makeReport <- function(dirPath, dirName, resBic, browse=TRUE){
if(substr(dirPath, start=nchar(dirPath), stop=nchar(dirPath)) == "/") dirPath <- substr(dirPath, start=1, stop=nchar(dirPath)-1)
outDir <- file.path(dirPath, dirName)
dir.create(outDir, showWarnings=FALSE)
BicAREPath <- file.path(attr(as.environment(match("package:BicARE", search())), "path"), "report")
file.copy(c(list.files(BicAREPath, full.names=T)), outDir, overwrite=T)
nbBic <- nrow(resBic$mat.resvol.bic)
fileHome <- file.path(outDir, "home.html")
contentHome <- readLines(fileHome, warn=FALSE)
contentHome <- sub("DATE1", resBic$param[5,2], contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("DATE2", date(), contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("ANALYSISNAME", dirName, contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("NBBIC", resBic$param[1,2], contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("RESIDU", resBic$param[2,2], contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("PROBAINIT", resBic$param[3,2], contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("NBITE", resBic$param[4,2], contentHome)
## array type, if present
Data <- resBic$ExpressionSet
modPuce <- FALSE
if ((length(annotation(Data))!=0) && (require(paste(annotation(Data), ".db", sep=""), character.only=TRUE))) modPuce <- TRUE
## biclusters
fileListBic <- file.path(outDir, "listBic.html")
contentListBic <- readLines(fileListBic, warn=FALSE)
tab <- ""
for (i in 1:nbBic){
tabListGenes <- "<hr><br>\n<table>\n \t<tr><th></th><th>Symbol</th></tr>\n"
tabListSamples <- "<hr><br>\n<table>\n \t<tr><th>Sample</th></tr>\n"
pngName <- paste("bic", i, ".png", sep="")
pngFile <- file.path(outDir, pngName)
png(pngFile, width=600, height=600)
bic <- bicluster(resBic, i, graph=TRUE)
fileBic <- file.path(outDir, paste("bic", i, ".html",sep=""))
file.copy(file.path(outDir,"bic.html"), fileBic, overwrite=TRUE)
contentBic <- readLines(fileBic)
contentBic <- sub("biclusterName", paste("Bicluster", i, sep=" "), contentBic)
contentBic <- sub("Graph", pngName, contentBic)
listGenes <- rownames(bic)
if (modPuce) symbol <- unlist(getSYMBOL(listGenes, annotation(Data)))
else symbol <- rep(NA, nrow(bic))
for (j in 1:length(symbol)){
tabListGenes <- paste(tabListGenes, "\t<tr> <td>", listGenes[j], "</td> <td>", symbol[j], "</td> </tr>\n", sep="")
tabListGenes <- paste(tabListGenes, "</table>\n", sep="")
contentBic <- sub("ListGenes", tabListGenes, contentBic)
listSamples <- colnames(bic)
for (j in 1:length(listSamples)){
tabListSamples <- paste(tabListSamples, "\t<tr> <td>",listSamples[j], "</td> </tr>\n",sep="")
tabListSamples <- paste(tabListSamples, "</table>\n", sep="")
contentBic <- sub("ListSamples", tabListSamples, contentBic)
write(contentBic, file=fileBic, append=FALSE)
tab <- paste(tab, "\t<tr>\n\t\t<td><a href=\"bic", i, ".html\">bicluster ", i, "</a></td>\n",sep="")
for (j in 1:5){
tab <- paste(tab, "\t\t<td>", round(resBic$mat.resvol.bic[i,j], 3), "</td>\n", sep="")
tab <- paste(tab, "\t</tr>\n", sep="")
contentListBic <- sub("TAB", tab, contentListBic)
write(contentListBic, file=fileListBic, append=FALSE)
geneSet <- resBic$geneSet
geneSetCol <- geneSet$geneSetCol
fileGeneSet <- file.path(outDir, "geneSets.html")
contentGeneSet <- readLines(fileGeneSet)
if (is.null(geneSet)){
contentGeneSet <- sub("content", "Analysis not performed", contentGeneSet)
nbSets <- 0
} else{
nbSets <- length(geneSetCol)
txt <- "\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t<th>Gene set</th>\n\t<th>Bicluster</th>\n\t<th>adj p-value</th>\n\t<th>p-value</th></tr>"
index <- order(geneSet$adjpvalue, na.last=NA)
index <- index[1:100]
for (i in index){
n <- floor((i-1)/nbBic)
m <- round(nbBic * (i/nbBic - n),digits=0)
nameSet <- setName(geneSetCol[[n+1]])
txt2 <- paste("\n\t<tr>\n\t<td>",nameSet,"</td>\n\t<td><a href=\"bic", m,".html\">Bicluster ", m, "</a></td>\n\t<td>", geneSet$adjpvalue[i], "</td>\n\t<td>", geneSet$pvalue[i],"</td>\n\t</tr>", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, txt2, sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "\n</table>\n", sep="")
contentGeneSet <- sub("content", txt, contentGeneSet)
contentHome <- sub("NBSETS", nbSets, contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("ENRICHEDSET", sum(geneSet$adjpvalue<=0.2, na.rm=TRUE), contentHome)
write(contentGeneSet, fileGeneSet, append=FALSE)
covar <- resBic$covar
fileCovar <- file.path(outDir, "covar.html")
contentCovar <- readLines(fileCovar)
if (is.null(covar)){
contentCovar <- sub("content", "Analysis not performed", contentCovar)
nbVar <- 0
} else {
nbVar <- length(covar$covar)
txt <- ""
txt2 <- "<ul>\n"
for (i in 1:nbVar) {
nameCov <- names(covar$covar)[i]
nbModa <- length(covar$covar[[i]])
txt2 <- paste(txt2, "<li><a href=\"#", nameCov, "\">", nameCov,"</a></li>\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt,"<hr><h3><a name=\"", nameCov, "\">", nameCov, "</a></h3>\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t<th></th>\n\t<th>adjp-value<br><i>(p-value)</i></th>\n", sep="")
txt3 <- "\t<tr>\n\t<th></th>\n\t<th></th>\n"
for (j in 1:nbModa){
txt <- paste(txt, "\t<th>", names(covar$covar[[i]])[j], "</th>\n")
txt3 <- paste(txt3, "\t<th>", covar$covar[[i]][j], "</th>\n",sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "\t</tr>\n")
txt <- paste(txt, txt3, "\t</tr>\n",sep="")
pvalOrder <- order(covar$pvalue[,i])
for (j in pvalOrder){
txt <- paste(txt, "\t<tr>\n\t<td><a href=\"bic", j,".html\">Bicluster ", j, "</a></td>\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "\t<td>", round(covar$adjpvalue[j,i], digits=4), "<br><i>(", round(covar$pvalue[j,i], digits=4), ")</i></td>\n", sep="")
for (k in 1:nbModa){
txt <- paste(txt, "\t<td>", covar$index[[i]][j,k], "<br><i>",round(covar$residuals[[i]][j,k], digits=3),"</i></td>\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "\t</tr>\n", sep="")
txt <- paste(txt, "</table>\n", sep="")
txt2 <- paste(txt2, "</ul>\n")
txt <- paste(txt2, txt)
contentCovar <- sub("content", txt, contentCovar)
write(contentCovar, file=fileCovar, append=FALSE)
contentHome <- sub("NBANNOT", nbVar, contentHome)
contentHome <- sub("ENRICHEDANNOT", sum(covar$adjpvalues<=0.2, na.rm=TRUE), contentHome)
write(contentHome, file=fileHome, append=FALSE)
if (browse) browseURL(fileHome, browser = getOption("browser"))
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