# This file is part of the CNO software
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute
# File author(s): CNO developers (
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# CNO website:
compressModel<-function(model, indexes){
Model = model
#this will hold the indices of the species that we have to look at (i.e. not signal nor cue)
# TODO: proposed by Aidan fix.
if($inhibited[1])) {
species <- species[-c(indexes$signals,indexes$stimulated)]
} else {
species <- species[-c(indexes$signals,indexes$stimulated,indexes$inhibited)]
for(sp in species){
# Find all the reacs that come out of species sp
outReac <- which(Model$interMat[sp,] == -1)
# Find all the reacs that come into species sp
inReac <- which(Model$interMat[sp,] == 1)
# If the species doesn't have any output, we can't compress it, so we do sthg only if
#the species has one output minimum
if(length(outReac) != 0){
#If the species has only one input
if(length(inReac) == 1 && length(which(Model$interMat[,inReac] == -1)) == 1) {
#TODO aidan fix why was the second condition added?
# find the input element
input <- which(Model$interMat[,inReac] == -1)
# find the output elements
if(length(outReac) > 1) outputs <- apply(Model$interMat[,outReac],2,function(x) which(x == 1))
if(length(outReac) == 1) outputs <- which(Model$interMat[,outReac] == 1)
# check that the input is not an & gate, and that none of the downstream
# elements is the output element
if(length(input) == 1 && !any(outputs == input[1])
&& !any(abs(Model$interMat[,inReac] + Model$interMat[,outReac[1]]) > 1)) {
# TODO: fix properly: the case where the input is also part of an 'AND' gate in the output. outcome: don't compress
# need to create new reacs, that go from input to outputs, and to remove the old reacs
# Create the first one, that goes from input to the first output
reac2Remove <- c(inReac, outReac)
newReacs = matrix(NA, nrow=dim(Model$interMat)[1], ncol=length(outReac))
rownames(newReacs) = Model$namesSpecies
newNots = matrix(NA, nrow=dim(Model$notMat)[1], ncol=length(outReac))
rownames(newNots) = Model$namesSpecies
newReacIDs = rep(NA, length(outReac))
for(r in 1:length(outReac)) {
newReacs[,r] <- Model$interMat[,inReac] + Model$interMat[,outReac[r]]
# TODO: check this?
newNots[,r] <- Model$notMat[,outReac[r]]
if(Model$notMat[sp,outReac[r]] == 1 && Model$notMat[which(Model$interMat[,inReac]==-1),inReac]==1)
newNots[input,r] <- 0
if(Model$notMat[sp,outReac[r]] == 0 && Model$notMat[which(Model$interMat[,inReac]==-1),inReac]==0)
newNots[input,r] <- 0
if(Model$notMat[sp,outReac[r]] == 1 && Model$notMat[which(Model$interMat[,inReac]==-1),inReac]==0)
newNots[input,r] <- 1
if(Model$notMat[sp,outReac[r]] == 0 && Model$notMat[which(Model$interMat[,inReac]==-1),inReac]==1)
newNots[input,r] <- 1
if(length(grep("+",names(outReac[r])))) {
andInput = rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == -1)]
andInd = which(newReacs[,r] == -1)
if(length(intersect(which(newNots[,r]==1),which(newReacs[,r]==-1)))) {
andNeg = intersect(which(newNots[,r]==1),which(newReacs[,r]==-1))
for(p in 1:length(andNeg)) {
andInput[which(andInd==andNeg[p])] = paste("!", andInput[which(andInd==andNeg[p])], sep="")
LHS = paste(andInput,collapse="+", sep="")
newReacIDs[r] = paste(LHS, "=", rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == 1)], sep="")
} else {
newReacIDs[r] <- paste(rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == -1)], "=", rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == 1)],sep="")
if(any(newNots[,r] == 1)) newReacIDs[r] <- paste("!", newReacIDs[4], sep="")
colnames(newReacs) <- newReacIDs
colnames(newNots) <- newReacIDs
# now remove the reacs to remove and append the ones that have just been created
Model$interMat <- Model$interMat[,-reac2Remove]
Model$notMat <- Model$notMat[,-reac2Remove]
Model$reacID <- Model$reacID[-reac2Remove]
Model$interMat <- cbind(Model$interMat, newReacs)
Model$notMat <- cbind(Model$notMat,newNots)
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID,newReacIDs)
if(length(outReac) == 1) {
colnames(Model$interMat)[dim(Model$interMat)[2]] <- newReacIDs
colnames(Model$notMat)[dim(Model$notMat)[2]] <- newReacIDs
# store which species has been compressed. This will be used to remove rows of the matrices
# after all is compressed (I don't do it know because then the indexes of the species that we
# have decided to look at in the beginning won't be valid anymore)
speciesCompressed <- c(speciesCompressed,sp)
} #end of if(length(input) == 1 && !any(outputs == input[1]) && !any....
