## ----setup, echo=FALSE, results="hide"----------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,
cache = FALSE,
dev = "png",
message = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = TRUE)
## ----fig1, fig.align = 'center', out.width = "50%", fig.cap = "Reverter et al. 2010", echo = F----
## ----install, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------
# BiocManager::install("cbiagii/CeTF")
## ----PCIT, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------
# Loading packages
# Loading airway data
# Creating a variable with annotation data
anno <-
anno <- anno[order(anno$dex, decreasing = TRUE), ]
anno <- data.frame(cond = anno$dex,
row.names = rownames(anno))
# Creating a variable with count data
counts <- assay(airway)
# Sorting count data samples by conditions (untrt and trt)
counts <- counts[, rownames(anno)]
colnames(counts) <- paste0(colnames(counts), c(rep("_untrt", 4), rep("_trt", 4)))
# Differential Expression analysis to use only informative genes
DEGenes <- expDiff(exp = counts,
anno = anno,
conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
lfc = 4.5,
padj = 0.05,
diffMethod = "Reverter")
# Selecting only DE genes from counts data
counts <- counts[rownames(DEGenes$DE_unique), ]
# Converting count data to TPM
tpm <- apply(counts, 2, function(x) {
(1e+06 * x)/sum(x)
# Count normalization
PCIT_input <- normExp(tpm)
# PCIT input for untrt
PCIT_input_untrt <- PCIT_input[,grep("_untrt", colnames(PCIT_input))]
# PCIT input for trt
PCIT_input_trt <- PCIT_input[,grep("_trt", colnames(PCIT_input))]
# Performing PCIT analysis for untrt condition
PCIT_out_untrt <- PCIT(PCIT_input_untrt, tolType = "mean")
# Performing PCIT analysis for trt condition
PCIT_out_trt <- PCIT(PCIT_input_trt, tolType = "mean")
# Printing first 10 rows for untrt condition
kable(PCIT_out_untrt$tab[1:10, ]) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)
# Printing first 10 rows for trt condition
kable(PCIT_out_trt$tab[1:10, ]) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)
# Adjacency matrix: PCIT_out_untrt$adj_raw or PCIT_out_trt$adj_raw
# Adjacency matrix only with the significant values: PCIT_out_untrt$adj_sig or PCIT_out_trt$adj_sig
## ----hist, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------------
# Example for trt condition
## ----densitySig, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------
# Example for trt condition
densityPlot(mat1 = PCIT_out_trt$adj_raw,
mat2 = PCIT_out_trt$adj_sig,
threshold = 0.5)
## ----RIF, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE-----------------------------
# Loading packages
# Loading airway data
# Creating a variable with annotation data
anno <-
anno <- anno[order(anno$dex, decreasing = TRUE), ]
anno <- data.frame(cond = anno$dex,
row.names = rownames(anno))
# Creating a variable with count data
counts <- assay(airway)
# Sorting count data samples by conditions (untrt and trt)
counts <- counts[, rownames(anno)]
colnames(counts) <- paste0(colnames(counts), c(rep("_untrt", 4), rep("_trt", 4)))
# Differential Expression analysis to use only informative genes
DEGenes <- expDiff(exp = counts,
anno = anno,
conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
lfc = 2,
padj = 0.05,
diffMethod = "Reverter")
# Selecting only DE genes from counts data
counts <- counts[rownames(DEGenes$DE_unique), ]
# Converting count data to TPM
tpm <- apply(counts, 2, function(x) {
(1e+06 * x)/sum(x)
# Count normalization
Clean_Dat <- normExp(tpm)
# Loading the Transcript Factors (TFs) character
# Verifying which TFs are in the subsetted normalized data
TFs <- rownames(Clean_Dat)[rownames(Clean_Dat) %in% TFs]
# Selecting the Target genes
Target <- setdiff(rownames(Clean_Dat), TFs)
# Ordering rows of normalized count data
RIF_input <- Clean_Dat[c(Target, TFs), ]
# Performing RIF analysis
RIF_out <- RIF(input = RIF_input,
nta = length(Target),
ntf = length(TFs),
nSamples1 = 4,
nSamples2 = 4)
# Printing first 10 rows
kable(RIF_out[1:10, ]) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)
## ----all, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
# Loading packages
# Loading airway data
# Creating a variable with annotation data
anno <-
# Creating a variable with count data
counts <- assay(airway)
# Sorting count data samples by conditions (untrt and trt)
counts <- counts[, order(anno$dex, decreasing = TRUE)]
# Loading the Transcript Factors (TFs) character
# Performing the complete analysis
out <- runAnalysis(mat = counts,
conditions=c("untrt", "trt"),
lfc = 5,
padj = 0.05,
TFs = TFs,
nSamples1 = 4,
nSamples2= 4,
tolType = "mean",
diffMethod = "Reverter",
data.type = "counts")
## ----SmearPlotDE, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"-------------------------------
# Using the runAnalysis output (CeTF class object)
SmearPlot(object = out,
diffMethod = 'Reverter',
lfc = 1.5,
conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
type = "DE")
