### R code from vignette source 'vignette_GxE.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: TPED files
geno.file <- system.file("sampleData", "geno_data.tped.gz", package="CGEN")
subject.file <- system.file("sampleData", "geno_data.tfam", package="CGEN")
### code chunk number 2: start
### code chunk number 3: TPED subject.list
subject.list <- list(file=subject.file, id.var=1:2, header=0, delimiter=" ")
subject.list <- subject.file
### code chunk number 4: snp.list
snp.list <- list(file=geno.file, format="tped", subject.list=subject.list)
### code chunk number 5: TPED pheno.list
pheno.file <- system.file("sampleData", "pheno.txt", package="CGEN")
pheno.list <- list(file=pheno.file, id.var=c("Family", "Subject"),
file.type=3, delimiter="\t",
response.var="CaseControl", strata.var="Study",
main.vars=c("Gender", "Exposure", "Smoke_CURRENT", "Smoke_FORMER"),
### code chunk number 6: options list
out.file <- paste(getwd(), "/GxE.out", sep="")
op <- list(out.file=out.file)
### code chunk number 7: TPED scan
GxE.scan(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op)
x <- read.table(out.file, header=1,, sep="\t")
x[1:5, ]
### code chunk number 8: myscan
myscan <- function(data, lists) {
# Call snp.logistic
fit <- snp.logistic(data, "CaseControl", "SNP", main.vars=~Gender + Exposure,
int.vars=~Exposure, strata.var="Study")
# Extract the CML log-odds ratio and standard error
temp <- fit$CML
beta <- temp$parms["SNP:Exposure"]
se <- sqrt(temp$cov["SNP:Exposure", "SNP:Exposure"])
# Compute the odds-ratio and 95 percent confidence interval
or <- exp(beta)
l <- round(exp(beta - 1.96*se), digits=4)
u <- round(exp(beta + 1.96*se), digits=4)
ci <- paste("(", l, ", ", u, ")", sep="")
# Return list. The names "Odds.Ratio" and "OR.95.CI" will be column names in the output file.
list(Odds.Ratio=or, OR.95.CI=ci)
### code chunk number 9: Data lists
geno.file <- system.file("sampleData", "geno_data.tped.gz", package="CGEN")
subject.file <- system.file("sampleData", "geno_data.tfam", package="CGEN")
subject.list <- subject.file
snp.list <- list(file=geno.file, format="tped", subject.list=subject.list)
pheno.file <- system.file("sampleData", "pheno.txt", package="CGEN")
pheno.list <- list(file=pheno.file, id.var=c("Family", "Subject"),
file.type=3, delimiter="\t",
response.var="CaseControl", strata.var="Study",
main.vars=c("Gender", "Exposure", "Smoke_CURRENT", "Smoke_FORMER"),
### code chunk number 10: set options
op <- list(out.file=out.file, model=0, scan.func="myscan", geno.counts=0)
### code chunk number 11: user-defined scan
GxE.scan(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op)
x <- read.table(out.file, header=1,, sep="\t")
x[1:5, ]
### code chunk number 12: scan.setup.func
mysetup <- function(data, lists) {
# data Data frame containing all the data except the genotype data.
# lists A list containing pheno.list and possibly scan.func.op
pheno.list <- lists$pheno.list
op.list <- lists[["scan.func.op", exact=TRUE]]
if (is.null(op.list)) op.list <- list()
svar <- pheno.list$strata.var
svec <- data[, svar]
# Add indicator variables for study to data
data[, "Study_A"] <- as.integer(svec %in% "A")
data[, "Study_B"] <- as.integer(svec %in% "B")
# Include one of the indeicators as a main effect
mvars <- pheno.list$main.vars
pheno.list$main.vars <- c(mvars, "Study_A")
# Create a formula to fit a NULL model
str <- paste(pheno.list$main.vars, collapse=" + ", sep="")
str <- paste(pheno.list$response.var, " ~ ", str, sep="")
form <- as.formula(str)
# Fit the base model
fit <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial())
# Save the formula string. This will be used in the scan function.
op.list$form.str <- str
# Save the log-likelihood and rank for LRT tests
op.list$rank.base <- fit$rank
op.list$loglike.base <- (2*fit$rank - fit$aic)/2
# Return modified lists and data
list(data=data, pheno.list=pheno.list, scan.func.op=op.list)
### code chunk number 13: myscan2
myscan2 <- function(data, lists) {
# data Data frame containing all the data except the genotype data.
# lists A list containing pheno.list and possibly scan.func.op
plist <- lists$pheno.list
op <- lists$scan.func.op
# By default, the SNP variable snp.var is called "SNP"
snp.var <- plist$snp.var
int.vars <- plist$int.vars
# Change genetic.model depending on the MAF
snp <- data[, snp.var]
missing <-
nmiss <- sum(missing)
MAF <- 0.5*mean(snp, na.rm=TRUE)
if (MAF < op$MAF.cutoff) {
gmodel <- 1
str <- "Dominant"
} else {
gmodel <- 0
str <- "Additive"
# Fit full model
fit <- snp.logistic(data, plist$response.var, snp.var,
main.vars=plist$main.vars, int.vars=int.vars,
# Get the log-likelihood and rank for likelihood ratio tests.
loglike.full <- fit$UML$loglike
rank.full <- length(fit$UML$parms)
# If the SNP had missing values, refit the base model.
if (nmiss) {
subset <- !missing
form <- as.formula(op$form.str)
fit0 <- glm(form, data=data, family=binomial(), subset=subset)
rank.base <- fit0$rank
loglike.base <- (2*fit0$rank - fit0$aic)/2
} else {
# No missing values, use saved values from scan.setup.func
rank.base <- op$rank.base
loglike.base <- op$loglike.base
# Compute the likelihood reatio test and p-value
LRT <- 2*(loglike.full - loglike.base)
LRT.p <- pchisq(LRT, rank.full-rank.base, lower.tail=FALSE)
# Compute a Wald test of the main effect of SNP and interaction using the EB estimates.
vars <- c(snp.var, paste(snp.var, ":", int.vars, sep=""))
temp <- getWaldTest(fit, vars, method="EB")
EB.p <- temp$p
EB.df <- temp$df
EB.t <- temp$test
# Define the return vector.
ret <- c(str, LRT, LRT.p, EB.t, EB.p, EB.df)
names(ret) <- c("Genetic.Model", "UML.LRT", "UML.LRT.Pvalue",
"EB.Wald.Test", "EB.Wald.Pvalue", "DF")
### code chunk number 14: scan.func.op
myoptions <- list(MAF.cutoff=0.05)
### code chunk number 15: GxE.scan.op
op <- list(out.file=out.file, model=0, scan.func="myscan2", scan.setup.func="mysetup",
scan.func.op=myoptions, geno.counts=0, geno.MAF=0, geno.missRate=0)
### code chunk number 16: user-defined scan 2
GxE.scan(snp.list, pheno.list, op=op)
### code chunk number 17: output for scan 2
x <- read.table(out.file, header=1,, sep="\t")
x[1:5, ]
### code chunk number 18: sessionInfo
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