#' Bin the genome
#' Please see functions \code{\link{fixedWidthBins}} and \code{\link{variableWidthBins}} for further details.
#' @name binning
#' Make fixed-width bins
#' Make fixed-width bins based on given bin size.
#' @param bamfile A BAM file from which the header is read to determine the chromosome lengths. If a \code{bamfile} is specified, option \code{assembly} is ignored.
#' @param assembly An assembly from which the chromosome lengths are determined. Please see \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{getChromInfoFromUCSC}} for available assemblies. This option is ignored if \code{bamfile} is specified. Alternatively a data.frame generated by \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{getChromInfoFromUCSC}}.
#' @param chrom.lengths A named character vector with chromosome lengths. Names correspond to chromosomes.
#' @param chromosome.format A character specifying the format of the chromosomes if \code{assembly} is specified. Either 'NCBI' for (1,2,3 ...) or 'UCSC' for (chr1,chr2,chr3 ...). If a \code{bamfile} or \code{chrom.lengths} is supplied, the format will be chosen automatically.
#' @param binsizes A vector of bin sizes in base pairs.
#' @param stepsizes A vector of step sizes in base pairs, the same length as \code{binsizes}.
#' @param chromosomes A subset of chromosomes for which the bins are generated.
#' @return A \code{list()} of \code{\link{GRanges-class}} objects with fixed-width bins. If \code{stepsizes} is specified, a \code{list()} of \code{\link{GRangesList}} objects with one entry per step.
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFile
#' @export
#'## Make fixed-width bins of size 500kb and 1Mb
#'bins <- fixedWidthBins(assembly='mm10', chromosome.format='NCBI', binsizes=c(5e5,1e6))
fixedWidthBins <- function(bamfile=NULL, assembly=NULL, chrom.lengths=NULL, chromosome.format, binsizes=1e6, stepsizes=NULL, chromosomes=NULL) {
### Check user input ###
if (length(binsizes) == 0) {
if (is.null(bamfile) & is.null(assembly) & is.null(chrom.lengths)) {
stop("Please specify either a 'bamfile', 'assembly' or 'chrom.lengths'")
if (is.null(bamfile) & is.null(chrom.lengths)) {
trigger.error <- chromosome.format
if (!is.null(stepsizes)) {
if (length(stepsizes) != length(binsizes)) {
stop("Need one element in 'stepsizes' for each element in 'binsizes'.")
if (any(binsizes < stepsizes)) {
stop("'stepsizes' must be smaller/equal than 'binsizes'")
### Get chromosome lengths ###
if (!is.null(bamfile)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage(paste0("Reading header from ", bamfile, " ..."))
chrom.lengths <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(Rsamtools::BamFile(bamfile))
} else if (!is.null(assembly)) {
if (is.character(assembly)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Fetching chromosome lengths from UCSC ...")
df <- GenomeInfoDb::getChromInfoFromUCSC(assembly)
} else if ( {
df <- assembly
} else {
stop("Unknown assembly")
chrom.lengths <- df$size
if (chromosome.format=='UCSC') {
} else if (chromosome.format=='NCBI') {
df$chrom = sub('^chr', '', df$chrom)
names(chrom.lengths) <- df$chrom
chrom.lengths <- chrom.lengths[!]
chrom.lengths <- chrom.lengths[!]
} else if (!is.null(chrom.lengths)) {
chrom.lengths <- chrom.lengths[!]
chrom.lengths <- chrom.lengths[!]
} <- names(chrom.lengths)
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <-
chroms2use <- intersect(chromosomes,
## Stop if none of the specified chromosomes exist
if (length(chroms2use)==0) {
chrstring <- paste0(chromosomes, collapse=', ')
stop('Could not find length information for any of the specified chromosomes: ', chrstring, '. Pay attention to the naming convention in your data, e.g. "chr1" or "1".')
