# library(data.table)
# library(plyr)
# library(dplyr)
# library(tidyr)
# library(readr)
#' Read network from BNET file
#' @param filename BNET file. The file is a tab delimited file with two columns,
#' `targets` and `factors`. `factors` contains the logic rule and `targets` the node
#' activated by the logic rule.
#' @return CellNOpt network
#' @author Luis Tobalina
readBNET <- function(filename){
if (!requireNamespace("plyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"plyr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"dplyr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("tidyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"tidyr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!requireNamespace("readr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Package \"readr\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
warning("experimental BNET reader. Use with care (February 2018).")
bnet <- data.table::fread(filename, header=TRUE)
# count number of `and` gates in each logic rule
bnet <- bnet %>% rowwise() %>%
mutate(i_and_gates = (nchar(factors) - nchar(gsub("&", "", factors, perl=TRUE))))
# count how many `and` gates have appeared up to the current rule
bnet <- bnet %>% transform(i_and_gates = c(0, i_and_gates[-nrow(bnet)])) %>%
mutate(i_and_gates = cumsum(i_and_gates))
# parse each logic rule
sif <- bnet %>% rowwise() %>%
do(sif_df = build_sif_table_from_rule(.$factors, .$targets, last_and_num=.$i_and_gates)$sif_str) %>%
unnest() %>%
# use `readSIF()` to get the network ready for CellNOpt
fh <- tempfile()
write.table(sif$sif_df, file=fh,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
model <- readSIF(fh)
#' Read network from BND file
#' BND is a file format used by MaBoSS to store the boolean network definition.
#' The reader works if the logic for the activation of the node is stated withing the parameter `logic` of the node.
#' An example file can be found in ``.
#' @param filename BND file.
#' @return CellNOpt network
#' @author Luis Tobalina
readBND <- function(filename){
required_pcks = list("plyr","dplyr","tidyr","readr")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(required_pcks,function(str) {require(str,character.only = TRUE)})))){
print("the following packages need to be installed to use readBND:")
print("Please, install the packages manually for this feature.")
warning("experimental BND reader. Use with care (July 2018).")
bnd <- read_file(filename)
# remove all line breaks
bnd <- gsub("\\n", "", bnd, perl=TRUE)
# remove parenthesis enclosing a single node (which is composed of alphanumeric characters and "_")
bnd <- gsub("\\((!?[[:alnum:]|_]*)\\)", "\\1", bnd, perl=TRUE)
# get the information in bnet format
targets <- regmatches(bnd, gregexpr("(?<=Node ).*?(?= {)", bnd, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
factors <- regmatches(bnd, gregexpr("(?<=logic = ).*?(?=;)", bnd, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
bnet <- data.frame(targets, factors)
# use `readBNET()` to get the network ready for CellNOpt
fh <- tempfile()
write.table(bnet, file=fh,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
model <- readBNET(fh)
# logic rule parser written following explanation of boolean expression evaluator in:
# also of interest:
# Unless the boolean expression is written in Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF), in order
# to get a correct `*.sif` file we will need to process the first interpretation we do of
# the tree into sif format.
#' Build a SIF table from a logic rule written in a string
#' @param rule_str String containing the rule to be parsed
#' @param target Name of the node affected by the rule
#' @param last_and_num If the rule contains `and` gates, their numeration will start after the number provided here (default is 0)
#' @return data.frame with the network structure derived from the rule.
#' The column `sif_str` contains the string that can be written to a file
#' and then read with `readSIF()` in order to load a CellNOpt compatible network.
