#' Divide read names by allele
#' Takes a GenomicAlignments object and returns a list of read names dividied by
#' allele.
#' @param alns GenomicAlignments object.
#' @param snp GRanges object containing SNP location.
#' @param v Nucleotide of reference (or alternative) allele.
#' @return A named list of vectors, each vector containing read names for each
#' allele.
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics end
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate_all
#' @keywords internal
splitReads <- function(alns, v, snp) {
fullMD <- mcols(alns)$MD
fullstart <- start(alns)
snp.loc <- start(snp)
# Use MD tag from bam to check which reads have the ref or
# alt allele
alleles <- mapply(function(a, x, snp.loc) {
# extract matches and mismatches from MD tag
tag <- getMD(a)
MDtag <- tag$MDtag
nucl.num <- tag$nucl.num
# Get right location of snp in sequence of read
snp.start <- snp.loc - x + 1
# Get the snp (location) from the specific read
count <- 0
for (i in seq_along(nucl.num)) {
count <- count + nucl.num[i]
if (count >= snp.start) {
}, a = fullMD, x = fullstart, MoreArgs = list(snp.loc = snp.loc),
# Get read names from alt and ref reads
names(alleles) <- names(alns)
ref.reads <- sort(names(which(alleles != v)))
alt.reads <- sort(names(which(alleles == v)))
return(list(ref.reads = unique(ref.reads), alt.reads = unique(alt.reads)))
#' MDtag parser
#' Takes a GenomicAlignments object containing the MDtag, and transforms it
#' into a vector of characters and numbers
#' @param a Vector of MDtags (single characters)
#' @return A named list of vectors, each vector a parsed version of MDtag:
#' - nucl.num: Numeric representation of MDtag.
#' - MDtag: a split version of MDtag
#' @keywords internal
getMD <- function(a) {
# extract matches and mismatches from MD tag
numbers <- str_extract_all(a, "[0-9]{1,}")[[1]]
numbers.loc <- str_locate_all(a, "[0-9]{1,}")[[1]][, 1]
# nucl <- str_extract_all(a, '[A-Z^]{1,}')[[1]]
nucl <- str_extract_all(a, "[A-Z^]{1}")[[1]]
nucl.loc <- str_locate_all(a, "[A-Z^]{1}")[[1]][, 1]
MDtag <- character(nchar(a))
MDtag[numbers.loc] <- numbers
MDtag[nucl.loc] <- nucl
# remove empty and ^ positions
MDtag <- MDtag[(MDtag != "" & MDtag != "^")]
# extract MDtag as numbers
if (length(MDtag) == 1) {
nucl.num <- as.integer(MDtag)
} else {
nucl.num <- numeric(length(MDtag))
nucl.num[MDtag %in% c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")] <- 1
if (sum(nucl.num != 1) == length(numbers)) {
nucl.num[nucl.num != 1] <- as.integer(numbers)
} else {
message("I don't understand this error")
return(list(MDtag = MDtag, nucl.num = nucl.num))
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