#' Generate RNA velocity files for GRanges
#' @inheritParams tr2g_GRanges
#' @param gr A `GRanges` object for gene annotation.
#' @param L Length of the biological read. For instance, 10xv1: 98 nt,
#' 10xv2: 98 nt, 10xv3: 91 nt, Drop-seq: 50 nt. If in doubt check read length
#' in a fastq file for biological reads with the `bash` commands:
#' If the fastq file is gzipped, then do `zcat your_file.fastq.gz | head` on
#' Linux. If on Mac, then `zcat < your_file.fastq.gz | head`. Then you will see
#' lines with nucleotide bases. Copy one of those lines and determine its length
#' with \code{\link{str_length}} in R or `echo -n <the sequence> | wc -c` in
#' `bash`. Which file corresponds to biological reads depends on the particular
#' technology.
#' @param Transcriptome A \code{\link{XStringSet}}, a path to a fasta
#' file (can be gzipped) of the transcriptome which contains sequences of
#' spliced transcripts, or `NULL`. The transcriptome here will be concatenated
#' with the intronic sequences to give one fasta file. When `NULL`, the
#' transriptome sequences will be extracted from the genome
#' given the gene annotation, so it will be guaranteed that transcript IDs in
#' the transcriptome and in the annotation match. Otherwise, the type of
#' transcript ID in the transcriptome must match that in the gene annotation
#' supplied via argument `X`.
#' @param style Formatting of chromosome names. Use
#' \code{\link{genomeStyles}} to check which styles are supported for your
#' organism of interest and what those styles look like. This can also be a
#' style supported for your organism different from the style used by the
#' annotation and the genome. Then this style will be used for both the
#' annotation and the genome. Can take the following values:
#' \describe{
#' \item{annotation}{If style of the annnotation is different from that of the
#' genome, then the style of the annotation will be used.}
#' \item{genome}{If style of the annnotation is different from that of the
#' genome, then the style of the genome will be used.}
#' \item{other}{Custom style, need to manually ensure that the style in
#' annotation matches that of the genome.}
#' \item{Ensembl}{Or `UCSC` or `NCBI`, whichever is supported by your species
#' of interest.}
#' }
#' @param isoform_action Character, indicating action to take with different
#' transcripts of the same gene. Must be one of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{collapse}{First, the union of all exons of different transcripts of a
#' gene will be taken. Then the introns will be inferred from this union. Only
#' the flanked intronic sequences are affected; isoforms will always be taken
#' into account for spliced sequences or exon-exon junctions.}
#' \item{separate}{Introns from different transcripts will be kept separate.}
#' }
#' @param exon_option Character, indicating how exonic sequences should be
#' included in the kallisto index. Must be one of the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{full}{The full cDNA sequences, which include the full exonic sequences,
#' will be used. This is the default.}
#' \item{junction}{Only the exon-exon junctions, with L-1 bases on each side
#' of the junctions, will be used.}
#' }
#' @param width Maximum number of letters per line of sequence in the output
#' fasta file. Must be an integer.
