#' @title Smear plot for Differentially Expressed genes and TFs
#' @description Generate an plot for Differentially Expressed (DE) genes and for
#' specific TF that shows the relationship between log(baseMean) and Difference
#' of Expression or log2FoldChange. This plot enables to visualize the
#' distribution of DE genes and TF in both conditions.
#' @param object CeTF class object resulted from \code{\link{runAnalysis}}
#' function.
#' @param diffMethod Method used to calculate Differentially Expressed (DE)
#' genes (see \code{\link{expDiff}}).
#' @param lfc logFoldChange module threshold to define a gene as differentially
#' expressed (default: 1.5).
#' @param conditions A vector of characters identifying the names of conditions
#' (i.e. c('normal', 'tumoral')).
#' @param TF Specify a single TF to be visualized for (used only if type argument
#' equals TF).
#' @param padjust Significance value to define a gene as differentially expressed
#' in DESeq2 diffMethod option (default: 0.05).
#' @param label If label is TRUE, shows the names of single TF and its
#' respectives (default: FALSE).
#' @param type Type of plot (DE or TF). If DE, will plot the smear plot for all
#' differentally expressed genes and TFs for both conditions, and if TF, will
#' plot the smear plot for a specific TF and their targets.
#' targets for both conditions (default: FALSE).
#' @return Returns an plot of log2(baseMean) by log2FoldChange or difference of
#' expression for genes and TFs differentially expressed or for a single TF and
#' its targets for both conditions.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point theme_bw ylab ggtitle theme geom_hline scale_colour_manual labs
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' # load the CeTF class object resulted from runAnalysis function
#' data(CeTFdemo)
#' #performing SmearPlot for DE genes and TFs
#' SmearPlot(object = CeTFdemo,
#' diffMethod = 'Reverter',
#' lfc = 1.5,
#' conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
#' type = 'DE')
#' #performing SmearPlot for DE genes and TFs
#' SmearPlot(object = CeTFdemo,
#' diffMethod = 'Reverter',
#' lfc = 1.5,
#' conditions = c('untrt', 'trt'),
#' TF = 'ENSG00000205189',
#' label = FALSE,
#' type = 'TF')
#' @export
SmearPlot <- function(object, diffMethod, lfc = 1.5, conditions, TF = NULL,
padjust = 0.05, label = FALSE, type = NULL) {
if (!is(object, "CeTF")) {
stop("the input must be a CeTF class object")
if (missing(object)) {
stop("No \"object\" parameter provided")
if (missing(diffMethod)) {
stop("No \"diffMethod\" parameter provided")
if (missing(conditions)) {
stop("you must input two conditions")
if (type == "DE" & !is.null(TF)) {
stop("the TF is not necessary to DE option")
var1 <- switch(diffMethod, Reverter = "diff", DESeq2 = "log2FoldChange")
var2 <- switch(diffMethod, Reverter = "Difference of Expression", DESeq2 = "log2FoldChange")
var3 <- switch(diffMethod, Reverter = "Average Expression", DESeq2 = "log2(baseMean)")
if (type == "DE") {
tab <- getDE(object, "all")
tab[["genes"]] <- rownames(tab)
tab[["Type"]] <- "Not Different"
if (diffMethod == "Reverter") {
tab[which(tab[[var1]] > lfc), "Type"] <- conditions[1]
tab[which(tab[[var1]] < -lfc), "Type"] <- conditions[2]
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & tab[[var1]] > lfc)] <- paste("TF", conditions[1])
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & tab[[var1]] < -lfc)] <- paste("TF", conditions[2])
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & (tab[[var1]] > -lfc & tab[[var1]] < lfc))] <- "Not Different TF"
tab[["baseMean"]] <- rowMeans(tab[, c(1, 2)])
} else if (diffMethod == "DESeq2") {
tab[which(tab[[var1]] > lfc & tab[["padj"]] < padjust), "Type"] <- conditions[1]
tab[which(tab[[var1]] < -lfc & tab[["padj"]] < padjust), "Type"] <- conditions[2]
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & tab[[var1]] > lfc & tab[["padj"]] < padjust)] <- paste("TF",
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & tab[[var1]] < -lfc & tab[["padj"]] < padjust)] <- paste("TF",
tab[["Type"]][which(tab[["genes"]] %in% NetworkData(object,
"tfs") & (tab[[var1]] > -lfc & tab[[var1]] < lfc) & tab[["padj"]] <
padjust)] <- "Not Different TF"
tab[["Type"]] <- factor(tab[["Type"]], levels = c(conditions[1],
conditions[2], "Not Different", paste("TF", conditions[2]),
paste("TF", conditions[1]), "Not Different TF"))
tab <- na.omit(tab)
pt <- ggplot(tab) + geom_point(aes(x = log2(.data[["baseMean"]]),
y = .data[[var1]], color = .data[["Type"]]))
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[1])) != 0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[1]),
aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[1])[["baseMean"]]),
y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[1])[[var1]],
colour = conditions[1]), size = 2)
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[2])) != 0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[2]),
aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[2])[["baseMean"]]),
y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == conditions[2])[[var1]],
colour = conditions[2]), size = 2)
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF", conditions[1]))) !=
0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF",
conditions[1])), aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] ==
paste("TF", conditions[1]))[["baseMean"]]), y = subset(tab,
tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF", conditions[1]))[[var1]], colour = paste("TF",
conditions[1])), size = 2)
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF", conditions[2]))) !=
0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF",
conditions[2])), aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] ==
paste("TF", conditions[2]))[["baseMean"]]), y = subset(tab,
tab[["Type"]] == paste("TF", conditions[2]))[[var1]], colour = paste("TF",
conditions[2])), size = 2)
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "Not Different TF")) != 0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "Not Different TF"),
aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "Not Different TF")[["baseMean"]]),
y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "Not Different TF")[[var1]],
colour = "Not Different TF"), size = 2)
pt <- pt + scale_colour_manual(values = c("red2", "#1515ff", "black",
"violetred1", "springgreen", "gray50")) + theme_bw() + ylab(var2) +
xlab(var3) + theme(legend.position = "top") + geom_hline(yintercept = lfc,
linetype = "dashed", color = "black") + geom_hline(yintercept = -lfc,
linetype = "dashed", color = "black") + labs(colour = "")
} else if (type == "TF") {
c1 <- c(as.character(NetworkData(object, "network1")[NetworkData(object,
"network1")[, "gene1"] %in% TF, "gene2"]), as.character(NetworkData(object,
"network1")[NetworkData(object, "network1")[, "gene2"] %in%
TF, "gene1"]))
c2 <- c(as.character(NetworkData(object, "network2")[NetworkData(object,
"network2")[, "gene1"] %in% TF, "gene2"]), as.character(NetworkData(object,
"network2")[NetworkData(object, "network2")[, "gene2"] %in%
TF, "gene1"]))
if (sum(c(length(c1), length(c2))) == 0) {
stop("No targets were identified for this TF")
tab <- getDE(object, "all")
tab[["genes"]] <- rownames(tab)
tab[["Type"]] <- "None"
tab[which(tab[["genes"]] %in% c1), "Type"] <- paste("Target", conditions[1])
tab[which(tab[["genes"]] %in% c2), "Type"] <- paste("Target", conditions[2])
tab[which(tab[["genes"]] == TF), "Type"] <- "TF"
if (diffMethod == "Reverter") {
tab[["baseMean"]] <- rowMeans(tab[, c(1, 2)])
tab[["Type"]] <- factor(tab[["Type"]], levels = c("TF", paste("Target",
conditions[1]), paste("Target", conditions[2]), "None"))
pt <- ggplot(tab) + geom_point(aes(x = log2(.data[["baseMean"]]),
y = .data[[var1]], color = .data[["Type"]]))
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1]))) > 0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1])), aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1]))[["baseMean"]]), y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1]))[[var1]], colour = paste("Target", conditions[1])), size = 2)
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2]))) > 0) {
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2])), aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2]))[["baseMean"]]), y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2]))[[var1]], colour = paste("Target", conditions[2])), size = 2)
pt <- pt + geom_point(data = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "TF"), aes(x = log2(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "TF")[["baseMean"]]), y = subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == "TF")[[var1]], colour = "TF"), size = 2) +
theme_bw() + ylab(var2) + xlab(var3) +
ggtitle(paste0("Smear Plot for ", TF, " and its targets")) +
theme(legend.position = "top") +
labs(colour = "") +
geom_hline(yintercept = lfc, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -lfc, linetype = "dashed", color = "black")
if (nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1]))) > 0 & nrow(subset(tab, tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2]))) > 0) {
pt <- pt + scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "goldenrod3", "forestgreen", "gray80"))
} else {
pt <- pt + scale_colour_manual(values = c("red", "goldenrod3", "gray80"))
if (label) {
idx <- c(which(tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[1])),
which(tab[["Type"]] == paste("Target", conditions[2])),
which(tab[["Type"]] == "TF"))
dtsub <- tab[idx, ]
return(pt + geom_label_repel(data = dtsub, aes(x = log2(.data[["baseMean"]]),
y = .data[[var1]], color = .data[["Type"]], alpha = 0.3,
label = .data[["genes"]]), nudge_y = 1, segment.size = 0.2,
segment.color = "grey50", direction = "x", show.legend = FALSE))
} else {
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