integerMatrix <- function(x, scale=100) {
if(!is(x, "matrix")) stop("argument x must be a matrix")
dms <- dimnames(x)
if(scale != 1){
xx <- as.integer(x*scale)
} else xx <- as.integer(x)
x <- matrix(xx, nrow(x), ncol(x))
dimnames(x) <- dms
#' @export
setAs("MixtureModel", "SummarizedExperiment", function(from, to){
cnmat <- matrix(y(from), 1, length(y(from)))
cnmat <- integerMatrix(cnmat, 1000)
message("making something up for rowRanges...")
rr <- GRanges(Rle("chr1", nrow(cnmat)),
IRanges(seq_len(nrow(cnmat)), width=1L))
rr <- GRanges(rep("chr1", nrow(cnmat)),
IRanges(seq_len(nrow(cnmat)), width=1L))
names(rr) <- paste0("CNP", seq_len(nrow(cnmat)))
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(medr=cnmat),
#' @rdname collapseBatch-method
#' @aliases collapseBatch,SummarizedExperiment-method
setMethod("collapseBatch", "SummarizedExperiment", function(object, provisional_batch, THR=0.1){
batch <- as.character(object$provisional_batch)
collapseBatch(assays(object)[["medr"]][1, ]/1000)
#' @rdname collapseBatch-method
#' @aliases collapseBatch,numeric-method
setMethod("collapseBatch", "numeric", function(object, provisional_batch, THR=0.1, nchar=8){
N <- choose(length(unique(provisional_batch)), 2)
if(N == 1){
B <- provisional_batch
provisional_batch <- .combineBatches(object, provisional_batch, THR=THR)
cond2 <- TRUE
while(N > 1 && cond2){
B <- provisional_batch
provisional_batch <- .combineBatches(object, provisional_batch, THR=THR)
cond2 <- !identical(B, provisional_batch)
N <- choose(length(unique(provisional_batch)), 2)
makeUnique(provisional_batch, nchar)
## #' @rdname combinePlates-method
## #' @aliases combinePlates,numeric-method
## setMethod("combinePlates", "numeric", function(object, plate, THR=0.1){
## N <- choose(length(unique(plate)), 2)
## cond2 <- TRUE
## while(N > 1 && cond2){
## B <- plate
## plate <- .combinePlates(object, plate, THR=THR)
## cond2 <- !identical(B, plate)
## N <- choose(length(unique(plate)), 2)
## }
## makeUnique(plate)
## })
## Combine the most similar batches first.
.combineBatches <- function(yy, B, THR=0.1){
uB <- unique(B)
## One plate can pair with many other plates.
for(j in seq_along(uB)){
for(k in seq_along(uB)){
if(k <= j) next() ## next k
b1 <- uB[j]
b2 <- uB[k]
stat <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(yy[B==b1], yy[B==b2]))
if(stat$p.value < THR) next()
b <- paste(b1, b2, sep=",")
B[B %in% b1 | B %in% b2] <- b
## once we've defined a new batch, return the new batch to the
## calling function
#' Estimate batch from any sample-level surrogate variables that capture aspects of sample processing, such as the PCR experiment (e.g., the 96 well chemistry plate), laboratory, DNA source, or DNA extraction method.
#' In high-throughput assays, low-level summaries of copy number at
#' copy number polymorphic loci (e.g., the mean log R ratio for each
#' sample, or a principal-component derived summary) often differ
#' between groups of samples due to technical sources of variation
#' such as reagents, technician, or laboratory. Technical (as opposed
#' to biological) differences between groups of samples are referred
#' to as batch effects. A useful surrogate for batch is the chemistry
#' plate on which the samples were hybridized. In large studies, a
#' Bayesian hierarchical mixture model with plate-specific means and
#' variances is computationally prohibitive. However, chemistry
#' plates processed at similar times may be qualitatively similar in
#' terms of the distribution of the copy number summary statistic.
#' Further, we have observed that some copy number polymorphic loci
#' exhibit very little evidence of a batch effect, while other loci
#' are more prone to technical variation. We suggest combining plates
#' that are qualitatively similar in terms of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
#' two-sample test of the distribution and to implement this test
#' independently for each candidate copy number polymophism identified
#' in a study. The \code{collapseBatch} function is a wrapper to the
#' \code{ks.test} implemented in the \code{stats} package that
#' compares all pairwise combinations of plates. The \code{ks.test}
#' is performed recursively on the batch variables defined for a given
#' CNP until no batches can be combined. For smaller values of THR, plates are more likely to be judged as similar and combined.
