# $Id: createChrMatrix.R 2073 2009-10-05 17:54:40Z tfrayner $
createChrMatrix <- function(data,
strand = c('forward','reverse','both'),
subset = NULL,
start = 1,
interval = ceiling((end-start)/500)) {
getData <- function(sample, chr, allx, strands) {
z <- lapply(strands,
function(x) {
## N.B. if allx[[x]] is NA tapply will ignore it.
tapply(sample[[chr]][[x]]$y, allx[[x]], mean)
z <- unlist(z)
z <- z[order(as.numeric(names(z)))]
if ( ! inherits(data, 'ChrStrandData') )
stop("Error: data must be a ChrStrandData object, e.g. the output of makeChrStrandData()")
strand <- match.arg(strand)
if ( ! (length(strand) <= 2 && length(strand) >= 1) )
stop("Error: Required strand argument can only be one or two elements long.")
if ( start > end )
stop("Error: end position must be greater than start position.")
if ( end - start <= interval )
stop("Error: interval must be smaller than the distance between start and end.")
sampledata <- data@data
if ( is.null( subset ) )
subset <- 1:length(sampledata)
chr <- as.character(chr)
## Generate the matrix to be plotted.
query.strands <- c()
if ( strand == 'both' ) {
query.strands <- c('posS','negS')
else {
query.strands <- unlist(lapply(strand, switch, forward='posS', reverse='negS'))
## Sample 1 is used as the standard for x coordinates
allx <- lapply(query.strands, function(x) { sampledata[[1]][[chr]][[x]]$x } )
names(allx) <- query.strands
if ( is.null(allx) )
stop("Error: no data for this chromosome")
## Here we surreptitiously add 1 to any reverse strand coords which
## share a coordinate with the forward strand. We have to do this
## because later we assume there are no collisions. Possible bug:
## if the colliding coordinate corresponds to the first of two
## adjacent forward strand coordinates (this seems unlikely though).
if ( strand == 'both' ) {
shared <- allx[[2]] %in% allx[[1]]
allx[[2]][ shared ] <- allx[[2]][ shared ] + 1
allxends <- lapply(query.strands, function(x) { sampledata[[1]][[chr]][[x]]$xe } )
names(allxends) <- query.strands
## The core data matrix ("data.mat") is built here.
sampledata <- sampledata[subset]
data.mat <- getData(sampledata[[1]], chr, allx, query.strands)
for (sample in sampledata[-1])
data.mat <- rbind(data.mat, getData(sample, chr, allx, query.strands))
## Combine all probe IDs for each x coordinate.
probeIds <- lapply(query.strands,
function(x) {
## N.B. if allx[[x]] is NA tapply will ignore it.
tapply(names(allx[[x]]), allx[[x]], paste, collapse=';')
probeIds <- unlist(probeIds)
probeIds <- probeIds[order(as.numeric(names(probeIds)))]
## Sort the X coordinates and remove any NAs (N.B. data.mat and
## probeIds have both had values linked to allx==NA removed by
## tapply(), so this is valid).
allx <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(allx)))
allxends <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(allxends)))
## End coordinates are divided up according to their corresponding
## start coords.
endcoords <- unlist(lapply(split(allxends, allx), mean))
coords <- as.numeric(unique(na.omit(allx)))
if ( ! length(coords) == length(endcoords) )
stop("Error: mismatch between CHRLOC and CHRLOCEND data.")
if ( any( endcoords < coords ) )
stop("Error: some CHRLOCENDs are smaller than the CHRLOCs.")
if ( ! length(coords) == ncol(data.mat) )
stop("Error: mismatch between CHRLOC and the data matrix dimensions.")
## Map the data.mat, via coords, onto a new matrix representing the
## actual chromosome coordinates. Data is binned according to the
## "interval" attribute.
## Define our breaks. This is designed to give an irregular
## distribution where genes bigger than the interval are kept
## intact.
breaks <- coords[1]
running <- 0
for ( n in 2:length(coords) ) {
seg.length <- coords[n] - coords[n-1]
if ( seg.length + running < interval ) {
## Region not big enough yet; skip to the next gene.
running <- running + seg.length
} else {
## Region is big enough; record the following start coord.
breaks <- append(breaks, coords[n])
running <- 0
breaks <- append(breaks, endcoords[length(endcoords)])
## Cut the data.mat and probeIds objects according to those breaks.
bins <- cut(coords, breaks, right=FALSE)
## Filter out bins on either side of the region of interest
## (tapply will ignore NA bins). Only remove regions which are
## entirely outwith the start-end interval.
s <- tapply(coords, bins, min)
e <- tapply(endcoords, bins, max)
bins[bins %in% levels(bins)[s>=end | e<=start]] <- NA
bins <- factor(bins)
if( all( ) ) {
new.mat <- matrix(rep(as.numeric(NA), nrow(data.mat)),
coords <- start
endcoords <- end
probeIds <- NA
} else {
## Calculate means for the bins (and also probeIds).
new.mat <- matrix(t(apply(data.mat, 1, tapply, bins, mean)),
## Annotate with x, xe, probeIds.
coords <- tapply(coords, bins, min)
endcoords <- tapply(endcoords, bins, max)
probeIds <- tapply(probeIds, bins, paste, collapse=';')
rownames(new.mat) <- names(sampledata)
names(probeIds) <- coords
stopifnot(! is.unsorted(coords) )
stopifnot(! is.unsorted(endcoords) )
## Final run through to make sure that all bands are at least
## "interval" in width (otherwise very small bands drop out of the
## display due to pixel width limits). Note that overlapping
## sections will be dealt with in drawMapDendro.
endcoords <- ifelse( endcoords - coords < interval, coords + interval, endcoords )
## Sanity check
if ( ncol(new.mat) == 0 )
stop("Error: at least one probe needed on each strand in the specified chromosome region.")
stopifnot( length(probeIds) == ncol(new.mat) )
## Set the probeID, start and end attributes.
chr.mat <- new('ChrStrandMatrix',
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