} else {
# If the species has more than one input, but only one output
if(length(outReac) == 1 && length(which(Model$interMat[,outReac] == -1)) == 1) {
# find the output element
output <- which(Model$interMat[,outReac] == 1)
# find the input element(s)
inputs = list()
if(length(inReac) > 1) {
for(a in inReac) {
inputs = c(inputs, list(which(Model$interMat[,a] == -1)))
if(length(inReac) == 1) inputs <- list(which(Model$interMat[,inReac] == -1))
# check that none of the downstream elements is the output element
inputsUnlist = unlist(inputs)
if(!any(inputsUnlist == output[1])) {
# create the first reac, that goes from the first input to the output
reac2Remove <- c(inReac, outReac)
newReacs = matrix(NA, nrow=dim(Model$interMat)[1], ncol=length(inReac))
rownames(newReacs) = Model$namesSpecies
newNots = matrix(NA, nrow=dim(Model$notMat)[1], ncol=length(inReac))
rownames(newNots) = Model$namesSpecies
newReacIDs = rep(NA, length(inReac))
if (length(inReac)>0){
for(r in 1:length(inReac)) {
newReacs[,r] <- Model$interMat[,inReac[r]] + Model$interMat[,outReac]
newNots[,r] <- Model$notMat[,inReac[r]]
# if out is negative & in is single:
if(length(inputs[[r]])==1 && Model$notMat[sp,outReac]==1) {
newNots[inputs[[r]],r] <- ifelse((newNots[inputs[[r]],r] == 1), 0, 1)
# if out is negative & in is 'AND' gate
if(length(inputs[[r]]) > 1 && Model$notMat[sp,outReac]==1) {
for(b in 1:length(inputs[[r]])) {
newNots[inputs[[r]][b]] <- ifelse((newNots[inputs[[r]][b]] == 1), 0, 1)
if(length(grep("+",names(inReac[r])))) {
andInput = rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == -1)]
andInd = which(newReacs[,r] == -1)
if(length(intersect(which(newNots[,r]==1),which(newReacs[,r]==-1)))) {
andNeg = intersect(which(newNots[,r]==1),which(newReacs[,r]==-1))
for(p in 1:length(andNeg)) {
andInput[which(andInd==andNeg[p])] = paste("!", andInput[which(andInd==andNeg[p])], sep="")
LHS = paste(andInput,collapse="+",sep="")
newReacIDs[r] = paste(LHS, "=", rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == 1)], sep="")
} else {
newReacIDs[r] <- paste(rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == -1)], "=", rownames(newReacs)[which(newReacs[,r] == 1)],sep="")
if(any(newNots[,r] == 1)) newReacIDs[r] <- paste("!", newReacIDs[4], sep="")
colnames(newReacs) <- newReacIDs
colnames(newNots) <- newReacIDs
Model$interMat <- Model$interMat[,-reac2Remove]
Model$notMat <- Model$notMat[,-reac2Remove]
Model$reacID <- Model$reacID[-reac2Remove]
Model$interMat <- cbind(Model$interMat, newReacs)
Model$notMat <- cbind(Model$notMat, newNots)
Model$reacID <- c(Model$reacID, newReacIDs)
if(length(inReac) == 1) {
colnames(Model$interMat)[dim(Model$interMat)[2]] <- newReacIDs
colnames(Model$notMat)[dim(Model$notMat)[2]] <- newReacIDs
speciesCompressed <- c(speciesCompressed,sp)
# If the species has more than one input and more than one output then
# nothing is done.
} # end of the for loop over species
# If species have been compressed
if(length(speciesCompressed) > 1){
# Remove the dummy 0 in speciesCompressed
# Check that no duplicates reactions have been created
if(length(uniqueR) != length(ModelCompressed$reacID)){
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