#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom data.table data.table melt dcast setnames
#' @importFrom fastcluster hclust
#' @import WGCNA
.datatable.aware <- TRUE
#' Co-expression modules definition
#' Defines co-expression modules
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @param cor_method A character string indicating which correlation coefficient
#' is to be computed. Default \code{"pearson"}
#' @param cor_function A character string indicating the correlation function to be used. Default \code{'cor'}.
#' @param eps A value for accepted R-squared interval between subsequent beta values. Default is 0.1.
#' @param set_beta A value to override the automatically selected beta value. Default is NULL.
#' @param force_beta Whether or not to automatically force a beta value based on number of samples. Default is FALSE.
#' @param min_ngen Minimal number of genes per submodule. Default \code{20}.
#' @param merge_similar Logical. If \code{TRUE}, (the default) merge similar modules.
#' @param network_type A character string indicating to use either "unsigned" (default) or "signed" networks. Default \code{"unsigned"}
#' @param tom_type A character string indicating to use either "unsigned" or "signed" (default) TOM similarity measure.
#' @param diss_thresh Module merging correlation threshold for eigengene similarity.
#' Default \code{0.8}.
#' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE}, reports analysis steps. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return Object of class \code{CEMiTool}
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize CEMiTool object with expression
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Define network modules
#' cem <- find_modules(cem)
#' # Check results
#' head(module_genes(cem))
#' @rdname find_modules
#' @export
setGeneric('find_modules', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname find_modules
#' @export
setMethod('find_modules', signature('CEMiTool'),
function(cem, cor_method=c('pearson', 'spearman'),
cor_function='cor', eps=0.1,
set_beta=NULL, force_beta=FALSE,
min_ngen=20, merge_similar=TRUE,
network_type='unsigned', tom_type='signed',
diss_thresh=0.8, verbose=FALSE) {
cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method)
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
if(!is.null(set_beta) & force_beta){
stop("Please specify only set_beta or force_beta!")
#vars <- mget(ls())
#vars$expr <- NULL
#cem <- get_args(cem, vars=vars)
cem@parameters$cor_method <- cor_method
cem@parameters$min_ngen <- min_ngen
cem@parameters$merge_similar <- merge_similar
cem@parameters$diss_thresh <- diss_thresh
expr_t <- t(expr)
names(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
if(cor_function == 'cor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p", method=cor_method)
}else if (cor_function == 'bicor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p")
beta_data <- get_beta_data(cem, network_type, cor_function, cor_method, verbose)
fit_indices <- beta_data$fitIndices
wgcna_beta <- beta_data$powerEstimate
if(is.numeric(set_beta) & !(set_beta) %in% fit_indices[, "Power"]){
stop(c("Parameter set_beta must be one of: ", paste(fit_indices$Power, collapse=" ")))
}else if(is.character(set_beta) & tolower(set_beta)!= "wgcna"){
stop("Unrecognized string character for parameter set_beta")
}else if({
stop("Parameter set_beta cannot be NA.")
cem@fit_indices <- fit_indices
k <- fit_indices[, 5]
phi <- get_phi(cem)
# Get CEMiTool Beta and R2
r2_beta <- get_cemitool_r2_beta(cem, eps=eps)
beta <- as.integer(r2_beta[2])
r2 <- r2_beta[1]
}else if(is.numeric(set_beta)){
beta <- set_beta
r2 <- fit_indices[fit_indices$Power == beta, 2]
}else if(tolower(set_beta) == "wgcna"){
beta <- wgcna_beta
r2 <- fit_indices[fit_indices$Power == beta, 2]
beta <- get_forced_beta(cem, network_type=network_type)
r2 <- fit_indices[fit_indices$Power == beta, 2]
# Get network connectivities
our_k <- get_connectivity(cem, beta)
cem@parameters <- c(cem@parameters, NA)
names(cem@parameters)[length(cem@parameters)] <- "beta"
message('Could not specify the parameter Beta. No modules found.')
cem@parameters$r2 <- r2
cem@parameters$beta <- beta
cem@parameters$phi <- phi
# Get adjacency matrix
cem <- get_adj(cem, beta=beta, network_type=network_type,
cor_function=cor_function, cor_method=cor_method)
# Get modules
mods <- get_mods(cem, tom_type=tom_type, min_ngen=min_ngen)
n_mods <- length(unique(mods))
cem@parameters$n_mods <- n_mods
if(all(mods == 0)){
message("No significant co-expression was found - all genes placed in the 'Not.Correlated' module")
cem@parameters$n_mods <- NA
# Number of modules
if (n_mods == 0) {
message('No modules found.')
