function(Object, ...){standardGeneric("identifyPolymorphicRegion")})
setMethod("identifyPolymorphicRegion", "CNVrd2",
function(Object, segmentObject = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
quantileValue = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9),
quantileColor = NULL,
polymorphicCriteria = c("SD", "Quantile"),
sdThreshold = 0.1,
thresholdForPolymorphicRegions =
c(0.975, 0.025),
drawThresholds = FALSE,
VstTest = FALSE,
popName = NULL,
thresholdVST = NULL,
geneColor = 'lightpink',
cex = 1.5, lwd = 1.5,
verticalAdjustment = 0.3,
plotLegend = TRUE,
plotPolymorphicRegion = TRUE){
##Check parameters
st = Object@st
en = Object@en
if (!is.null(xlim)){
if ((xlim[1] < st) | (xlim[2] > en))
stop("Please choose coordinates in the region")
outputST <- xlim[1]
outputEND <- xlim[2]
else {
outputST = st
outputEND = en}
windows = Object@windows
chr = Object@chr
genes <- Object@genes
geneNames = Object@geneNames
polymorphicCriteria <- match.arg(polymorphicCriteria)
quantileValue <- sort(quantileValue)
nQuantile <- length(quantileValue)
thresholdForPolymorphicRegions <- sort(thresholdForPolymorphicRegions)
if (is.null(quantileColor))
quantileColor <- seq(length(quantileValue)) + 1
genes <- matrix(genes, nrow = 2)
segmentResults <- segmentObject$segmentResults
sampleid <- sapply(segmentResults, function(x) x[1, 1])
cna.out <-, segmentResults)
cna.out[, 4] <- cna.out[, 4] + windows
##Obtain sub-regions#########
subRegionData <- sort(unique(c(cna.out[, 3], cna.out[, 4])))
subRegionData <- data.frame(subRegionData[-length(subRegionData)], subRegionData[-1])
###Segmentation scores for sub-regions
subRegionMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(sampleid),
ncol = dim(subRegionData[1]))
for (ii in 1:length(sampleid)){
subCNA <- cna.out[grep(paste("^", sampleid[ii], "$", sep = ""), cna.out[, 1]), c(3, 4, 6)]
for (jj in 1:dim(subRegionData)[1]){
subRegionMatrix[ii, jj] <- subCNA[(subCNA[, 1] <= subRegionData[jj, 1]) &(subCNA[, 2] >= subRegionData[jj, 2]), 3]
#########Standard deviation for sub-regions
sdQ <- apply(subRegionMatrix, 2, sd)
mSD <- data.frame(subRegionData, sdQ)
colnames(mSD) <- c("st", "en", "sd")
rownames(subRegionMatrix) <- sampleid
nCol <- dim(subRegionMatrix)[2]
###########Make a matrix of quantiles
mQuantile <- matrix(0, ncol = nCol, nrow = length(quantileValue))
mQuantile <- apply(subRegionMatrix, 2, function(x) quantile(x, quantileValue))
#########Identify max, min of all quantile values
minQuantile <- min(apply(mQuantile, 1, min))
maxQuantile <- max(apply(mQuantile, 1, max))
###Make a list to store quantile values
listQ <- list()
for (ii in 1:length(quantileValue)){
mQ <- data.frame(subRegionData, mQuantile[ii, ])
listQ[[ii]] <- mQ
mQ <- mQ[(mQ[, 1] >= outputST) & (mQ[, 2] <=outputEND ), ]
if (polymorphicCriteria == "Quantile"){
thresholdsTogetPolymorphicRegions <- c(quantile(listQ[[1]][, 3],
quantile(listQ[[nQuantile]][, 3],
######################Identify polymorphic regions##################
##Extract the first and the last rows of quantile matrixes
lowBoundary <- listQ[[1]][listQ[[1]][, 3] <= quantile(listQ[[1]][, 3],
thresholdForPolymorphicRegions[1]), ]
highBoundary <- listQ[[nQuantile]][listQ[[nQuantile]][, 3] >=
quantile(listQ[[nQuantile]][, 3],
thresholdForPolymorphicRegions[2]), ]
lowBoundary <- reduce(IRanges(lowBoundary[, 1], lowBoundary[, 2]))