#' @return See \code{\link{get_velocity_files}}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges seqnames strand
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures extractTranscriptSeqs
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split
.get_velocity_files <- function(gr, L, Genome, Transcriptome = NULL,
out_path = ".", style = c("annotation",
"genome", "Ensembl",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
transcript_id = "transcript_id",
gene_id = "gene_id",
transcript_version = "transcript_version",
gene_version = "gene_version",
version_sep = ".",
transcript_biotype_col = "transcript_biotype",
gene_biotype_col = "gene_biotype",
transcript_biotype_use = "all",
gene_biotype_use = "all",
chrs_only = TRUE, save_filtered_gtf = FALSE,
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L) {
tx_path <- NULL
L <- as.integer(L)
width <- as.integer(width)
isoform_action <- match.arg(isoform_action)
exon_option <- match.arg(exon_option)
c(out_path, tx_path) %<-% validate_velocity_input(L, Genome, Transcriptome,
out_path, compress_fa, width, exon_option)
style <- match.arg(style)
fields <- names(mcols(gr))
gr <- standardize_tags(gr, gene_id, transcript_id)
gr$exon_rank <- NULL # not to cause trouble with extractTranscriptSeqs
gr <- gr[gr$type == "exon" & (as.vector(strand(gr)) %in% c("+", "-"))]
c(Genome, gr) %<-% match_style(Genome, gr, style)
gr <- subset_annot(Genome, gr)
c(Genome, gr) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, gr)
genome(gr) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(gr)]
gr <- sort(gr)
if (!is.null(gene_version)) {
names(mcols(gr))[fields == gene_version] <- "gene_version"
gr$gene_id <- paste(gr$gene_id, gr$gene_version, sep = version_sep)
if (!is.null(transcript_version)) {
names(mcols(gr))[fields == transcript_version] <- "transcript_version"
gr$transcript_id <- paste(gr$transcript_id, gr$transcript_version,
sep = version_sep)
if (is(Transcriptome, "DNAStringSet")) {
# Check that transcript IDs in GRanges match those in the transcriptome
tx_overlap <- check_tx(gr$transcript_id, names(Transcriptome))
gr <- gr[gr$transcript_id %in% tx_overlap]
} else {
Transcriptome <- tx_path
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_GRanges(gr, out_path = out_path, get_transcriptome = FALSE,
gene_name = NULL,
write_tr2g = FALSE, transcript_version = NULL,
gene_version = NULL, # version already added
transcript_biotype_col = transcript_biotype_col,
gene_biotype_col = gene_biotype_col,
transcript_biotype_use = transcript_biotype_use,
gene_biotype_use = gene_biotype_use,
chrs_only = chrs_only,
save_filtered_gtf = save_filtered_gtf)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[, c("transcript", "gene")]
if (chrs_only) {
gr <- gr[gr$transcript_id %in% tr2g_cdna$transcript]
if (isoform_action == "collapse") {
message("Collapsing gene isoforms")
grl <- GenomicRanges::split(gr, gr$gene_id)
grl <- GenomicRanges::reduce(grl)
# Get intronic ranges
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
grt <- GenomicRanges::split(gr, gr$transcript_id)
exons <- get_intron_flanks(grt, L, TRUE)[[2]]
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
grl <- GenomicRanges::split(gr, gr$transcript_id)
grl <- revElements(grl, any(strand(grl) == "-"))
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
c(introns, exons) %<-% get_intron_flanks(grl, L, TRUE)
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (is.null(Transcriptome) && exon_option == "full") {
message("Extracting transcriptome from genome")
if (isoform_action != "collapse") {
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grl)
} else {
# To distinguish from grl, which is split at gene level
grt <- GenomicRanges::split(gr, gr$transcript_id)
grt <- revElements(grt, any(strand(grt) == "-"))
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grt)
# Again, make sure that all transcripts in tr2g are in the transcriptome
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[tr2g_cdna$transcript %in% names(Transcriptome), ]
write_velocity_output(out_path, introns, Genome, Transcriptome,
isoform_action, exon_option, tr2g_cdna, compress_fa, width)
#' Get files required for RNA velocity with bustools
#' Computation of RNA velocity requires the number of unspliced transcripts,
#' which can be quantified with reads containing intronic sequences. This
#' function extracts intronic sequences flanked by L-1 bases of exonic sequences
#' where L is the biological read length of the single cell technology of
#' interest. The flanking exonic sequences are included for reads partially
#' mapping to an intron and an exon.
#' @inheritParams .get_velocity_files
#' @inheritParams tr2g_EnsDb
#' @param X Gene annotation with transcript and exon information. It can be a
#' path to a GTF file with annotation of exon coordinates of
#' transcripts, preferably from Ensembl. In the metadata, the following fields
#' are required: type (e.g. whether the range of interest is a gene or
#' transcript or exon or CDS), gene ID, and transcript ID. These
#' fields need not to have standard names, as long as their names are specified
#' in arguments of this function. It can also be a \code{\link{TxDb}} object,
#' such as from the Bioconductor package
#' \code{TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene}. It can also be a
#' \code{\link{EnsDb}} object.
#' @param use_transcript_version Logical, whether to include version number in
#' the Ensembl transcript ID.
#' @param \dots Extra arguments for methods.
