hr <- function(seq, method, identity, cdhit.path){
## Filter homolog Reduction.
## seq - a list with one element for each protein/gene sequence. The elements
## are in two parts, one the description and the second a character
## string of the biological sequence.
## identity - a numeric value ranged from 0 to 1. It is used as a
## maximum identity cutoff among input sequences.
## method - a string for the method of homolog redunction.
## "cdhit":
## it is suitable for filter full-length protein or gene sequences.
## "aligndis": it is suitable for filter aligned seuqnces with same length.
## cdhit.path - a string for the path of cdhit program. eg: "/people/hongli/cd-hit/".
## Copyright 2008, Hong Li, all rights reserved.
if( any(missing(seq), missing(method),missing(identity)) ){
stop("Parameters seq, method and identity can not be missing or NULL")
if( identity<0 | identity>1 ){
stop(paste("identity",identity,"is not supported. Has to be a numeric
value ranged from 0 to 1"))
reducSeq = switch(method,
"cdhit" = cdhitHR(seq,identity,cdhit.path),
"aligndis" = aligndisHR(seq,identity),
stop(paste("method",method,"is not supported. Has to be cdhit or aligndis"))
## There is a litter bug in "" in the cd-hit program package.
## Please change the
## " $cmd = `$psi_blast -d ./$tmp_db $bl_para -i $seq_dir/$id -R $prof_dir/$ -o $bl_dir/$id`;
## $cmd = `$blastp -d ./$tmp_db $bl_para -i $seq_dir/$id -o $bl_dir/$id`;
## "
## to
## " $cmd = `$psi_blast -d $tmp_db $bl_para -i $seq_dir/$id -R $prof_dir/$ -o $bl_dir/$id`;
## $cmd = `$blastp -d $tmp_db $bl_para -i $seq_dir/$id -o $bl_dir/$id`;
## "
cdhitHR <- function(seq, identity=0.3, cdhit.path){
if( !file.exists(file.path(cdhit.path,"cd-hit")) |
!file.exists(file.path(cdhit.path,"")) ){
stop(paste("cdhit.path",cdhit.path,"is not corrected"))
names(seq) = sapply(seq,function(x){x$desc})
perlName <- paste(tempfile("tempPerl"), "pl", sep=".")
inFasta = tempfile("tempFasta") ;
outFile = tempfile("tempOut") ;
write(paste("$inFasta='",inFasta,"';",sep=""), file = perlName, append = TRUE)
write(paste("$outFile='",outFile,"';",sep=""), file = perlName, append = TRUE)
write(paste("$identity=",identity,";"), file = perlName, append = TRUE)
write(paste("$cdhit='",cdhit.path,"';",sep=""), file = perlName, append = TRUE)
write(readLines( file.path(path.package("BioSeqClass"),"scripts",
"homologReduction_cdhit") ), file = perlName, append = TRUE)
.callPerl(perlName, .Platform$OS.type)
reducSeq = seq[as.vector(as.matrix(read.csv(outFile,header=F,sep="\t")))]
aligndisHR <- function(seq, identity=0.6){
## Ref: "Daniel Schwartz, Michael F. Chou, George M. Church. Predicting protein
## post-translational modifications using meta-analysis of proteome-scale
##ĄĄĄĄĄĄdata sets. MCP."
D <- ceiling(length(unlist(strsplit(seq[[1]][["seq"]],split="")))*(1-identity))
tmpSeq2 <- sapply(seq,function(x){x[["seq"]]})
names(tmpSeq2) <- sapply(seq,function(x){x[["desc"]]})
for( j in 0:D ){
for(i in names(tmpSeq2)){
if( ![i]) ){
tmp <- sapply(tmpSeq2[setdiff(names(tmpSeq2),i)],
tmpSeq2 <- tmpSeq2[setdiff(names(tmpSeq2),names(tmp)[tmp==j])]
reducSeq <- list()
for (x in 1:length(tmpSeq2) ){reducSeq[[x]]=list("desc"=names(tmpSeq2)[x],"seq"=tmpSeq2[x]) }
distance <- function(seq1,seq2)