#' @export
#' @param object a MultiBatch instance
#' @param THR scalar for the p-value cutoff from the K-S test. Two batches with p-value > THR will be combined to define a single new batch
#' @details All pairwise comparisons of batches are performed. The two most similar batches are combined if the p-value exceeds THR. The process is repeated recursively until no two batches can be combined.
#' @return MultiBatch object
setMethod("findSurrogates", "MultiBatch", function(object, THR=0.1){
dat <- downSampledData(object) %>%
select(c(id, provisional_batch, oned))
dat2 <- find_surrogates(dat, THR) %>%
mutate(batch=factor(batch, levels=unique(batch)),
batch=as.integer(batch)) %>%
filter(!duplicated(id)) %>%
arrange(batch) %>%
select(c(provisional_batch, batch, batch_labels))
## There is a many to one mapping from provisional_batch to batch
## Since each sample belongs to a single plate, samples in the downsampled data will only belong to a single batch <- assays(object)
full.data2 <- %>%
select(-batch) %>%
left_join(dat2, by="provisional_batch") %>%
filter(!duplicated(id)) %>%
assays(object) <- full.data2
L <- length(unique(full.data2$batch))
if( L != specs(object)$number_batches ){
spec <- specs(object)
spec$number_batches <- L
specs(object) <- spec
find_surrogates <- function(dat, THR=0.1, min_oned=-1){
## do not define batches based on homozygous deletion
dat2 <- filter(dat, oned > min_oned)
current <- dat2$provisional_batch
oned <- dat2$oned
latest <- NULL
while(!identical(current, latest)){
if(is.null(latest)) latest <- current
current <- latest
latest <- .find_surrogates(oned, current, THR)$batches
result <- tibble(provisional_batch=dat2$provisional_batch,
batch=latest) %>%
group_by(provisional_batch) %>%
if("batch" %in% colnames(dat)){
dat <- select(dat, -batch)
dat3 <- dat %>%
left_join(result, by="provisional_batch")
.find_surrogates <- function(x, B, THR=0.1){
if(length(unique(B))==1) return(B)
B2 <- B
dat <- tibble(x=x, batch=B) %>%
group_by(batch) %>%
summarize(n=n()) %>%
uB <- unique(dat$batch)
##uB <- unique(B)
## One plate can pair with many other plates.
stat <- matrix(NA, length(uB), length(uB))
comparison <- stat
pval <- stat
for(j in seq_along(uB)){
for(k in seq_along(uB)){
if(k <= j) next() ## next k
## get rid of duplicate values
x <- x + runif(length(x), -1e-10, 1e-10)
b1 <- uB[j]
b2 <- uB[k]
## edits
tmp <- ks.test(x[B==b1], x[B==b2])
stat[j, k] <- tmp$statistic
bb <- c(b1, b2) %>%
sort %>%
comparison[j, k] <- bb
pval[j, k] <- tmp$p.value
## Combine the most similar plates according to the KS test statistic (smallest test statistic)
stat2 <- as.numeric(stat)
comp2 <- as.character(comparison)
pval2 <- as.numeric(pval)
##min.index <- which.min(stat2)
max.index <- which.max(pval2)
sim.batches <- strsplit(comp2[max.index], "::")[[1]]
max.pval <- pval2[max.index]
if(max.pval < THR) return(list(pval=max.pval, batches=B))
comp3 <- gsub("::", ",", comp2[max.index])
B2[ B %in% sim.batches ] <- comp3
result <- list(pval=max.pval, batches=B2)
#' Save se data
#' Batches drawn from the same distribution as identified by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test are combined.
#' @param se a SummarizedExperiment object
#' @param batch.file the file name to which to save the data
#' @param THR threshold below which the null hypothesis should be rejected and batches are collapsed.
#' @return A vector of collapsed batch labels
#' @export
saveBatch <- function(se, batch.file, THR=0.1){
bt <- readRDS(batch.file)
bt <- collapseBatch(se, THR=THR)
saveRDS(bt, file=batch.file)
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