`permutest` <-
function (x, y=NULL, m, G)
if (
y <- as.matrix(y)
else stopifnot(is.atomic(y))
if (
x <- as.matrix(x)
else {
if (!is.matrix(x)) {
if (is.null(y))
stop("supply both x and y or a matrix-like x")
x <- as.vector(x)
p <- dim(x)[1]
n <- dim(x)[2]
D <- p/m
if (D != G)
stop("unqueal number of replicates or incorrect number of replicates or incorrect number of genes (random variables)")
PV <- matrix(NA, D, D)
nulldist <- rep(NA, factorial(n))
for (i in 1:(D - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):D) {
subdat <- rbind(x[((i - 1) * m + 1):((i - 1) * m +
m), ], x[((j - 1) * m + 1):((j - 1) * m + m),
muhat <- c(rep(mean(subdat[1:m, ]), m), rep(mean(subdat[(m +
1):(2 * m), ]), m))
ss0 <- (subdat[, 1] - muhat) %o% (subdat[, 1] - muhat)
for (k in 2:n) ss <- ss0 + (subdat[, k] - muhat) %o%
(subdat[, k] - muhat)
Sigmahat <- ss/n
cor0 <- mean(c(Sigmahat[1:m, (m + 1):(2 * m)], Sigmahat[(m +
1):(2 * m), 1:m]))
for (P in 1:(factorial(n))) {
subdatP <- rbind(subdat[1:m, permutations(n)[P,
]], subdat[(m + 1):(2 * m), ])
muhatP <- c(rep(mean(subdatP[1:m, ]), m), rep(mean(subdatP[(m +
1):(2 * m), ]), m))
ss0P <- (subdatP[, 1] - muhatP) %o% (subdatP[,
1] - muhatP)
for (k in 2:n) ssP <- ss0P + (subdatP[, k] -
muhatP) %o% (subdatP[, k] - muhatP)
SigmahatP <- ssP/n
nulldist[P] <- mean(c(SigmahatP[1:m, (m + 1):(2 *
m)], SigmahatP[(m + 1):(2 * m), 1:m]))
PV[i, j] <- sum(abs(nulldist) > cor0)/factorial(n)
PV[j, i] <- PV[i, j]
diag(PV) <- 1
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