## ----SmearPlotTF, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"-------------------------------
# Using the runAnalysis output (CeTF class object)
SmearPlot(object = out,
diffMethod = 'Reverter',
lfc = 1.5,
conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
TF = 'ENSG00000185917',
label = TRUE,
type = "TF")
## ----netConditionsPlot, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"-------------------------
# Using the runAnalysis output (CeTF class object)
## ----getGroupGO, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------
# Loading Homo sapiens annotation package
# Accessing the network for condition 1
genes <- unique(c(as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene1"]),
as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene2"])))
# Performing getGroupGO analysis
cond1 <- getGroupGO(genes = genes,
ont = "BP",
keyType = "ENSEMBL",
annoPkg =,
level = 3)
## ----getEnrich, eval=FALSE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------
# # Accessing the network for condition 1
# genes <- unique(c(as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene1"]),
# as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene2"])))
# # Performing getEnrich analysis
# enrich <- getEnrich(organism='hsapiens', database='geneontology_Biological_Process',
# genes=genes, GeneType='ensembl_gene_id',
# refGene=refGenes$Homo_sapiens$ENSEMBL,
# fdrMethod = "BH", fdrThr = 0.05, minNum = 5, maxNum = 500)
## ----netGOTFPlot1, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"------------------------------
# Subsetting only the first 12 Ontologies with more counts
t1 <- head(cond1$results, 12)
# Subsetting the network for the conditions to make available only the 12 nodes subsetted
t2 <- subset(cond1$netGO, cond1$netGO$gene1 %in% as.character(t1[, "ID"]))
# generating the GO plot grouping by pathways
pt <- netGOTFPlot(netCond = NetworkData(out, "network1"),
resultsGO = t1,
netGO = t2,
anno = NetworkData(out, "annotation"),
groupBy = 'pathways',
type = 'GO')
# generating the GO plot grouping by TFs
TFs <- NetworkData(out, "keytfs")$TF[1:4]
pt <- netGOTFPlot(netCond = NetworkData(out, "network1"),
resultsGO = t1,
netGO = t2,
anno = NetworkData(out, "annotation"),
groupBy = 'TFs',
TFs = TFs,
type = 'GO')
# generating the GO plot grouping by specifics genes
genes <- c('ENSG00000011465', 'ENSG00000026025', 'ENSG00000075624', 'ENSG00000077942')
pt <- netGOTFPlot(netCond = NetworkData(out, "network1"),
resultsGO = t1,
netGO = t2,
anno = NetworkData(out, "annotation"),
groupBy = 'genes',
genes = genes,
type = 'GO')
## ----netGOTFPlot2, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"------------------------------
pt <- netGOTFPlot(netCond = NetworkData(out, "network1"),
netGO = t2,
keyTFs = NetworkData(out, "keytfs"),
type = 'Integrated')
## ----diffusion, eval=FALSE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------
# result <- diffusion(object = out,
# cond = "network1",
# genes = c("ENSG00000185591", "ENSG00000179094"),
# cyPath = "C:/Program Files/Cytoscape_v3.7.2/Cytoscape.exe",
# name = "top_diffusion",
# label = T)
## ----circos, eval=FALSE, fig.align="center"-----------------------------------
# # Loading the CeTF object class demo
# data("CeTFdemo")
# CircosTargets(object = CeTFdemo,
# file = "/path/to/gtf/file/specie.gtf",
# nomenclature = "ENSEMBL",
# selection = "ENSG00000185591",
# cond = "condition1")
## ----RIFPlot1, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"----------------------------------
RIFPlot(object = out,
color = "darkblue",
type = "RIF")
## ----RIFPlot2, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"----------------------------------
RIFPlot(object = out,
color = "darkblue",
type = "DE")
## ----enrichment, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"--------------------------------
# Selecting the genes related to the network for condition 1
genes <- unique(c(as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene1"]),
as.character(NetworkData(out, "network1")[, "gene2"])))
# Performing enrichment analysis
cond1 <- getEnrich(organism='hsapiens', database='geneontology_Biological_Process',
genes=genes, GeneType='ensembl_gene_id',
fdrMethod = "BH", fdrThr = 0.05, minNum = 5, maxNum = 500)
## ----heatplot, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"----------------------------------
heatPlot(res = cond1$results,
diff = getDE(out, "all"),
font_size = 4)
## ----circle, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"------------------------------------
enrichPlot(res = cond1$results,
type = "circle")
## ----barplot, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"-----------------------------------
enrichPlot(res = cond1$results,
type = "bar")
## ----dotplot, eval=TRUE, fig.align="center"-----------------------------------
enrichPlot(res = cond1$results,
type = "dot")
## ----sessionInfo--------------------------------------------------------------
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