## Caclate the number of different residues between seq1 and seq2.
## seq1 - a string for the protein or gene sequence
## seq2 - a string for the protein or gene sequence.
if( missing(seq1) | missing(seq2) ){
stop("Parameters seq1 and seq2 can not be missing or NULL")
if( length(seq1)>1 | length(seq2)>1 ){
stop(paste("Length of",seq1,"or",seq2,"must be 1"))
tmp1 <- unlist(strsplit(seq1,split=""))
tmp2 <- unlist(strsplit(seq2,split=""))
if( length(tmp1)!=length(tmp2) ){
stop(paste(seq1,"and",seq2,"must have the same length"))
getNegSite <- function(posSite, seq, aa){
protein = unique(sapply(posSite,function(x){unlist(strsplit(x,split=":"))[1]}))
negSite = unlist(sapply(protein,function(x){
tmp = unlist(strsplit(seq[x],split=""))
negSite = setdiff(negSite,posSite)
getTrain <- function(seqfile, posfile, aa, w, identity, balance = T){
seq = as.character(readAAStringSet(seqfile))
tmp = as.matrix(read.csv(posfile, sep = "\t",header=F))
tmp = tmp[apply(tmp, 1, function(x) {
as.numeric(x[2]) - w > 0 & as.numeric(x[2]) + w <= nchar(seq[x[1]])
}), ]
posSeq = list()
for (x in 1:nrow(tmp) ){posSeq[[x]]=list("desc"=paste(tmp[x, 1], as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]), sep = ":"),
"seq"=substr(seq[tmp[x, 1]], as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]) - w, as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]) + w) ) }
print(paste("Positive Site:", length(posSeq)))
print(paste("Positive Protein:", length(unique(sapply(sapply(posSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}),
function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))[1]
posSeq = hr(posSeq, method = "aligndis", identity = identity)
print(paste("Positive Site After Homolog Reduction:", length(posSeq)))
protein = unique(sapply(sapply(posSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}), function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))[1]
print(paste("Positive Protein After Homolog Reduction:",
negSite = getNegSite(sapply(posSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}), seq, aa)
tmp = t(sapply(negSite, function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))
tmp = tmp[apply(tmp, 1, function(x) {
as.numeric(x[2]) - w > 0 & as.numeric(x[2]) + w <= nchar(seq[x[1]])
}), ]
negSeq = list()
for (x in 1:nrow(tmp) ){negSeq[[x]]=list("desc"=paste(tmp[x, 1], as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]), sep = ":"),
"seq"=substr(seq[tmp[x, 1]], as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]) - w, as.numeric(tmp[x, 2]) + w) ) }
negSeq = negSeq[sapply(tmp2,function(x){ sum(x==tmp1)==0 })]
print(paste("Negative Site:", length(negSeq)))
print(paste("Negative Protein:", length(unique(sapply(sapply(negSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}),
function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))[1]
if (balance) {
if( length(posSeq)*2<length(negSeq) ){
negSeq = sample(negSeq, length(posSeq)*2 )
negSeq = hr(negSeq, method = "aligndis", identity = identity)
if( length(posSeq)<length(negSeq) ){
negSeq = sample(negSeq, length(posSeq))
print( "The number of Negative site is smaller than the Positive site")
print(paste("Negative Site After Homolog Reduction and Random Selection:",
print(paste("Negative Protein After Homolog Reduction and Random Selection:",
length(unique(sapply(sapply(negSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}), function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))[1]
else {
negSeq = hr(negSeq, method = "aligndis", identity = identity)
print(paste("Negative Site After Homolog Reduction:",
print(paste("Negative Protein After Homolog Reduction:",
length(unique(sapply(sapply(negSeq,function(x){x[["desc"]]}), function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ":"))[1]
list(pos = posSeq, neg = negSeq)
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