### Evaluation measures based on the classification results
### filename: evaluation.r
### Title: Various gene selection methods.
### Author: M. Slawski, adapted from A-L Boulesteix
### email: <>
### date of creation: 8.10.2007
### Brief description:
# Returns an object of class 'evaluationresult'.
### Further comments and notes:
# Also need for tuning purposes.
### generic
setGeneric("evaluation", function(clresult, cltrain = NULL, cost =NULL, y=NULL, measure=c("misclassification",
"sensitivity", "specificity", "average probability", "brier score", "auc", "0.632", "0.632+"),
scheme = c("iterationwise", "observationwise", "classwise"))
### signature = "list"
setMethod("evaluation", signature(clresult="list"),
function(clresult, cltrain = NULL, cost = NULL, y = NULL, measure=c("misclassification", "sensitivity", "specificity",
"average probability", "brier score", "auc", "0.632", "0.632+"),
scheme = c("iterationwise", "observationwise", "classwise")){
if(length(clresult) < 1) stop("'clresult' must contain at least one element \n")
classes <- unlist(lapply(clresult, class))
methods <- unlist(lapply(clresult, slot, name="method"))
if(any(!extends(classes, "cloutput")))
stop("All elements of the list 'clresult' must be of class 'clouput' \n")
if(length(unique(methods)) != 1)
stop("All elements of the list 'clresult' must have been produced by the same method \n")
ll <- length(clresult)
yhatlist <- lapply(clresult, slot, name="yhat")
ylist <- lapply(clresult, slot, name="y")
llyhat <- unlist(lapply(yhatlist, length))
lly <- unlist(lapply(ylist, length))
if(any((llyhat - lly) != 0))
stop("Length of slots 'y' and 'yhat' must agree for each element of 'clresult' \n")
problist <- lapply(clresult, slot, name="prob")
if(any( && is.element(measure, c("average probability", "brier score", "auc")))
stop("Classifier to evaluate does not provide estimates for class probabilities. \n
Choose an appropriate value for 'measure'. \n")
learnindlist <- lapply(clresult, slot, name="learnind")
lulearn <- unlist(lapply(learnindlist, function(z) length(unique(z[z != 0]))))
trainingmode <- identical(lulearn, llyhat) & length(lulearn)==1 & identical(learnindlist[[1]],1:length(learnindlist[[1]]))
measure <- match.arg(measure)
if(!is.element(measure, eval(formals(evaluation)$measure)))
stop("Invalid 'measure' specified \n")
scheme <- match.arg(scheme)
if(!is.element(scheme, eval(formals(evaluation)$scheme)))
stop("Invalid 'scheme' specified \n")
if(scheme == "classwise" && is.null(y))
stop("For 'scheme = classwise', argument 'y' must be specified. \n")
ylvl <- max(unlist(yhatlist))+1
yhatlvl <- max(unlist(ylist))+1
if(is.element(measure, c("sensitivity", "specificity", "auc")) & (ylvl > 2 || yhatlvl > 2))
stop("'sensitivity', 'specificity' or 'auc' are only computed for binary classification \n")
if(measure == "auc" & scheme %in% c("observationwise", "classwise")){
warning("For 'measure=auc' only 'scheme = iterationwise' is possible \n")
scheme <- "iterationwise"
if(measure %in% c("0.632", "0.632+") && scheme == "classwise")
stop("measures '0.632' or '0.632+' cannot be combined with 'scheme = classwise' \n")
if(!is.null(cltrain) && !extends(class(cltrain), "cloutput"))
stop("'cltrain' must be an object of class 'cloutput' \n")
if(!is.null(cltrain) && cltrain@method != methods[1])
stop("Classfication method for 'cltrain' is incorrect \n")
dimcost <- try(dim(cost))
if(inherits(dimcost, "try-error") || dimcost[1] != dimcost[2])
stop("'cost' must be a square matrix \n")
if(dimcost[1] < max(ylvl, yhatlvl))
stop("The number of classes exceeds the dimension of the cost matrix \n")
if(trainingmode) n <- lulearn
else n <- unique(lulearn + llyhat)
if(length(n) > 1) stop("Error occured while generating the prediction matrix;
check that all elements of 'clresult' are based
on the same 'learningsets' object \n")
if(is.element(measure, c("misclassification", "sensitivity", "specificity", "0.632", "0.632+"))){
predmatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=ll, ncol = n)
if(measure == "misclassification"){
if(is.null(cost)) for (i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,] <- yhatlist[[i]] != ylist[[i]]
else for (i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,] <- apply(cbind(ylist[[i]]+1, yhatlist[[i]]+1), 1, function(z) cost[z[1], z[2]])
if(is.null(cost)) for(i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- yhatlist[[i]] != ylist[[i]]
else for (i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- apply(cbind(ylist[[i]]+1, yhatlist[[i]]+1), 1, function(z) cost[z[1], z[2]])
if(measure == "sensitivity"){
for(i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,] <- ifelse(ylist[[i]] == 0, NA, yhatlist[[i]] == ylist[[i]])
for(i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- ifelse(ylist[[i]] == 0, NA, yhatlist[[i]] == ylist[[i]])