#' @examples
#' CellNOptR:::build_sif_table_from_rule("B & (C | D)", "A", last_and_num=2)
#' test_rule <- list()
#' test_rule[[1]] <- "AMP_ATP | (ATM & ATR) | HIF1 | !(EGFR | FGFR3)"
#' test_rule[[2]] <- "A & ((B | C) & !(D & E))"
#' test_rule[[3]] <- "A & B | C"
#' test_rule[[4]] <- "A & B & C"
#' test_rule[[5]] <- "A & (B | C)"
#' test_rule[[6]] <- "(A | B) & (C | D)"
#' test_rule[[7]] <- "!(C & D) | (E & F)"
#' test_rule[[8]] <- "(A | B) & (C | !D) & (E | F)"
#' parsed_rule <- list()
#' for (i in c(1:length(test_rule))){
#' parsed_rule[[i]] <- CellNOptR:::build_sif_table_from_rule(test_rule[[i]], "T")
#' }
build_sif_table_from_rule <- function(rule_str, target, last_and_num=0) {
required_pcks = list("plyr","dplyr","tidyr","readr")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(required_pcks,function(str) {require(str,character.only = TRUE)})))){
print("the following packages need to be installed to use readBND:")
print("Please, install the packages manually for this feature.")
# remove all whitespaces
rule_str <- gsub(" ", "", rule_str)
# split rule in its different atomic components
tokens <- strsplit(rule_str, "(?=[\\|\\&\\(\\)!])", perl=TRUE)[[1]]
# the next set of variables will be used and/or modified by the inner functions
current_token_pos <- 0
symbol <- ""
root <- ""
negation_flag <- FALSE
sif_str <- ""
sif_list <- list()
or_list <- list()
and_list <- list()
not_list <- list()
sif_num <- 0
or_num <- 0
and_num <- last_and_num
not_num <- 0
# This function is used to retrieve the next token from the rule string
get_next_token <- function(){
current_token_pos <<- current_token_pos + 1
#cat("\n", current_token_pos, tokens[current_token_pos], sep=" ")
if (current_token_pos<=length(tokens)){
symbol <<- tokens[current_token_pos]
# apply de Morgan's Law if necessary
if (negation_flag){
if (symbol=="|"){
symbol <<- "&"
} else if (symbol=="&"){
symbol <<- "|"
} else {
symbol <<- ""
# helper function to parse each expression
get_expression <- function(){
while (symbol=="|") {
left_part <- root
right_part <- root
or_num <<- or_num + 1
or_list[[or_num]] <<- c(left_part, right_part)
root <<- paste("or", or_num, sep="")
sif_num <<- sif_num + 1
sif_list[[sif_num]] <<- c(left_part, right_part, root)
# helper function to parse each term
get_term <- function(){
while (symbol=="&") {
left_part <- root
right_part <- root
and_num <<- and_num + 1
and_list[[and_num]] <<- c(left_part, right_part)
root <<- paste("and", and_num, sep="")
sif_num <<- sif_num + 1
sif_list[[sif_num]] <<- c(left_part, right_part, root)
# helper function
get_factor <- function(){
if (symbol=="!") {
# negate next expression
negation_flag <<- !negation_flag
negation_flag <<- !negation_flag
# revert changes to & and | symbols if they where acquired before the reset of the negation flag
if (symbol=="|"){
symbol <<- "&"
} else if (symbol=="&"){
symbol <<- "|"
} else if (symbol=="(") {
} else if (symbol==")") {
# we don't care about ')'
} else{
if (negation_flag) {
symbol <<- paste("!", symbol, sep="")
root <<- symbol
# helper function to rename `and` or `or` gates (i.e. reset how they are numbered)
rename_gates <- function(sif_df, type, last_num=0){
if (!(type %in% c("and", "or"))){
stop("type should be \"and\" or \"or\".")