# if merge_similar=TRUE, merges similar modules
if (merge_similar) {
mods <- get_merged_mods(cem, mods, diss_thresh, verbose)
# Re-count number of modules after merging
n_mods <- length(unique(mods))
cem@parameters$n_mods <- n_mods
original_names <- setdiff(names(sort(table(mods), decreasing=TRUE)), 0)
new_names <- paste0("M", 1:length(original_names))
names(new_names) <- original_names
new_names["0"] <- "Not.Correlated"
out <- data.frame(genes=rownames(expr),
cem@module <- out
#' Retrieve scale-free model fit data
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}
#' @return Object of class \code{data.frame}
#' @examples
#' # Get example CEMiTool object
#' data(cem)
#' # Get modules and beta data
#' cem <- find_modules(cem)
#' # Get fit data
#' fit_data(cem)
#' @rdname fit_data
#' @export
setGeneric("fit_data", function(cem) {
#' @rdname fit_data
setMethod("fit_data", signature("CEMiTool"),
#' Soft-threshold beta data
#' This function takes the input parameters from find_modules
#' and calculates the WGCNA soft-threshold parameters and returns
#' them.
#' @param cem A CEMiTool object containing expression data
#' @param network_type A character string indicating to use either "unsigned"
#' (default) or "signed" networks. Default \code{"unsigned"}.
#' @param cor_function A character string indicating the correlation function
#' to be used. Default \code{'cor'}.
#' @param cor_method A character string indicating which correlation
#' coefficient is to be computed. Default \code{"pearson"}
#' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE}, reports analysis steps. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return A list containing the soft-threshold selected by WGCNA and scale-free model parameters
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Get beta data
#' beta_data <- get_beta_data(cem)
#' @rdname get_beta_data
#' @export
setGeneric('get_beta_data', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_beta_data
#' @export
setMethod('get_beta_data', signature('CEMiTool'),
function(cem, network_type="unsigned", cor_function="cor",
cor_method="pearson", verbose=FALSE){
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
expr_t <- t(expr)
names(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
if (verbose) {
message('Selecting Beta')
verbosity <- 10
} else {
verbosity <- 0
if(cor_function == 'cor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p", method=cor_method)
}else if (cor_function == 'bicor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p")
# Define a range of soft-thresholding candidates
powers_end <- 20
} else if (network_type=="signed"){
powers_end <- 30
powers <- c(c(1:10), seq(12, powers_end, 2))
## Automatic selection of soft-thresholding power beta ##
beta_data <- WGCNA::pickSoftThreshold(expr_t, powerVector=powers,
networkType=network_type, moreNetworkConcepts=TRUE,
#' Calculate phi
#' This function takes a CEMiTool object and returns the phi parameter.
#' @param cem A CEMiTool object containing the fit_indices slot
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return The phi parameter
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Get modules and beta data
#' cem <- find_modules(cem)
#' # Get phi
#' get_phi(cem)
#' @rdname get_phi
#' @export
setGeneric('get_phi', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_phi
#' @export
setMethod('get_phi', signature('CEMiTool'),
fit_indices <- fit_data(cem)
if(nrow(fit_indices) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no fit_indices slot.")
fit <- -sign(fit_indices[, "slope"])*fit_indices[, "SFT.R.sq"]
powers <- fit_indices$Power
At <- powers[length(powers)] - powers[1]
A <- 0.0
A <- sum(0.5 * (tail(fit, -1) + head(fit, -1)) * (tail(powers, -1) - head(powers, -1)))
# Area under the curve/threshold
phi <- A/At
#' Calculate CEMiTool beta and R2 values
#' This function takes a CEMiTool object with beta data and returns
#' a vector containing the chosen beta and corresponding R squared value.
