#' Calculate ASM Score
#' This function takes in a list of samples resulting from the read_tuples
#' function and returns a SummarizedExperiment of Allele-Specific Methylation
#' (ASM) scores, where each row is a tuple and each column is a sample.
#' Calculates ASM score for a list of samples in the output format of the result
#' of read_tuples This functions uses the following other functions: process,
#' calcScore, calcWeight.
#' @param sampleList List of samples returned from \code{\link{read_tuples}}
#' @param beta The beta parameter used to calculate the weight in the ASM score.
#' \code{link{calc_weight}} uses this parameter to penalize fully methylated
#' or unmethylated tuples. Default = 0.5.
#' @param verbose If the function should be verbose. Default = TRUE.
#' @param a The distance from 0.5 allowed, where 0.5 is a perfect MM:UU balance
#' for a tuple. In the default mode this value is set to 0.2, and we account
#' for the instances where the balance is between 0.3 and 0.7.
#' @param transform Transform the calculated tuple ASM scores. We use the
#' modulus square root function which outputs the square root, while
#' preserving the original sign.
#' @param coverage Remove tuples with total reads below coverage. Default
#' = 5.
#' @return A \code{SummarizedExperiment} of ASM scores where the rows are all
#' the tuples and the columns the sample names.
#' @examples
#' DATA_PATH_DIR <- system.file('extdata', '.', package = 'DAMEfinder')
#' get_data_path <- function(file_name) file.path(DATA_PATH_DIR, file_name)
#' tuple_files <- list.files(DATA_PATH_DIR, '.tsv.gz')
#' tuple_files <- get_data_path(tuple_files)
#' ASM <- read_tuples(tuple_files, c('CRC1', 'NORM1'))
#' ASMscore <- calc_asm(ASM)
#' @export
calc_asm <- function(sampleList, beta = 0.5, a = 0.2, transform = modulus_sqrt,
coverage = 5, verbose = TRUE) {
if (!is.vector(sampleList))
stop("Input is not a list of more than one tibble")
if (verbose)
message("Calculating log odds.")
sampleList <- lapply(sampleList, calc_logodds)
if (verbose)
message("Calculating ASM score: ", appendLF = FALSE)
sampleList <- lapply(sampleList, function(u) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
calc_score(u, beta = beta, a = a)
if (verbose)
message(" done.")
if (verbose)
message("Creating position pair keys: ", appendLF = FALSE)
# get key of unique tuples
all_keys <- lapply(sampleList, function(u) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
paste0(u$chr, ".", u$pos1, ".", u$pos2)
key <- unique(unlist(all_keys))
if (verbose)
message(" done.")
# get matrix of ASM scores across all samples
if (verbose)
message("Assembling table: ", appendLF = FALSE)
asm <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
rownames(asm) <- key
colnames(asm) <- names(sampleList)
if (verbose)
message(" done.")
if (verbose)
asm <- transform(asm)
# get matrix of coverage, and tuple methylation
if (verbose)
message("Assembling coverage tables: ", appendLF = FALSE)
tot.coverage <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
# MM
MM <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
# MU
MU <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
# UM
UM <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
# UU
UU <- mapply(function(df, k) {
if (verbose)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
m <- match(key, k)
}, sampleList, all_keys)
# Get ranges
ss <- limma::strsplit2(rownames(asm), ".", fixed = TRUE)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(ss[, 1], IRanges::IRanges(as.numeric(ss[,
2]), as.numeric(ss[, 3])))
names(gr) <- rownames(asm)
gr$midpt <- floor((GenomicRanges::start(gr) + GenomicRanges::end(gr))/2)
# Build object
sa <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(
assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(asm = asm,
cov = tot.coverage, MM = MM, MU = MU, UM = UM, UU = UU),
rowRanges = gr)
# filter by coverage
filt <- rowSums(!, "cov")) &
SummarizedExperiment::assay(sa, "cov") >= coverage) ==
sa <- sa[filt, ]
gr <- gr[filt]
if (verbose)
message("Returning SummarizedExperiment with ", nrow(asm),
" CpG pairs", appendLF = FALSE)
o <- order(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(sa), gr$midpt)
#' Calculate score
#' This function calculates the ASM score for every tuple in a given sample. The
#' ASM score is a multiplication of the log odds ratio by a weight that reflects
#' the extent of allele-specific methylation. This weight is obtained with the
#' \code{\link{calc_weight}} function.
#' @param beta parameter for the \code{calc_weight} function. It's the alpha and
#' beta values for the Beta function.
#' @param a parameter for the calc_weight function. The weight will be the
#' probability that the MM/(MM+UU) ratio lies between 0.5-a and 0.5+a.