#' @return The following files will be written to disk in the directory
#' `out_path`:
#' \describe{
#' \item{cDNA_introns.fa}{A fasta file containing both the spliced transcripts
#' and the flanked intronic sequences. The intronic sequences are flanked by L-1
#' nt of exonic sequences to capture reads from nascent transcript partially
#' mapping to exons. If the exon is shorter than 2*(L-1) nt, then the entire
#' exon will be included in the intronic sequence. This will be used to build
#' the `kallisto` index.}
#' \item{cDNA_tx_to_capture.txt}{A text file of transcript IDs of spliced
#' transcripts. If `exon_option == "junction"`, then IDs of the exon-exon
#' junctions. These IDs will have the pattern "transcript ID"-Jx, where x is a
#' number differentiating between different junctions of the same transcript.
#' Here x will always be ordered from 5' to 3' as on the plus strand.}
#' \item{introns_tx_to_capture.txt}{A text file of IDs of introns. The names
#' will have the pattern "transcript ID"-Ix, where x is a number differentiating
#' between introns of the same transcript. If all transcripts of the same gene
#' are collapsed before inferring intronic sequences, gene ID will be used in
#' place of transcript ID. Here x will always be ordered from 5' to 3' as on the
#' plus strand.}
#' \item{tr2g.txt}{A text file with two columns matching transcripts and introns
#' to genes. The first column is transcript or intron ID, and the second column
#' is the corresponding gene ID. The part for transcripts are generated from
#' the gene annotation supplied.}
#' }
#' Nothing is returned into the R session.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Use toy example
#' toy_path <- system.file("testdata", package = "BUSpaRse")
#' file <- paste0(toy_path, "/velocity_annot.gtf")
#' genome <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(paste0(toy_path, "/velocity_genome.fa"))
#' transcriptome <- paste0(toy_path, "/velocity_tx.fa")
#' get_velocity_files(file, 11, genome, transcriptome, ".",
#' gene_version = NULL, transcript_version = NULL)
function(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome = NULL, out_path = ".",
style = c("annotation", "genome", "Ensembl", "UCSC", "NCBI",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L, ...)
signature = "X")
#' @rdname get_velocity_files
#' @export
setMethod("get_velocity_files", "GRanges",
function(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome = NULL, out_path = ".",
style = c("annotation", "genome", "Ensembl", "UCSC", "NCBI",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L,
transcript_id = "transcript_id", gene_id = "gene_id",
transcript_version = "transcript_version",
gene_version = "gene_version", version_sep = ".",
transcript_biotype_col = "transcript_biotype",
gene_biotype_col = "gene_biotype",
transcript_biotype_use = "all",
gene_biotype_use = "all",
chrs_only = TRUE, save_filtered_gtf = FALSE) {
.get_velocity_files(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome = Transcriptome,
out_path = out_path, style = style,
isoform_action = isoform_action,
exon_option = exon_option,
transcript_id = transcript_id,
gene_id = gene_id,
transcript_version = transcript_version,
gene_version = gene_version,
version_sep = version_sep,
transcript_biotype_col = transcript_biotype_col,
gene_biotype_col = gene_biotype_col,
transcript_biotype_use = transcript_biotype_use,
gene_biotype_use = gene_biotype_use,
chrs_only = chrs_only,
save_filtered_gtf = save_filtered_gtf,
compress_fa = compress_fa, width = width)
#' @rdname get_velocity_files
#' @param is_circular Logical vector of the same length as the number of
#' sequences in the annotation and with the same names as the sequences,
#' indicating whether the sequence is circular. If `NULL`, then all sequences
#' will be assumed to be linear.
#' @export
setMethod("get_velocity_files", "character",
function(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome = NULL, out_path = ".",
style = c("annotation", "genome", "Ensembl", "UCSC", "NCBI",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L,
is_circular = NULL,
transcript_id = "transcript_id", gene_id = "gene_id",
transcript_version = "transcript_version",
gene_version = "gene_version", version_sep = ".",
transcript_biotype_col = "transcript_biotype",
gene_biotype_col = "gene_biotype",
transcript_biotype_use = "all",
gene_biotype_use = "all",
chrs_only = TRUE, save_filtered_gtf = FALSE) {
file <- normalizePath(X, mustWork = TRUE)
check_gff("gtf", file, transcript_id, gene_id)
gr <- plyranges::read_gff(file)
if (is.null(is_circular)) {
message("Assuming that all chromosomes are linenar.")