type_gates <- unique(c(sif_df$node_in, sif_df$node_out))
type_gates <- type_gates[grepl(paste("^", type, "\\d{1,}", sep=""), type_gates, perl=TRUE)]
if (length(type_gates)>0){
type_gates <- cbind(type_gates, paste("and", (c(1:length(type_gates))+last_num), sep=""))
type_gates <- data.frame(type_gates)
colnames(type_gates) <- c("old_name", "new_name")
type_gates <- type_gates %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
sif_df <- sif_df %>%
mutate(node_in = plyr::mapvalues(node_in, type_gates$old_name, type_gates$new_name, warn_missing=FALSE)) %>%
mutate(node_out = plyr::mapvalues(node_out, type_gates$old_name, type_gates$new_name, warn_missing=FALSE))
# helper function to simplify a chain of `and` or `or` gates
simplify_gates <- function(sif_df, type){
if (!(type %in% c("and", "or"))){
stop("type should be \"and\" or \"or\".")
type_pattern <- paste("^", type, "\\d{1,}", sep="")
while (any(grepl(type_pattern, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE) &
grepl(type_pattern, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE))){
consecutive_type_gates <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl(type_pattern, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE), grepl(type_pattern, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE))
sif_df <- sif_df %>%
mutate(node_in = plyr::mapvalues(node_in, consecutive_type_gates$node_in, consecutive_type_gates$node_out, warn_missing=FALSE)) %>%
mutate(node_out = plyr::mapvalues(node_out, consecutive_type_gates$node_in, consecutive_type_gates$node_out, warn_missing=FALSE)) %>%
# helper function to interpret the parsed expression stored in the `sif_list` variable as a data.frame
# `sif_list` contains the parsed expression in a tree like structure and this function takes care of making
# several simplifications until a SIF format friendly version is reached (i.e. no concatenated `and` nodes and
# no `or` nodes).
interpret_sif_list <- function(sif_list){
tree_df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(sif_list), nrow=length(sif_list), byrow=TRUE))
colnames(tree_df) <- c("left_part", "right_part", "root")
sif_df <- tree_df[,c("left_part", "root")]
colnames(sif_df) <- c("node_in", "node_out")
sif_df <- rbind(sif_df, setNames(tree_df[,c("right_part", "root")], names(sif_df)))
# add target
sif_df <- rbind(sif_df, data.frame(node_in=root, node_out=target))
sif_df <- sif_df %>% mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
# simplify cascade of "and" and "or" gates
sif_df <- simplify_gates(sif_df, "and")
#sif_df <- simplify_gates(sif_df, "or")
# we need to have the expression in disjunctive normal form (DNF)
# find if there are or gates (node_in) connected to and gates (node_out)
or_to_and_gates <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl("^or\\d{1,}", sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE), grepl("^and\\d{1,}", sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE))
while (dim(or_to_and_gates)[1]>0){
current_pair <- or_to_and_gates[1,]
or_group_df <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(num_or = 1) %>%
mutate(num_or = cumsum(num_or)) %>%
mutate(new_node_out = paste(current_pair$node_out, node_out, num_or, sep="_")) %>%
mutate(old_node_out = node_out) %>%
mutate(node_out = new_node_out)
and_group_df <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl(current_pair$node_out, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE) &
!grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(new_node_out = paste(c(or_group_df$new_node_out), collapse=",")) %>%
mutate(new_node_out = strsplit(as.character(new_node_out), ",")) %>%
unnest(new_node_out) %>%
mutate(old_node_out = node_out) %>%
mutate(node_out = new_node_out)
gate_group_df <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl(current_pair$node_out, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE) &
grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(new_node_out = node_in) %>%
mutate(new_node_in = paste(c(or_group_df$new_node_out), collapse=",")) %>%
mutate(new_node_in = strsplit(as.character(new_node_in), ",")) %>%
unnest(new_node_in) %>%
mutate(old_node_in = node_in) %>%
mutate(old_node_out = node_out) %>%
mutate(node_in = new_node_in) %>%
mutate(node_out = new_node_out)
root_group_df <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl(current_pair$node_out, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(new_node_in = current_pair$node_in) %>%