#' @param df data frame of a sample containing all information per tuple
#' (MM,UU,UM and MU counts, as well as the log odds ratio per tuple) needed
#' for the ASM score.
#' @details This function returns an allele-specific methylation (ASM) score for
#' every given tuple in a sample. The ASM score is a product of the log odds
#' ratio and a weight reflecting a measure of allele-specificity using the MM
#' and UU counts.
#' @return The same object with an additional column for the ASM score.
calc_score <- function(df, beta = 0.5, a = 0.2) {
weights <- calc_weight(df$MM, df$UU, beta = beta, a = a)
df$asm_score <- df$logodds * weights
#' Calculate the log odds ratio
#' This function calculates the log odds ratio for a CpG tuple:
#' \code{(MM*UU)/(UM*MU)}, where 'M' stands for methylated and 'U' for
#' unmethylated. 'MM' reflects the count for instances the CpG pair is
#' methylated at both positions. The higher the MM and UU counts for that CpG
#' pair, the higher the log odds ratio.
#' @param s A data frame that contains the MM,UU,UM, and MU counts for each CpG
#' tuple for a particular sample. It is the resulting object of the
#' \code{read_tuples}.
#' @param eps Count added to each of the MM,UU,UM and MU counts to avoid
#' dividing by zero for example. The default is set to 1.
#' @return The same object is returned with an additional column for the log
#' odds ratio.
calc_logodds <- function(s, eps = 1) {
MM <- UU <- MU <- UM <- NULL
ratio <- with(s, ((MM + eps) * (UU + eps))/((MU + eps) *
(UM + eps)))
s$logodds <- log10(ratio)
#' Get Modulus Square Root
#' Function to calculate signed square root (aka modulus square root).
#' @param values Vector or matrix of ASM scores where each column is a sample.
#' These values are transformed with a square root transformation that
#' (doesn't) preserve the sign.
#' @return Vector or matrix of transformed scores.
modulus_sqrt <- function(values) {
# sign(values)*sqrt(abs(values))
#' Calculate Weight for ASM Score
#' This function calculates a weight which reflects MM to UU balance, where M
#' stands for methylated and U for unmethylated. Given the MM and UU counts for
#' a particular tuple, the weight is obtained using the \code{link{pbeta}}
#' function.
#' @param beta parameter for the beta distribution. In B(alpha,beta), we set
#' alpha=beta=0.5 by default.
#' @param MM The read counts for where pos1 and pos2 of the tuple were both
#' methylated.
#' @param UU The read counts for where pos1 and pos2 of the tuple were both
#' unmethylated.
#' @param a parameter for how far from 0.5 we go as a measure of allele-specific
#' methylation. The weight is the probability that the MM:(MM+UU) ratio is
#' between 0.5-a and 0.5+a. The default is set to 0.2.
#' @details For a given tuple with MM and UU counts, the weight that reflects
#' allele-scpecificity is calculated as follows:
#' - Prior:\deqn{p(\theta|\alpha,\beta) \sim Beta(\alpha,\beta),} where
#' \eqn{\theta = \frac{MM}{MM+UU}} and \eqn{\alpha = \beta = 0.5}.
#' \eqn{p(\theta|\alpha,\beta)} represents our prior belief which is that
#' tuples are either fully methylated or fully unmethylated, rather than
#' allele-specifically methylated which is a much rarer event.
#' - Likelihood: \deqn{p(x|\alpha,\beta) \propto \theta^{MM}(1-\theta)^{UU},}
#' where x is our observation (the MM and UU counts).
#' - Posterior:\deqn{p(\theta|x) \propto p(x|\theta)*p(\theta|\alpha,\beta)}
#' \deqn{p(\theta|x) \propto \theta^{MM-0.5}(1-\theta)^{UU-0.5},}
#' where \eqn{\alpha = \beta = 0.5}. This posterior also follows a beta
#' distribution \eqn{\sim Beta(\alpha'=MM+0.5, \beta'=UU+0.5)}
#' @md
#' @return A number that reflects allele-specificity given MM and UU counts for
#' a CpG pair. This is used as a weight that is multiplied by the log odds
#' ratio to give the final ASM score of that tuple.
#' #calc_weight(MM=50, UU=50)
#' #0.9999716
#' #calc_weight(MM=20, UU=60)
#' #0.1646916
calc_weight <- function(MM, UU, beta = 0.5, a = 0.2) {
s1 <- beta + MM
s2 <- beta + UU
stats::pbeta(0.5 + a, shape1 = s1, shape2 = s2) - stats::pbeta(0.5 -
a, shape1 = s1, shape2 = s2)
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