isCircular(gr) <- setNames(rep(FALSE, length(seqlevels(gr))),
.get_velocity_files(gr, L, Genome, Transcriptome = Transcriptome,
out_path = out_path, style = style,
isoform_action = isoform_action,
exon_option = exon_option,
transcript_id = transcript_id,
gene_id = gene_id,
transcript_version = transcript_version,
gene_version = gene_version,
version_sep = version_sep,
transcript_biotype_col = transcript_biotype_col,
gene_biotype_col = gene_biotype_col,
transcript_biotype_use = transcript_biotype_use,
gene_biotype_use = gene_biotype_use,
chrs_only = chrs_only,
save_filtered_gtf = save_filtered_gtf,
compress_fa = compress_fa, width = width)
#' @rdname get_velocity_files
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures exonsBy
#' @export
setMethod("get_velocity_files", "TxDb",
function(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome, out_path,
style = c("annotation", "genome", "Ensembl", "UCSC", "NCBI",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L, chrs_only = TRUE) {
exons_by_tx <- function(X, tx_id, tx) {
gr <- exonsBy(X, by = "tx") # Will be numbers
# Remove transcripts that aren't mapped to genes
gr <- gr[names(gr) %in% tx_id]
names(gr) <- tx[match(names(gr), tx_id)]
tx_path <- NULL
L <- as.integer(L)
width <- as.integer(width)
isoform_action <- match.arg(isoform_action)
exon_option <- match.arg(exon_option)
c(out_path, tx_path) %<-%
validate_velocity_input(L, Genome, Transcriptome, out_path,
compress_fa, width, exon_option)
style <- match.arg(style)
c(Genome, X) %<-% match_style(Genome, X, style)
X <- subset_annot(Genome, X)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_TxDb(X, chrs_only = chrs_only, get_transcriptome = FALSE,
write_tr2g = FALSE)
if (is(Transcriptome, "DNAStringSet")) {
tx_overlap <- check_tx(tr2g_cdna$transcript, names(Transcriptome))
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[tr2g_cdna$transcript %in% tx_overlap, ]
} else if (is.character(Transcriptome)) {
Transcriptome <- tx_path
if (isoform_action == "collapse") {
message("Collapsing gene isoforms")
grl <- exonsBy(X, by = "gene")
grl <- GenomicRanges::reduce(grl)
c(Genome, grl) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grl)
genome(grl) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grl)]
# Get intronic ranges
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
grt <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$tx_id, tr2g_cdna$transcript)
c(Genome, grt) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grt)
genome(grt) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grt)]
exons <- get_intron_flanks(grt, L, TRUE)[[2]]
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
# tr2g_cdna has already been filtered if it needs to be filtered
grl <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$tx_id, tr2g_cdna$transcript)
c(Genome, grl) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grl)
genome(grl) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grl)]
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
c(introns, exons) %<-% get_intron_flanks(grl, L, TRUE)
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (is.null(Transcriptome) && exon_option == "full") {
message("Extracting transcriptome from genome")
if (isoform_action != "collapse") {
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grl)
} else {
grt <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$tx_id, tr2g_cdna$transcript)
c(Genome, grt) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grt)
genome(grt) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grt)]
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grt)
# Again, make sure that all transcripts in tr2g are in the transcriptome
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[tr2g_cdna$transcript %in% names(Transcriptome), ]
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[, c("transcript", "gene")]
write_velocity_output(out_path, introns, Genome, Transcriptome,
isoform_action, exon_option, tr2g_cdna, compress_fa, width)
#' @rdname get_velocity_files
#' @importFrom AnnotationFilter AnnotationFilterList SeqNameFilter TxIdFilter
#' @importFrom ensembldb exonsBy
#' @export
setMethod("get_velocity_files", "EnsDb",
function(X, L, Genome, Transcriptome, out_path,