mutate(old_node_in = node_in) %>%
mutate(node_in = new_node_in)
new_sif_df_part <- rbind(or_group_df[,c("node_in", "node_out")],
and_group_df[,c("node_in", "node_out")],
gate_group_df[,c("node_in", "node_out")],
root_group_df[,c("node_in", "node_out")])
# if the or gate is connected to a different and gate than the one being processed now
# we will rename it in those instances so that we don't lose these connections when filtering
# the part of the dataframe that we are just about to change
if (nrow(or_to_and_gates %>% filter(node_in==current_pair$node_in))>1) {
duplicate_sif_df_part <- sif_df %>% filter((grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE) &
!grepl(current_pair$node_out, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE)) |
(grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE)))
or_num <<- or_num + 1
new_or_gate_name <- paste("or", or_num, sep="")
duplicate_sif_df_part <- duplicate_sif_df_part %>%
mutate(node_in = plyr::mapvalues(node_in, current_pair$node_in, new_or_gate_name, warn_missing=FALSE)) %>%
mutate(node_out = plyr::mapvalues(node_out, current_pair$node_in, new_or_gate_name, warn_missing=FALSE))
sif_df <- sif_df %>% filter(!(grepl(current_pair$node_in, sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE) &
!grepl(current_pair$node_out, sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE))) %>%
# substitute the corresponding part of sif_df with the newly calculated df
sif_df <- sif_df %>% filter(!((grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_in, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE)) |
(grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_out, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE) &
!grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_in, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)) |
(grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_out, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE) &
grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_in, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)) |
grepl(paste("^", current_pair$node_out, "$", sep=""), sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE)))
sif_df <- rbind(sif_df, new_sif_df_part)
sif_df <- sif_df %>% distinct()
# simplify cascade of "and" and "or" gates
sif_df <- simplify_gates(sif_df, "and")
sif_df <- simplify_gates(sif_df, "or")
# update list of or to and gates
or_to_and_gates <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl("^or\\d{1,}", sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE), grepl("^and\\d{1,}", sif_df$node_out, perl=TRUE))
sif_df <- rename_gates(sif_df, type="and", last_num=last_and_num)
# list or gates
or_gates <- sif_df %>% filter(grepl("^or\\d{1,}", node_out, perl=TRUE)) %>%
group_by(node_out) %>%
summarise(or_members = paste(node_in, collapse=",")) %>%
mutate(root = node_out) %>%
select(root, or_members) %>%
# substitute or gates by their inputs
while (any(grepl("^or\\d{1,}", sif_df$node_in, perl=TRUE))) {
sif_df <- sif_df %>% mutate(node_in = plyr::mapvalues(node_in, or_gates$root, or_gates$or_members, warn_missing=FALSE))
sif_df <- sif_df %>% filter(!grepl("^or\\d{1,}", node_out, perl=TRUE))
sif_df <- sif_df %>% mutate(node_in = strsplit(as.character(node_in), ",")) %>% unnest(node_in)
# helper function to write the column with the string for the SIF file
write_sif <- function(sif_df){
sif_df <- sif_df %>% mutate(sign1 = !grepl("^!", node_in, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(sign2 = !grepl("^!", node_out, perl=TRUE)) %>%
mutate(sign = ifelse(sign1 & sign2, "1", "-1")) %>%
mutate(sif_str = paste(node_in, sign, node_out, sep="\t")) %>%
mutate(sif_str = gsub("^!", "", sif_str, perl=TRUE))
# After having defined all the helper functions, we parse the input expression.
# if the rule only has one input (or a negated input), we output the sif format directly
if (length(tokens)==1){
sif_df <- data.frame(node_in=tokens, node_out=target)
sif_df <- write_sif(sif_df)
} else if (length(tokens)==2){
if (tokens[1]=="!"){
sif_df <- data.frame(node_in=paste("!", tokens[2], sep=""), node_out=target)
sif_df <- write_sif(sif_df)
# if there is more than one element, we parse the expression
sif_df <- interpret_sif_list(sif_list)
sif_df <- write_sif(sif_df)
#return(list(sif_df, sif_list))
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