# CrisprRun class definition -----
#'@title CrisprRun class
#'@description A ReferenceClass container for a single sample of alignments narrowed
#'to a target region. Typically CrisprRun objects will not be accessed directly,
#'but if necessary via a CrisprSet class which contains a list of CrisprRun objects.
#'Note that the CrispRVariants plotting functions don't work on CrisprRun objects.
#'@param bam a GAlignments object containing (narrowed) alignments to the target region.
#' Filtering of the bam should generally be done before initialising a CrisprRun object
#'@param target The target location, a GRanges object
#'@param genome.ranges A GRangesList of genomic coordinates for the cigar operations.
#' If bam is a standard GAlignments object, this is equivalent to
#' cigarRangesAlongReferenceSpace + start(bam)
#'@param rc (reverse complement) Should the alignments be reverse complemented,
#'i.e. displayed with respect to the negative strand? (Default: FALSE)
#'@param name A name for this set of reads, used in plots if present (Default: NULL)
#'@param chimeras Off-target chimeric alignments not in bam. (Default: empty)
#'@param verbose Print information about initialisation progress (Default: FALSE)
#'@field alns A GAlignments object containing the narrowed reads. Note that if the alignments
#'are represented with respect to the reverse strand, the "start" remains with repect to the
#'forward strand, whilst the cigar and the sequence are reverse complemented.
#'@field name The name of the sample
#'@field cigar_labels A vector of labels for the reads, based on the cigar strings,
#'optionally renumbered with respect to a new zero point (e.g. the cut site) and
#'shortened to only insertion and deletion locations.
#'Set at initialisation of a CrisprSet object, but not at
#'initialisation of a CrisprRun object.
#'@field chimeras Chimeric, off-target alignments corresponding to alignments in alns
#'@seealso \code{\link{CrisprSet}}
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'# readsToTarget with signature("GAlignments", "GRanges") returns a
#'# CrisprRun object
#'bam_fname <- system.file("extdata", "gol_F1_clutch_1_embryo_1_s.bam",
#' package = "CrispRVariants")
#'param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = c("seq", "flag"))
#'alns <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bam_fname, param = param,
#' use.names = TRUE)
#'reference <- Biostrings::DNAString("GGTCTCTCGCAGGATGTTGCTGG")
#'gd <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("18", IRanges::IRanges(4647377, 4647399), strand = "+")
#'crispr_run <- readsToTarget(alns, target = gd, reference = reference,
#' name = "Sample name", target.loc = 17)
#'# Alternatively, CrisprRun objects can be accessed from a CrisprSet object
#'# e.g. crispr_set$crispr_runs[[1]]
#'@export CrisprRun
#'@exportClass CrisprRun
CrisprRun = setRefClass(
Class = "CrisprRun",
fields = c(alns = "GAlignments",
name = "character",
cigar_labels = "character",
chimeras = "GAlignments",
chimera_combs = "data.frame")
) # -----
# CrisprRun initializer -----
initialize = function(bam, target, rc = FALSE, name = NULL,
chimeras = GenomicAlignments::GAlignments(),
verbose = FALSE){
# If no name is provided, use the coordinates
if (is.null(name)){
name <<- sprintf("%s:%s-%s", seqnames(target), start(target), end(target))
} else { name <<- name}
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
message(sprintf("\nInitialising CrisprRun %s\n", .self$name))
alns <<- bam
chimeras <<- chimeras
chimera_combs <<- .self$.splitChimeras()
if (length(bam) == 0) { return() }
# recalculate genome.ranges in case of keep_unpaired = FALSE, not tested
.self$getInsertionSeqs(target = target)
}, # -----
# show -----
show = function(){
print(c(class(.self), sprintf("CrisprRun object named %s, with %s on target alignments.",
.self$name, length(.self$alns)), .self$alns))
}, # ------
# getInsertionSeqs -----
getInsertionSeqs = function(target){
Return a table relating insertion sequences to alignment indices
Input parameters:
df <- getInsertionsTable(.self$alns, pos = start(target))
if (is.null(df)) {return(NULL)}
df$label <- .self$cigar_labels[df$idx]
agg <- aggregate(df[,4], by = df[,c(1:3,5)], c, simplify=FALSE)
agg$count <- lengths(agg$x)
colnames(agg) <- c("start", "seq", "genomic_start",
"cigar_label", "idxs", "count")
}, # -----
# .checkNonempty -----
.checkNonempty = function(){
if (length(.self$alns) == 0){
message("No on target alignments")
}, # -----
# splitChimeras -----
.splitChimeras = function(){
splits <- split(cigar(.self$chimeras), names(.self$chimeras))
if (length(splits) == 0) return(data.frame())
combination <- sapply(splits, base::paste, collapse=";")
tt <-
tt <- tt[order(tt$Freq, decreasing = TRUE),]
}, # -----
# getCigarLabels -----
getCigarLabels = function(target, target.loc, genome_to_target, ref,
separate.snv, rc, match.label, mismatch.label,
keep.ops = c("I","D","N"),
upstream = min(target.loc, 8),
downstream = min(6, width(ref) - target.loc + 1),
regions = NULL, snv.regions = NULL){
Sets the "cig_labels" field, returns the cigar labels.