style = c("annotation", "genome", "Ensembl", "UCSC", "NCBI",
isoform_action = c("separate", "collapse"),
exon_option = c("full", "junction"),
compress_fa = FALSE, width = 80L,
use_transcript_version = TRUE, use_gene_version = TRUE,
transcript_biotype_col = "TXBIOTYPE",
gene_biotype_col = "GENEBIOTYPE",
transcript_biotype_use = "all",
gene_biotype_use = "all",
chrs_only = TRUE) {
exons_by_tx <- function(X, tx, chrs_use, use_transcript_version) {
if (use_transcript_version) {
# tr2g_cdna has already been filtered if it needs to be filtered
tx_nv <- str_remove(tx, "\\.\\d+$")
filter_use <- AnnotationFilterList(SeqNameFilter(chrs_use),
} else {
filter_use <- AnnotationFilterList(SeqNameFilter(chrs_use),
gr <- exonsBy(X, by = "tx", filter = filter_use)
seqlevels(gr) <- seqlevelsInUse(gr)
if (use_transcript_version) {
# Add transcript version
names(gr) <- tx[match(names(gr), tx_nv)]
tx_path <- NULL
L <- as.integer(L)
width <- as.integer(width)
isoform_action <- match.arg(isoform_action)
exon_option <- match.arg(exon_option)
c(out_path, tx_path) %<-% validate_velocity_input(L, Genome,
Transcriptome, out_path, compress_fa, width, exon_option)
style <- match.arg(style)
c(Genome, X) %<-% match_style(Genome, X, style)
chrs_use <- intersect(seqlevels(X), seqlevels(Genome))
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_EnsDb(X, get_transcriptome = FALSE,
write_tr2g = FALSE,
use_gene_name = FALSE,
use_transcript_version = use_transcript_version,
use_gene_version = use_gene_version,
transcript_biotype_col = transcript_biotype_col,
gene_biotype_col = gene_biotype_col,
transcript_biotype_use = transcript_biotype_use,
gene_biotype_use = gene_biotype_use,
chrs_only = chrs_only)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[, c("transcript", "gene")]
if (is(Transcriptome, "DNAStringSet")) {
tx_overlap <- check_tx(tr2g_cdna$transcript, names(Transcriptome))
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[tr2g_cdna$transcript %in% tx_overlap, ]
} else if (is.character(Transcriptome)) {
Transcriptome <- tx_path
# extractTranscriptSeqs does not use transcript version numbers
if (isoform_action == "collapse") {
message("Collapsing gene isoforms")
filter_use <- AnnotationFilterList(SeqNameFilter(chrs_use))
grl <- exonsBy(X, by = "gene", filter = filter_use)
# Add version number if used
if (use_gene_version) {
g_nv <- str_remove(tr2g_cdna$gene, "\\.\\d+$")
names(grl) <- tr2g_cdna$gene[match(names(grl), g_nv)]
grl <- GenomicRanges::reduce(grl)
seqlevels(grl) <- seqlevelsInUse(grl)
c(Genome, grl) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grl)
genome(grl) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grl)]
# Get intronic ranges
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
grt <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$transcript, chrs_use,
c(Genome, grt) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grt)
genome(grt) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grt)]
exons <- get_intron_flanks(grt, L, TRUE)[[2]]
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
grl <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$transcript, chrs_use,
c(Genome, grl) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grl)
genome(grl) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grl)]
if (exon_option == "junction") {
message("Extracting exon-exon junctions")
c(introns, exons) %<-% get_intron_flanks(grl, L, TRUE)
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, exons)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_junction(tr2g_cdna, names(Transcriptome))
} else {
introns <- get_intron_flanks(grl, L, FALSE)
if (is.null(Transcriptome) && exon_option == "full") {
message("Extracting transcriptome from genome")
if (isoform_action != "collapse") {
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grl)
} else {
grt <- exons_by_tx(X, tr2g_cdna$transcript, chrs_use,
c(Genome, grt) %<-% annot_circular(Genome, grt)
genome(grt) <- genome(Genome)[seqlevels(grt)]
Transcriptome <- extractTranscriptSeqs(Genome, grt)
tr2g_cdna <- tr2g_cdna[tr2g_cdna$transcript %in% names(Transcriptome), ]
write_velocity_output(out_path, introns, Genome, Transcriptome,
isoform_action, exon_option, tr2g_cdna, compress_fa, width)
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