#' @param cem A CEMiTool object containing the fit_indices slot
#' @param eps A value indicating the accepted interval between successive
#' values of R squared to use to calculate the selected beta.
#' Default: 0.1.
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return A vector containing R squared value and the chosen beta parameter.
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Get modules and beta data
#' cem <- find_modules(cem)
#' # Get CEMiTool R2 and beta values
#' get_cemitool_r2_beta(cem)
#' @rdname get_cemitool_r2_beta
#' @export
setGeneric('get_cemitool_r2_beta', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_cemitool_r2_beta
setMethod('get_cemitool_r2_beta', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, eps=0.1){
fit_indices <- fit_data(cem)
if(nrow(fit_indices) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no fit_indices slot.")
k <- fit_indices[, "mean.k."]
powers <- fit_indices$Power
fit <- -sign(fit_indices[, "slope"])*fit_indices[, "SFT.R.sq"]
st <- c(NA,NA)
for(count in (1:(length(fit)-2))) {
if(fit[count] >= 0.8) {
d <- c(abs(fit[count] - fit[count+1]),
abs(fit[count] - fit[count+2]),
abs(fit[count+1] - fit[count+2]))
if(max(d) < eps) {
j <- which.max(k[count:(count+2)]) + count - 1
st <- c(fit[j], powers[j])
#' Calculate network connectivity
#' This function takes a CEMiTool object and returns the network connectivity.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool} containing the fit_indices slot
#' @param beta A soft-thresholding value to be used for the network.
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return The value of the network's connectivity.
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Get modules and beta data
#' cem <- find_modules(cem)
#' # Get network connectivity with example beta value 8
#' get_connectivity(cem, beta=8)
#' @rdname get_connectivity
#' @export
setGeneric('get_connectivity', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_connectivity
setMethod('get_connectivity', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, beta){
fit_indices <- fit_data(cem)
if(nrow(fit_indices) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no fit_indices slot.")
our_k <- NA
if(! {
if(beta <= 10) {
our_k <- fit_indices[(beta) , 5]
} else {
line <- (beta + 10)/2
our_k <- fit_indices[line, 5]
#' Get or set adjacency matrix value
#' This function takes a \code{CEMiTool} object containing expression values
#' and returns a CEMiTool object with an adjacency matrix in the adjacency slot.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}
#' @param value Object of class \code{matrix} containing adjacency data. Only used
#' for setting adjacency values to CEMiTool object.
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return Object of class \code{matrix} with adjacency values or object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Calculate adjacency matrix with example beta value 8
#' cem <- get_adj(cem, beta=8)
#' # Return adjacency matrix
#' adj <- adj_data(cem)
#' # Check result
#' adj[1:5, 1:5]
#' # Set adjacency matrix to CEMiTool object
#' adj_data(cem) <- adj
#' @rdname adj_data
#' @export
setGeneric('adj_data', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname adj_data
setMethod("adj_data", signature("CEMiTool"),
function(cem) {
#' @rdname adj_data
#' @export
setGeneric("adj_data<-", function(cem, value) {
#' @rdname adj_data
setReplaceMethod('adj_data', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, value) {
stop("The object provided is not a matrix object")
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
if(!identical(rownames(value), rownames(expr))){
stop("Adjacency matrix provided does not reflect the names in the expression data.")
cem@adjacency <- value
#' Calculate adjacency matrix
#' This function takes a \code{CEMiTool} object
#' and returns an adjacency matrix.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}
#' @param beta Selected soft-threshold value
#' @param network_type A character string indicating to use either "unsigned"
#' (default) or "signed" networks. Default \code{"unsigned"}.
#' @param cor_function A character string indicating the correlation function
#' to be used. Default \code{'cor'}.
#' @param cor_method A character string indicating which correlation
#' coefficient is to be computed. Default \code{"pearson"}.