Input parameters:
target: (GRanges) the counting region.
target.loc: The location of the cut site with respect to the target
genome_to_target: A vector with names being genomic locations and values
being locations with respect to the cut site
separate.snv: Should single nucleotide variants be called?
(Default: TRUE)
match.label: Label for non-variant reads (Default: no variant)
mismatch.label: Label for single nucleotide variants (Default: SNV)
rc: Should the variants be displayed with respect to the
negative strand? (Default: FALSE)
keep.ops: CIGAR operations to remain in the variant label
(usually indels)
upstream: distance upstream of the cut site to call SNVs
downstream: distance downstream of the cut site to call SNVs
regions: IRanges(k) Regions for counting insertions and
deletions. Insertions on the right border are not
snv.regions Regions for calling SNVS'
# target.loc is wrt reference sequence, -ve if ref is -ve
# upstream and downstream defined wrt the targt.loc
# Find indels
labels <- indelLabels(.self$alns, rc, = genome_to_target)
relative_start <- max(1, target.loc - upstream + 1)
relative_end <- min(target.loc + downstream, nchar(ref))
regions <- IRanges(relative_start, relative_end)
# Find snvs
if (any(labels == "") & isTRUE(separate.snv)){
mm_labs <- mismatchLabels(.self$alns[labels == ""], target, ref,
regions = IRanges(relative_start, relative_end), = genome_to_target)
labels[labels == ""] <- mm_labs
# Remaining are either no variant or partial
# Adjust cigar for partial alignments
spans <- width(.self$alns) == nchar(ref)
labels[labels == "" & spans] <- match.label
labels[labels == "" & !spans] <- cigar(.self$alns)[labels == "" & ! spans]
.self$field("cigar_labels", labels)
mcols(.self$alns)$"allele" = labels
## Adjust cigar for partial alignments
#spans <- width(.self$alns) == nchar(ref)
#temp[ops_per_aln == 0 & spans] <- match.label
#temp[ops_per_aln == 0 & ! spans] <- cigs[ops_per_aln == 0 & ! spans]
# Check if partial alns starting from different places have same labels
#strts <- start(.self$alns)[ops_per_aln == 0 & ! spans]
#temp <- split(strts, renamed[ops_per_aln == 0 & ! spans])
#if (! all(lengths(lapply(temp, unique)) == 1) ){
# rn <- unlist(renamed[ops_per_aln == 0 & ! spans])
# gen_strt <- genome_to_target[as.character(unlist(temp))]
} # -----
# .splitNonIndel -----
# .splitNonIndel = function(ref, cig_labels, rc, match_label = "no variant",
# mismatch_label = "SNV", cut_site = 17,
# upstream = 8, downstream = 6){
# # NOTE: SNVS not called in partial alignments
# # Only consider mismatches up to (upstream) to the left of the cut and
# # (downstream) to the right of the cut
# # The cut site is between cut_site and cut_site + 1
# upstream = min(cut_site, upstream)
# downstream = min(downstream, nchar(ref) - cut_site)
# is_match <- cig_labels == match_label
# # If negative strand, rc reference for checking identity
# # Sequences are later reverse complemented to match the ref
# test_ref <- ref
# if(isTRUE(rc)){ test_ref <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(test_ref)}
# no_var <- which(is_match & mcols(.self$alns)$seq != test_ref)
# if (length(no_var) == 0) return(cig_labels)
# if ((cut_site-upstream + 1) < 0 | (cut_site + downstream) > length(ref)){
# stop("Specified range for detecting SNVs is greater than target range")
# }
# snv_range <- c((cut_site-upstream + 1):(cut_site + downstream))
# sqs <- mcols(.self$alns)$seq[no_var]
# if (isTRUE(rc)) sqs <- reverseComplement(sqs)
# no_var_seqs <- as.matrix(sqs)
# no_var_seqs <- no_var_seqs[,snv_range, drop = FALSE]
# rr <- strsplit(as.character(ref[snv_range]), "")[[1]]
# result <- apply(no_var_seqs, 1, function(x){
# snvs <- which((x != rr & x != "N")) - upstream - 1
# snvs[snvs >= 0] <- snvs[snvs >= 0] + 1
# sprintf("%s:%s", mismatch_label, paste(snvs, collapse = ","))
# })
# result[result == sprintf("%s:", mismatch_label)] <- match_label
# cig_labels[no_var] <- result
# cig_labels
# } # -----
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