if(measure == "specificity"){
if(trainingmode) for(i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,] <- ifelse(ylist[[i]] == 1, NA, yhatlist[[i]] == ylist[[i]])
for(i in 1:ll) predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- ifelse(ylist[[i]] == 1, NA, yhatlist[[i]] == ylist[[i]])
if(scheme == "iterationwise") score <- rowMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "observationwise") score <- colMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "classwise"){
splitpredmatrix <- split(t(predmatrix), as.factor(y))
score <- unlist(lapply(splitpredmatrix, mean, na.rm =TRUE))
names(score) <- unique(y)
if(measure == "0.632"){
if(is.null(cltrain)) stop("For the 0.632 estimator, 'cltrain' must be provided \n")
if(trainingmode) stop("0.632 estimator is not supported if prediction has been performed with the whole learning set \n")
trainyhat <- cltrain@yhat
if(length(trainyhat) != n) warning("0.632 estimator has originally been proposed for bootstrap \n")
for(i in 1:ll)
predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- yhatlist[[i]] != ylist[[i]]
if(scheme == "iterationwise") score <- 0.632*rowMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)+(1-0.632)*mean(trainyhat != cltrain@y)
if(scheme == "observationwise") score <- 0.632*colMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)+(1-0.632)*mean(trainyhat != cltrain@y)
if(measure == "0.632+"){
if(is.null(cltrain)) stop("For the 0.632+ estimator, 'cltrain' must be provided \n")
if(trainingmode) stop("0.632+ estimator is not supported if prediction has been performed with the whole learning set \n")
trainyhat <- cltrain@yhat
if(length(trainyhat) != n) warning("0.632+ estimator has originally been proposed for bootstrap \n")
for(i in 1:ll)
predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- yhatlist[[i]] != ylist[[i]]
taby <- table(cltrain@y)
ordtab <- order(as.numeric(names(taby)))
taby <- taby[ordtab]
taby <- taby/sum(taby)
tabyhat <- c(sum(cltrain@yhat == 0), tabulate(cltrain@yhat, length(taby)-1))
tabyhat <- tabyhat/sum(tabyhat)
noinformation <- sum(taby*(1-tabyhat))
resubs <- mean(trainyhat != cltrain@y)
if(scheme == "iterationwise") score <- rowMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "observationwise") score <- colMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
score <- pmin(score, noinformation)
Rhat <- ifelse(score > resubs & noinformation > resubs, (score - resubs)/(noinformation - resubs), 0)
w <- 0.632/(1-0.368*Rhat)
score <- (1-w)*resubs + w*score
if(measure == "average probability"){
lvls <- (0:(ncol(problist[[1]])-1))
predmatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=ll, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:ll){
G <- model.matrix(~factor(ylist[[i]], levels=lvls)-1)
predmatrix[i,] <- rowSums(G*problist[[i]])
for(i in 1:ll){
G <- model.matrix(~factor(ylist[[i]], levels=lvls)-1)
predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- rowSums(G*problist[[i]])
if(scheme == "iterationwise") score <- rowMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "observationwise") score <- colMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "classwise"){
splitpredmatrix <- split(predmatrix, as.factor(y))
score <- unlist(lapply(splitpredmatrix, mean, na.rm =TRUE))
names(score) <- unique(y)
if(measure == "brier score"){
lvls <- (0:(ncol(problist[[1]])-1))
predmatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow=ll, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:ll){
G <- model.matrix(~factor(ylist[[i]], levels=lvls)-1)
predmatrix[i,] <- rowSums((G - problist[[i]])^2)
for(i in 1:ll){
G <- model.matrix(~factor(ylist[[i]], levels=lvls)-1)
predmatrix[i,-learnindlist[[i]]] <- rowSums((G - problist[[i]])^2)
if(scheme == "iterationwise") score <- rowMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "observationwise") score <- colMeans(predmatrix, na.rm = TRUE)
if(scheme == "classwise"){
splitpredmatrix <- split(predmatrix, as.factor(y))
score <- unlist(lapply(splitpredmatrix, mean, na.rm =TRUE))
names(score) <- unique(y)
if(measure == "auc"){
score <- double(ll)
for(i in 1:ll){
probli <- problist[[i]][,2]
stop(paste('Classifier does not provide class probabilities. AUC cannot be computed. \n',sep=''))
warning(paste('Only one distinct probability on learningset ',i,'. AUC set to 0.5 for the corresponding test set. \n',sep='' ))
yli <- ylist[[i]]
if(length(yli) < 2 || length(unique(yli)) < 2)
stop("measure 'auc' cannot be computed for scheme 'iterationwise';
too few test observations or all test observations from
the same class \n")
score[i] <- ROCinternal(probli, yli, plot=FALSE)
return(new("evaloutput", score=score, measure=measure, scheme=scheme,
method = methods[1]))
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