#' The Pseudo Dinucleotide Composition Descriptor
#' The Pseudo Dinucleotide Composition Descriptor
#' This function calculates the pseudo dinucleotide composition Descriptor
#' @param x the input data, which should be a list or file type.
#' @param normalize with this option, the final feature vector will be normalized based
#' on the total occurrences of all kmers. Therefore, the elements in the feature vectors
#' represent the frequencies of kmers. The default value of this parameter is False.
#' @param lambda an integer larger than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to L-2 (L means the length of the shortest
#' sequence in the dataset). It represents the highest counted rank (or tier) of the correlation along a
#' DNA sequence. Its default value is 3.
#' @param w the weight factor ranged from 0 to 1. Its default value is 0.05.
#' @param customprops the users can use their own indices to generate the feature vector. It should be a dict,
#' the key is dinucleotide (string), and its corresponding value is a list type.
#' @return A vector
#' @keywords extract PseDNC
#' @aliases extrDNAPseDNC
#' @author Min-feng Zhu <\email{}>
#' @export extrDNAPseDNC
#' @seealso See \code{\link{extrDNAPseKNC}}
#' @note if the user defined physicochemical indices have not been normalized, it should be normalized.
#' @references
#' Chen W, Feng P M, Lin H, et al. iRSpot-PseDNC: identify recombination spots with pseudo dinucleotide composition.
#' \emph{Nucleic acids research}, 2013: gks1450.
#' @examples
#' extrDNAPseDNC(x)
extrDNAPseDNC = function (x, lambda = 3, w = 0.05,
normalize = FALSE, customprops = NULL) {
if (checkDNA(x) == FALSE)
stop("x has unrecognized type !")
Didx = data.frame(AA = c(0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11),
AC = c(1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04),
AG = c(0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62),
AT = c(1.07, 0.22, 0.62, -1.02, 2.51, 1.17),
CA = c(-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25),
CC = c(0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24),
CG = c(-1.66, -1.22, -0.44, -0.82, -0.29, -1.39),
CT = c(0.78, 0.36, 0.09, 0.68, -0.24, -0.62),
GA = c(-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71),
GC = c(-0.08, 0.22, 1.33, -0.35, 0.65, 1.59),
GG = c(0.06, 1.08, 0.09, 0.56, -0.82, 0.24),
GT = c(1.50, 0.50, 0.80, 0.13, 1.29, 1.04),
TA = c(-1.23, -2.37, -0.44, -2.24, -1.51, -1.39),
TC = c(-0.08, 0.5, 0.27, 0.13, -0.39, 0.71),
TG = c(-1.38, -1.36, -0.27, -0.86, -0.62, -1.25),
TT = c(0.06, 0.5, 0.27, 1.59, 0.11, -0.11))
if (!is.null(customprops))
Didx = rbind(Didx, customprops)
n = dim(Didx)[1]
Ddict = make_kmer_index(k = 2)
if (normalize) {
H = matrix(ncol = 16, nrow = n)
Didx = as.matrix(Didx)
for (i in 1:n) H[i, ] = (Didx[i, ] - mean(Didx[i, ]))/(sqrt(sum((Didx[i,] -
mean(Didx[i, ])) ^ 2) / 16))
H = round(H, 3)
colnames(H) = Ddict
else H = Didx
Theta = vector("list", lambda)
for (i in 1:lambda) Theta[[i]] = vector("list", n)
xSplit = strsplit(x, split = "")[[1]]
xPaste = paste0(xSplit[1:length(xSplit) - 1], xSplit[2:length(xSplit)])
N = length(xPaste)
for (i in 1:lambda) {
for (j in 1:(N - i)) {
temp = append(temp, mean((H[, xPaste[j]] - H[, xPaste[j + i]]) ^ 2))
Theta[[i]] = temp
theta = sapply(Theta, mean)
fc = summary(factor(xPaste, levels = Ddict), maxsum = 16)
fc = fc/sum(fc)
Xc1 = fc/(1 + (w * sum(theta)))
names(Xc1) = paste("Xc1.", names(Xc1), sep = "")
Xc2 = (w * theta)/(1 + (w * sum(theta)))
names(Xc2) = paste("Xc2.lambda.", 1:lambda, sep = "")
Xc = c(Xc1, Xc2)
Xc = round(Xc, 3)
return (Xc)
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