# Export a Boolean network <network> to an sbml-qual file <fileName>.
# This file can then be read in again using CellNoptR
writeLogic <- function(gene, inputs, t_name, t_count, logic, f, signs){
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t </qual:listOfInputs>\n")
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t <qual:listOfOutputs>\n")
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t\t <qual:output qual:qualitativeSpecies=\"", gene ,"\" qual:transitionEffect=\"assignmentLevel\"/>\n",sep = "")
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t </qual:listOfOutputs>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t<qual:listOfFunctionTerms>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t<qual:defaultTerm qual:resultLevel=\"0\"/>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t<qual:functionTerm qual:resultLevel=\"1\">\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t<math xmlns=\"\">\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<apply>\n")
count = 1
if (length(inputs)!=0){
if (length(inputs)>1)
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<", logic, "/>\n",sep = "")
for (i in inputs){
full_name <- ""
full_name <- paste0("theta_", t_name, "_", i ,sep='')
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<apply>\n")
if (signs[count] == 'positive')
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<geq/>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<lt/>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ci>" , i , "</ci>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ci>" , full_name , "</ci>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</apply>\n")
count = count + 1
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</apply>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t\t</math>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t\t</qual:functionTerm>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t\t</qual:listOfFunctionTerms>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t</qual:transition>\n")
if (logic == "and")
t_count = t_count + 1
toSBML <- function(network, file, bitString = c(rep(1,length(network$reacID))),version=c("standard","cellnopt"))
version = match.arg(version)
toSBMLStandard(network=network, file=file, bitString = bitString)
if (!requireNamespace("stringi", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("stringi needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
network = cutModel(network, bitString)
# generate a network identifier from the file name
id <- sub(".sbml", "", basename(file), fixed=TRUE)
id <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+","_",id)
# open a string connection
output <- NULL
f <- textConnection("output", encoding="UTF-8", open="w", local=TRUE)
# write document header
cat(file=f, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
cat(file=f, "<sbml xmlns=\"\" level=\"3\" version=\"1\" xmlns:qual=\"\" qual:required=\"true\">\n")
cat(file=f, "\t<model id=\"", id , "\">\n", sep="")
# write default compartment
cat(file=f, "\t\t<listOfCompartments>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t<compartment id=\"default\" constant=\"true\"/>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t\t</listOfCompartments>\n")
# write genes
geneList <- NULL
cat(file=f, "\t\t<qual:listOfQualitativeSpecies>\n")
for (gene in network$namesSpecies)
Input_interaction <- which(network$interMat[gene,] == 1)
Output_Interaction <- which(network$interMat[gene,] == -1)
if (length(Input_interaction) == 0 && length(Output_Interaction) == 0)next
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t<qual:qualitativeSpecies qual:id =\"", gene, "\" qual:compartment=\"main\"",
" qual:constant=\"false\"/>\n", sep = "")
geneList <- c(geneList, gene)
cat(file=f, "\t\t</qual:listOfQualitativeSpecies>\n")
# write transition functions
cat(file=f, "\t\t<qual:listOfTransitions>\n")
t_count = 1
for (gene in geneList)
#keep track of all interaction for a gene
all_interactions <- which(network$interMat[gene,] == 1)
or_interaction = c()
and_interaction = c()
#write all OR interactions
t_name <- ""
t_name = paste0("t", t_count, sep='')
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t<qual:transition qual:id=\"", t_name , "\">\n",sep = "")
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t <qual:listOfInputs> \n")
orSigns <- c()
for (i in all_interactions){
int_name <- colnames(network$interMat)[i]
if (grepl("+", int_name,fixed = TRUE) == TRUE) {
and_interaction = c(and_interaction,int_name)
sign <- "positive"
LHS <- unlist(strsplit(int_name,split = "="))[1] #input
if (substr(LHS,1,1) == "!"){
sign <- "negative"
LHS <- stringi::stri_sub(LHS,2)
or_interaction = c(or_interaction, LHS)
orSigns <- c(orSigns, sign)
RHS <- unlist(strsplit(int_name,split = "="))[2] #gene -- output
full_name <- ""
full_name <- paste0("theta_", t_name, "_",LHS,sep='')
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t\t <qual:input qual:id=\"", full_name ,
"\" qual:qualitativeSpecies=\"", LHS, "\" qual:transitionEffect=\"none\" qual:sign=\"", sign, "\" qual:thresholdLevel=\"1\"/>\n",sep = "")
#write the logical headers for the OR transitions
writeLogic(gene,or_interaction,t_name, t_count, "or", f, orSigns)
#if there are AND interactions, create new transition
if (length(and_interaction)==0)
t_count = t_count + 1
for (i in and_interaction){
t_count = t_count + 1
and_list = c()
andSigns = c()
t_name <- ""
t_name = paste0("t", t_count, sep='')
cat(file=f, "\t\t\t<qual:transition qual:id=\"", t_name , "\">\n",sep = "")
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t <qual:listOfInputs> \n")
tmp = unlist(strsplit(i,split = "="))[1] #input
LHS = unlist(strsplit(tmp,split = "+",fixed = TRUE))
for (input in LHS){
sign <- "positive"
if(substr(input,1,1) == "!"){
input = stringi::stri_sub(input,2)
sign <- "negative"
and_list = c(and_list,input)
andSigns = c(andSigns, sign)
full_name <- ""
full_name <- paste0("theta_", t_name, "_", input, sep='')
cat(file=f,"\t\t\t\t\t <qual:input qual:id=\"", full_name ,
"\" qual:qualitativeSpecies=\"",input,"\" qual:transitionEffect=\"none\" qual:sign=\"", sign, "\" qual:thresholdLevel=\"1\"/>\n",sep = "")
t_count = writeLogic(gene,and_list,t_name, t_count, "and", f, andSigns)
# finish document
cat(file=f, "\t\t</qual:listOfTransitions>\n")
cat(file=f, "\t</model>\n")
cat(file=f, "</sbml>\n")
# open file and write the complete XML string
f <- file(file, encoding="UTF-8", open="w")
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