classify <- function(data,classifyMethod="libsvm",cv=10,
features, evaluator, search, n=200,
svm.path, svm.options="-t 0",
nnet.size=2, nnet.rang=0.7, nnet.decay=0, nnet.maxit=100
## data - a data frame. The last column is the class label and other columns are features.
## classifyMethod - a character for the method of classification.
## "libsvm": Support Vecotr Machine by LibSVM. Package "e1071" is required.
## "svmlight": Support Vecotr Machine by SVMLight. Package klaR is required.
## "NaiveBayes": Naive Bayes. Package klaR is required.
## "randomForest": random forest. Package randomForest is required.
## "knn": k Nearest Neighbor. Package class is required.
## "tree": Package tree is required.
## "nnet": neural net. Bundle VR is required.
## "rpart": Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees. Package rpart is required.
## "ctree"
## "ctreelibsvm"
## "bagging"
## "svm-decisionTree"
## cv - Method for cross validation.
## "5" :
## "10" :
## "leave_one_out" :
## svm.kernel - a character for kernel function of SVM.
## "linear"
## "polynomial"
## "radial basis"
## "sigmoid"
## svm.scale - A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled.
## svm.path - a character for path to SVMlight binaries (required, if path is
## unknown by the OS).
## svm.options - Optional parameters to SVMlight.For further details see:
## Ą°How to useĄą on (e.g.: "-t 2 -g 0.1"))
## nnet.size - number of units in the hidden layer. Can be zero if there are
## skip-layer units.
## nnet.rang - Initial random weights on [-rang, rang]. Value about 0.5 unless
## the inputs are large, in which case it should be chosen so that
## rang * max(|x|) is about 1.
## nnet.decay - parameter for weight decay.
## nnet.maxit - maximum number of iterations.
colnames(data)[ncol(data)] = "class"
class = as.vector(unique(data[,ncol(data)]))
cv = nrow(data)
count = floor(table(data[,ncol(data)])/cv)
index = lapply(class,function(y){which(data[,ncol(data)]==y)})
names(index) = class
result = list()
for(i in 1:cv){
if( cv==nrow(data) ){
test = data[i,]
train = data[-i,]
tmp = unlist(lapply(class, function(x){index[[x]][(count[x]*(i-1)+1):(count[x]*i)]}) )
test = data[tmp,]
train = data[-tmp,]
if( missing(features) ){
if( missing(evaluator) ){
features = 1:(ncol(train)-1)
features = selectWeka(train, evaluator, search, n)
result[["features"]][[i]] = features
train = train[,c(features,ncol(train))]
test = test[,c(features,ncol(test))]
testResult = classifyModelKNN(train, test[,-ncol(test)], knn.k)
testResult = classifyModelCTREELIBSVM(train, test[,-ncol(test)], svm.kernel, svm.scale)
model = switch(classifyMethod,
"libsvm" = classifyModelLIBSVM(train,svm.kernel,svm.scale),
"svmlight" = classifyModelSVMLIGHT(train,svm.path,svm.options="-t 0"),
"NaiveBayes" = classifyModelNB(train),
"randomForest" = classifyModelRF(train),
"tree" = classifyModelTree(train),
"nnet" = classifyModelNNET(train,nnet.size,nnet.rang,
"rpart" = classifyModelRPART(train),
"ctree" = classifyModelCTREE(train),
"bagging" = classifyModelBAG(train),
stop(paste("classifyMethod",classifyMethod,"is not supported.
Has to be libsvm, svmlight, NaiveBayes, randomForest,
tree, nnet, or rpart"))
testResult = switch(classifyMethod,
"NaiveBayes" = predict(model, test[,-ncol(test)])$class,
"tree" = predict(model, test[,-ncol(test)],type="class"),
"nnet" = predict(model, test[,-ncol(test)],type="class"),
"rpart" = predict(model, test[,-ncol(test)],type="class"),
predict(model, test[,-ncol(test)])
if( cv==nrow(data) ){
result[["test"]][[i]] = i
result[["testPredict"]][[i]] = as.vector(testResult)
result[["test"]][[i]] = tmp
perform = performance(testResult,test[,ncol(test)])
result[["performance"]][[i]] = perform
tmpName = names(result[["performance"]][[i]])
tmpName1 = c("tp","tn","fp","fn")
tmpName2 = setdiff(tmpName,tmpName1)
if( cv==nrow(data) ){
result[["totalPerformance"]] = performance(result[["testPredict"]],data[,ncol(data)])
1, function(y){sum(y)}
result[["totalPerformance"]][tmpName2] =
1, function(y){mean(y)}
result[["featureNumber"]] = sort(table(unlist(
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