## }
## \value{
## This function returns a squared matrix whose (i,j) entry is:
## \describe{
## \item{0}{if edges i and j are not connected}
## \item{1}{if edges i and j are connected by a positive interaction}
## \item{-1}{if edges i and j are connected by a negative interaction.}
## }
## By construction, the absolute value of this matrix is the adjacency
## matrix of the graph. Edges which cannot interpreted as corresponding
## to a positive or a negative interaction are marked as not connected.
## }
## @author
## @examples "../incl/getSignedGraph.Rex"
## adjMat cannot be signed in KEGGgraph objects.
## Long-term fix: implement a 'signedGraph' class that allows that
## Short-term fix: add an attribute 'signMat' to the graph object
## and use it manually afterwards (it is not properly subsetted
## when removing nodes from the graph for example. Actually it
## is even lost)
getSignedGraph <- function(graph, positiveInteractionLabels=c("activation", "expression"), negativeInteractionLabels=c("inhibition", "repression"), verbose=FALSE) {
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## Validate arguments
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## Argument 'graph'
if (!validGraph(graph)) {
throw("Argument 'graph' is not a valid graph object")
if (!isDirected(graph)) {
throw("Undirected graphs are not supported yet")
## Argument 'positiveInteractionLabels'
posIntLabs <- Arguments$getCharacters(positiveInteractionLabels)
## Argument 'negativeInteractionLabels'
negIntLabs <- Arguments$getCharacters(negativeInteractionLabels)
## Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
cat <- R.utils::cat
## retrieve edge types (method detects whether or not graph is a NCIgraph)
## if(is.NCIgraph(graph))
## st <- getSubtype.NCIgraph(graph)
## else
st <- getSubtype(graph) ## FIXME: does not work for undirected graphs
edgeNames <- names(st)
intNames <- sapply(st, FUN=function(x) {
verbose && cat(verbose, "Interactions:")
verbose && str(verbose, intNames)
verbose && print(verbose, table(intNames))
lap <- lapply(posIntLabs, grep, intNames)
names(lap) <- posIntLabs
verbose && cat(verbose, "Positive interactions:")
verbose && str(verbose, lap)
idxPos <- unlist(lap)
lan <- lapply(negIntLabs, grep, intNames)
names(lan) <- negIntLabs
verbose && cat(verbose, "Negative interactions:")
verbose && str(verbose, lan)
idxNeg <- unlist(lan)
posNames <- edgeNames[idxPos]
negNames <- edgeNames[idxNeg]
idx0 <- intersect(idxPos, idxNeg)
if (length(idx0)) {
warning("Probable annotation error: positive and negative edges. These edges will be removed")
idxPos <- idxPos[-match(idx0, idxPos)]
idxNeg <- idxNeg[-match(idx0, idxNeg)]
## Remove other edges
edgesToRemove <- intNames[-c(idxPos, idxNeg)]
if (length(edgesToRemove)) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Removing unsigned edges from graph")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Edges to remove:")
verbose && str(verbose, edgesToRemove)
verbose && print(verbose, table(edgesToRemove))
etrNames <- edgeNames[-c(idxPos, idxNeg)]
ftNames <- sapply(etrNames, FUN=function(edge) {
unlist(strsplit(edge, "~|\\|"))
oldGraph <- graph
graph <- removeEdge(from=ftNames[1, ], ftNames[2, ], graph)
verbose && print(verbose, graph)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && enter(verbose, "Creating sign matrix")
## use adjacency matrix of the corresponding undirected graph
## ugraph <- ugraph(graph)
## graphAM <- as(ugraph, "graphAM")
## sanity check: symmetry
## stopifnot(sum(sum(t(adjMat)!=adjMat))==0)
graphAM <- as(graph, "graphAM") # Now use directed version as some energy functions require edge directions
adjMat <- graphAM@adjMat
signMat <- adjMat
if (length(negNames)) {
## set negative edges to -1
ftNames <- sapply(negNames, FUN=function(edge) {
unlist(strsplit(edge, "~|\\|"))
nodeNames <- colnames(signMat)
for (ii in seq(length=ncol(ftNames))) {
ftName <- ftNames[, ii]
idx <- graph:::getIndices(nodeNames, ftName[1], ftName[2])
adj <- adjMat[idx$from, idx$to]
if (adj != 1) { ## Sanity check
throw("Inconsistent data in adjacency matrix for edge ", paste(ftName, collapse="~"))
} else {
signMat[idx$from, idx$to] <- -1
##signMat[idx$to, idx$from] <- -1
if (length(posNames)) {
## check that positive edges are 1
ftNames <- sapply(posNames, FUN=function(edge) {
unlist(strsplit(edge, "~|\\|"))
nodeNames <- colnames(signMat)
for (ii in seq(length=ncol(ftNames))) {
ftName <- ftNames[, ii]
idx <- graph:::getIndices(nodeNames, ftName[1], ftName[2])
adj <- adjMat[idx$from, idx$to]
if (adj != 1) { ## Sanity check
throw("Inconsistent data in adjacency matrix for edge", ftName)
graph@graphData$signMat <- signMat
#attr(graph, 'signMat') <- signMat
verbose && exit(verbose)
## 2011-03-06
## o Dealing with NCI graphs
## 2010-10-08
## o Now validating argument 'verbose'.
## o Updated arguments.
## 2010-09-17
## o Now returns an directed graph (non symmetric adjacency matrix that
## takes edge direction into account).
## 2010-07-16
## o Now returns an undirected graph (so that adjacency matrix is symmetric).
## 2010-05
## o Created.
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