#' @title Differential expression analysis
#' @description This function returns the differentially expressed genes
#' when comparing two conditions.
#' @param exp Count data where the rows are genes and coluns the samples.
#' @param anno A single column dataframe. The column name must be 'cond',
#' and the rownames must be the names of samples.
#' @param conditions A character vector containing the name of the two
#' conditions. The first name will be selected as reference.
#' @param lfc log2 fold change module threshold to define a gene as
#' differentially expressed (default: 1.5).
#' @param padj Significance value to define a gene as differentially
#' expressed (default: 0.05).
#' @param diffMethod Choose between Reverter or DESeq2 method (default: 'Reverter').
#' The DESeq2 method is only for counts data (see details).
#' @return Returns an list with all calculations of differentially expressed genes
#' and the subsetted differentially expressed genes by lfc and/or padj.
#' @details
#' The \strong{Reverter} option to diffMethod parameter works as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Calculation of mean between samples of each condition for all genes;
#' \item Subtraction between mean of control condition relative to other condition;
#' \item Calculation of variance of subtraction previously obtained;
#' \item The last step calculates the differential expression using the following
#' formula, where x is the result of substraction (item 2) and var is the
#' variance calculated in item 3:
#' \deqn{diff = \frac{x - (sum(x)/length(x))}{\sqrt{var}}}
#' }
#' The \strong{DESeq2} option to diffMethod parameter is recommended only for
#' count data. This method apply the differential expression analysis based
#' on the negative binomial distribution (see \code{\link[DESeq2]{DESeq}}).
#' @examples
#' # loading a simulated counts data
#' data('simCounts')
#' # creating the dataframe with annotation for each sample
#' anno <- data.frame(cond = c(rep('cond1', 10), rep('cond2', 10)))
#' # renaming colums of simulated counts data
#' colnames(simCounts) <- paste(colnames(simCounts), anno$cond, sep = '_')
#' # renaming anno rows
#' rownames(anno) <- colnames(simCounts)
#' # performing differential expression analysis using Reverter method
#' out <- expDiff(exp = simCounts,
#' anno = anno,
#' conditions = c('cond1', 'cond2'),
#' lfc = 2,
#' padj = 0.05,
#' diffMethod = 'Reverter')
#' @references
#' REVERTER, Antonio et al. Simultaneous identification of differential
#' gene expression and connectivity in inflammation, adipogenesis and cancer.
#' Bioinformatics, v. 22, n. 19, p. 2396-2404, 2006.
#' \url{}
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromMatrix DESeq results
#' @importFrom stats relevel
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @export
expDiff <- function(exp, anno = NULL, conditions = NULL, lfc = 1.5, padj = 0.05,
diffMethod = "Reverter") {
if (is.null(anno)) {
stop("anno must have some conditions to compare")
if (is.null(conditions)) {
stop("you must input 2 conditions")
if (! & !is.matrix(exp)) {
stop("exp must be a dataframe or a matrix")
if (diffMethod == "Reverter") {
de.j <- data.frame(cond1 = apply(exp[, grep(paste0("_", conditions[1]),
colnames(exp))], 1, mean), cond2 = apply(exp[, grep(paste0("_",
conditions[2]), colnames(exp))], 1, mean))
tmp1 <- de.j[, "cond1"] - de.j[, "cond2"]
var = (sum(tmp1^2) - (sum(tmp1) * sum(tmp1))/(length(tmp1)))/(length(tmp1) -
de.j <- cbind(de.j, diff = (tmp1 - (sum(tmp1)/length(tmp1)))/sqrt(var))
DE <- de.j
DE_unique <- subset(de.j, abs(de.j$diff) > lfc)
} else if (diffMethod == "DESeq2") {
ddsHTSeq <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exp, colData = anno,
design = ~cond)
ddsHTSeq[["cond"]] <- relevel(ddsHTSeq[["cond"]], ref = conditions[1])
dds <- DESeq(ddsHTSeq)
res <- results(dds, contrast = c("cond", conditions[1], conditions[2]))
DE <-
DE_unique <-[which(abs(res$log2FoldChange) >
lfc & res$padj < padj), ])
return(list(DE = DE, DE_unique = DE_unique))
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