highBoundary <- reduce(IRanges(highBoundary[, 1], highBoundary[, 2]))
unionBoundary <- reduce(union(lowBoundary, highBoundary))
#################Get boundaries from SDs
else {
tempSD <-
tempSD <- tempSD[tempSD[, 3] >= quantile(tempSD[, 3], 1 - sdThreshold),]
unionBoundary <- reduce(IRanges(tempSD[, 1], tempSD[, 2]))
##########Calculate Vst #################################################
valueVST <- NULL
if (VstTest){
message("Calculate Vst")
popAll <- as.character(popName)
popNames <- names(table(popAll))
nPops <- length(popNames)
valueVST <- apply(subRegionMatrix, 2, function(x){
bTemp <- data.frame(data = x, pop = popAll)
nameValueVST <- c()
vResults <- c()
indexVST = 1
for (iST in 1:(nPops-1)){
for (jST in (iST+1):nPops){
bTempIJ <- bTemp[(bTemp[, 2] == popNames[iST]) |
(bTemp[, 2] == popNames[jST]), ]
bVT <- sd(bTempIJ[, 1])
bVSTtemp <- sapply(split(bTempIJ, bTempIJ$pop), function(x) sd(x[, 1]))
bVSTtemp <- data.frame(bVSTtemp, table(popAll))
bVSTtemp <- bVSTtemp[![, 1]), ]
bVS <- sum(bVSTtemp[, 1]*bVSTtemp[, 3])/sum(bVSTtemp[, 3])
vResults[indexVST] <- (bVT - bVS)/bVT
nameValueVST[indexVST] <- paste(popNames[iST], "-", popNames[jST], sep = "")
indexVST <- indexVST + 1
names(vResults) <- nameValueVST
maxVST <- valueVST
if (is.matrix(maxVST))
maxVST <- apply(valueVST, 2, function(x) max(x))
if (is.null(thresholdVST))
thresholdVST <- quantile(maxVST, 0.95)
regionVST <- data.frame(subRegionData, maxVST)
shortregionVST <- regionVST[regionVST[, 3] >= thresholdVST, ]
shortregionVST <- reduce(IRanges(shortregionVST[, 1], shortregionVST[, 2]))
unionBoundary <- reduce(intersect(shortregionVST, unionBoundary))
unionBoundary <- unionBoundary[width(unionBoundary) > 1]
#########Obtain segmentation scores of putative regions#####################################
message("Calculate segmentation scores for polymorphic regions")
SSofunionBoundary <-[, c(1, 2)]
SSofunionBoundary <- data.frame(SSofunionBoundary, matrix(0, nrow = dim(SSofunionBoundary)[1],
ncol = dim(subRegionMatrix)[1]))
b1 <-
for (ii in 1:dim(SSofunionBoundary)[1]){
b11 <- b1[b1[, 1] >= SSofunionBoundary[ii, 1], ]
b11 <- b11[b11[, 2] <= SSofunionBoundary[ii, 2], ]
mA11 <- as.matrix(subRegionMatrix[, as.numeric(rownames(b11))])
mA11s <- apply(mA11, 1, mean)
SSofunionBoundary[ii, -c(1, 2)] <- mA11s
colnames(SSofunionBoundary)[-c(1, 2)] <- rownames(subRegionMatrix)
SSofunionBoundary[, 2] <- SSofunionBoundary[, 2] -1
end(unionBoundary) <- end(unionBoundary) - 1
if (plotPolymorphicRegion){
polymorphicRegionObject <- list(putativeBoundary = unionBoundary, SSofPolymorphicRegions = SSofunionBoundary,
subRegionMatrix = subRegionMatrix,
subRegion = subRegionData,
mQuantile = mQuantile,
Vst = valueVST,
mSD = mSD)
plotPolymorphicRegion(Object = Object,
polymorphicRegionObject = polymorphicRegionObject,
xlim = c(outputST, outputEND),
drawThresholds = drawThresholds,
thresholdForPolymorphicRegions = thresholdForPolymorphicRegions ,
quantileValue = quantileValue,
quantileColor = quantileColor,
geneColor = geneColor,
cex = cex, lwd = lwd,
verticalAdjustment = verticalAdjustment,
plotLegend = plotLegend)
return(list(putativeBoundary = unionBoundary, SSofPolymorphicRegions = SSofunionBoundary,
subRegionMatrix = subRegionMatrix,
subRegion = subRegionData,
mQuantile = mQuantile,
mSD = mSD,
Vst = valueVST))
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