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return Object of class \code{CEMiTool} with adjacency data
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Calculate adjacency matrix with example beta value 8
#' cem <- get_adj(cem, beta=8)
#' # Check results
#' adj <- adj_data(cem)
#' adj[1:5, 1:5]
#' @rdname get_adj
#' @export
setGeneric('get_adj', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_adj
setMethod("get_adj", signature("CEMiTool"),
function(cem, beta, network_type="unsigned",
cor_function="cor", cor_method="pearson") {
stop("Please provide a soft-threshold beta value. Run get_cemitool_r2_beta() for CEMiTool's default value.")
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
expr_t <- t(expr)
names(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
if(cor_function == 'cor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p", method=cor_method)
}else if (cor_function == 'bicor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p")
# Calculating adjacency matrix
adj <- WGCNA::adjacency(expr_t, power=beta, type=network_type,
corFnc=cor_function, corOptions=cor_options)
cem@adjacency <- adj
#' Calculate co-expression modules
#' This function takes a \code{CEMiTool} object containing an adjacency matrix
#' together with the given network parameters, and returns the given
#' co-expression modules.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @param cor_function A character string indicating the correlation function
#' to be used. Default \code{'cor'}.
#' @param cor_method A character string indicating which correlation
#' coefficient is to be computed. Default \code{"pearson"}.
#' @param tom_type A character string indicating to use either "unsigned" or
#' "signed" (default) TOM similarity measure.
#' @param min_ngen Minimal number of genes per module (Default: 20).
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return Numeric labels assigning genes to modules.
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Calculate adjacency matrix with example beta value 8
#' cem <- get_adj(cem, beta=8)
#' # Get module labels
#' mods <- get_mods(cem)
#' @rdname get_mods
#' @export
setGeneric('get_mods', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_mods
setMethod('get_mods', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, cor_function="cor", cor_method="pearson",
tom_type="signed", min_ngen=20) {
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
adj <- adj_data(cem)
if(nrow(adj) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no adjacency matrix!")
expr_t <- t(expr)
names(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
if(cor_function == 'cor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p", method=cor_method)
}else if (cor_function == 'bicor'){
cor_options <- list(use="p", method="pearson")
# Calculating Topological Overlap Matrix
if (tom_type == 'signed') {
tom <- WGCNA::TOMsimilarity(adj*sign(WGCNA::cor(expr_t, use=cor_options$use,
method=cor_options$method)), TOMType=tom_type)
} else if (tom_type == 'unsigned') {
tom <- WGCNA::TOMsimilarity(adj, TOMType=tom_type)
# Determining TOM based distance measure
diss <- 1 - tom
# Clustering
tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(diss), method = 'average')
# Cutting tree to determine modules
mods <- dynamicTreeCut::cutreeDynamic(dendro = tree, distM = diss,
deepSplit = 2,
pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
minClusterSize = min_ngen)
#' Merge similar modules
#' This function takes a CEMiTool object with expression and a vector of
#' numeric labels to merge similar modules.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @param mods A vector containing numeric labels for each module gene
#' @param diss_thresh A threshold of dissimilarity for modules. Default is 0.8.
#' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE}, reports analysis steps. Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return Numeric labels assigning genes to modules.
#' @examples
#' # Get example expression data
#' data(expr0)
#' # Initialize new CEMiTool object with expression data
#' cem <- new_cem(expr0, filter=TRUE, apply_vst=FALSE)
#' # Calculate adjacency matrix with example beta value 8
#' cem <- get_adj(cem, beta=8)
#' # Get modules
#' mods <- get_mods(cem)
#' # Merge similar modules
#' merged_mods <- get_merged_mods(cem, mods)
#' @rdname get_merged_mods
#' @export
setGeneric('get_merged_mods', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_merged_mods
setMethod('get_merged_mods', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, mods, diss_thresh=0.8, verbose=FALSE){
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
expr_t <- t(expr)
names(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
if (verbose) {
message('Merging modules based on eigengene similarity')
# Calculates eigengenes
me_list <- WGCNA::moduleEigengenes(expr_t, colors=mods, grey=0)
me_eigen <- me_list$eigengenes
# Calculates dissimilarity of module eigengenes
me_diss <- 1 - stats::cor(me_eigen)
# Clustering module eigengenes
me_tree <- hclust(as.dist(me_diss), method='average')
# Setting cut height
me_diss_thresh <- 1 - diss_thresh
# Merging modules
merged_mods <- WGCNA::mergeCloseModules(expr_t, mods,
# The merged modules colors
mods <- merged_mods$colors
#' Co-expression module summarization
#' Summarizes modules using mean or eigengene expression.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @param method A character string indicating which summarization method
#' is to be used. Can be 'eigengene', 'mean' or 'median'. Default is 'mean'.
#' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE}, reports analysis steps.
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with summarized values.
#' @examples
#' # Get example CEMiTool object
#' data(cem)
#' # Summarize results
#' mod_summary <- mod_summary(cem)
#' @rdname mod_summary
#' @export
setGeneric('mod_summary', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname mod_summary
setMethod('mod_summary', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, method=c('mean', 'median', 'eigengene'),
method <- match.arg(method)
if(length(cem@module) == 0){
stop("No modules in CEMiTool object! Did you run find_modules()?")
if (verbose) {
message(paste0('Summarizing modules by ', method))
modules <- unique(cem@module[, 'modules'])
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
if(nrow(expr) == 0){
stop("CEMiTool object has no expression file!")
# mean expression of genes in modules
if (method == 'mean' | method == 'median') {
func <- get(method)
expr <- data.table(expr, keep.rownames=TRUE)
expr_melt <- data.table::melt(expr, id='rn','samples','expression')
expr_melt <- merge(expr_melt, cem@module, by.x='rn', by.y='genes')
summarized <- expr_melt[, list(method=as.double(func(expression))),
by=c('samples', 'modules')]
summarized <- data.table::dcast(summarized, modules~samples, value.var="method")
# eigengene for each module
} else if (method == 'eigengene') {
expr_t <- t(expr)
colnames(expr_t) <- rownames(expr)
rownames(expr_t) <- colnames(expr)
me_list <- WGCNA::moduleEigengenes(expr_t,
me_eigen <- data.table(t(me_list$eigengenes), keep.rownames=TRUE)
setnames(me_eigen, c('modules', colnames(expr)))
me_eigen[, modules := gsub('^ME', '', modules)]
#' Get hubs
#' Returns \code{n} genes in each module with high connectivity.
#' @param cem Object of class \code{CEMiTool}.
#' @param n Number of hubs to return from each module. If "all", returns all genes
#' in decreasing order of connectivity. Default: 5.
#' @param method Method for hub calculation. Either "adjacency" or "kME".
#' Default: "adjacency"
#' @param ... Optional parameters.
#' @return A \code{list} containing hub genes for each module and the value of
#' the calculated method.
#' @examples
#' # Get example CEMiTool object
#' data(cem)
#' # Get module hubs
#' hubs <- get_hubs(cem, n=10, "adjacency")
#' @rdname get_hubs
#' @export
setGeneric('get_hubs', function(cem, ...) {
#' @rdname get_hubs
setMethod('get_hubs', signature(cem='CEMiTool'),
function(cem, n=5, method="adjacency"){
if(nrow(cem@adjacency) == 0){
stop("Make sure that you ran the method find_modules.")
if(method == "adjacency"){
mod2gene <- split(cem@module$genes, cem@module$modules)
hubs <- lapply(mod2gene, function(x){
if (length(x) > 1) {
mod_adj <- cem@adjacency[x, x]
diag(mod_adj) <- NA
if(n == "all"){
top <- sort(rowSums(mod_adj, na.rm=TRUE), decreasing=TRUE)
top <- head(sort(rowSums(mod_adj, na.rm=TRUE), decreasing=TRUE), n=n)
} else {
}else if(method == "kME"){
eigens <- mod_summary(cem, "eigengene")
rownames(eigens) <- eigens$modules
eigens$modules <- NULL
eigens <-
expr <- expr_data(cem, filter=cem@parameters$filter,
datExpr <-
kmes <- signedKME(datExpr, eigens)
names(kmes) <- names(eigens)
kme_list <- as.list(kmes)
kme_list <- lapply(kme_list, function(x){
names(x) <- rownames(kmes)
hubs <- lapply(kme_list, function(x){
if(n == "all"){
top <- sort(x, decreasing=TRUE)
top <- head(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE), n = n)
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