## Issue warning for non-existent chromosomes
diff <- setdiff(chromosomes,
if (length(diff)>0) {
diffs <- paste0(diff, collapse=', ')
warning('Could not find length information for the following chromosomes: ', diffs)
### Making fixed-width bins ###
bins.list <- list()
for (ibinsize in 1:length(binsizes)) {
binsize <- binsizes[ibinsize]
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making fixed-width bins for bin size ", binsize, " ...")
chrom.lengths.floor <- floor(chrom.lengths / binsize) * binsize
bins <- unlist(GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor[chroms2use], tilewidth=binsize), use.names=FALSE)
bins <- bins[end(bins) > 0] # no chromosomes that are smaller than binsize
if (any(width(bins)!=binsize)) {
stop("tileGenome failed")
# seqlengths(bins) <- as.integer(chrom.lengths[names(seqlengths(bins))])
seqlengths(bins) <- chrom.lengths[chroms2use]
if (!is.null(stepsizes)) {
shift.bp <- 0
stepsize <- stepsizes[ibinsize]
bins.list.step <- GRangesList()
while (shift.bp < binsize) {
bins.list.step[[as.character(shift.bp)]] <- suppressWarnings( trim(shift(bins, shift.bp)) )
shift.bp <- stepsize + shift.bp
bins.list[[paste0('binsize_', format(binsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE), '_stepsize_', format(stepsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE))]] <- bins.list.step
} else {
bins.list[[paste0('binsize_', format(binsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE))]] <- bins
skipped.chroms <- setdiff(seqlevels(bins), as.character(unique(seqnames(bins))))
if (length(skipped.chroms)>0) {
warning("The following chromosomes were skipped because they are smaller than binsize ", binsize, ": ", paste0(skipped.chroms, collapse=', '))
#' Make variable-width bins
#' Make variable-width bins based on a reference BAM file. This can be a simulated file (produced by \code{\link{simulateReads}} and aligned with your favourite aligner) or a real reference.
#' Variable-width bins are produced by first binning the reference BAM file with fixed-width bins and selecting the desired number of reads per bin as the (non-zero) maximum of the histogram. A new set of bins is then generated such that every bin contains the desired number of reads.
#' @param reads A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} with reads. See \code{\link{bam2GRanges}} and \code{\link{bed2GRanges}}.
#' @param binsizes A vector with binsizes. Resulting bins will be close to the specified binsizes.
#' @param stepsizes A vector of step sizes in base pairs, the same length as \code{binsizes}.
#' @param chromosomes A subset of chromosomes for which the bins are generated.
#' @return A \code{list()} of \code{\link{GRanges-class}} objects with variable-width bins. If \code{stepsizes} is specified, a \code{list()} of \code{\link{GRangesList}} objects with one entry per step.
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
#' @export
#'## Get an example BED file with single-cell-sequencing reads
#'bedfile <- system.file("extdata", "KK150311_VI_07.bam.bed.gz", package="AneuFinderData")
#'## Read the file into a GRanges object
#'reads <- bed2GRanges(bedfile, assembly='mm10', chromosomes=c(1:19,'X','Y'),
#' min.mapq=10, remove.duplicate.reads=TRUE)
#'## Make variable-width bins of size 500kb and 1Mb
#'bins <- variableWidthBins(reads, binsizes=c(5e5,1e6))
#'## Plot the distribution of binsizes
#'hist(width(bins[['binsize_1e+06']]), breaks=50)
variableWidthBins <- function(reads, binsizes, stepsizes=NULL, chromosomes=NULL) {
### Check user input ### <- seqlevels(reads)
if (is.null(chromosomes)) {
chromosomes <-
chroms2use <- intersect(chromosomes,
## Stop if non of the specified chromosomes exist
if (length(chroms2use)==0) {
chrstring <- paste0(chromosomes, collapse=', ')
stop('Could not find length information for any of the specified chromosomes: ', chrstring)
## Issue warning for non-existent chromosomes
diff <- setdiff(chromosomes,
if (length(diff)>0) {
diffs <- paste0(diff, collapse=', ')
warning('Could not find length information for the following chromosomes: ', diffs)
if (!is.null(stepsizes)) {
if (length(stepsizes) != length(binsizes)) {
stop("Need one element in 'stepsizes' for each element in 'binsizes'.")
if (any(binsizes < stepsizes)) {
stop("'stepsizes' must be smaller/equal than 'binsizes'")
## Drop unwanted seqlevels
reads <- reads[seqnames(reads) %in% chroms2use]
reads <- keepSeqlevels(reads, chroms2use)
## Make fixed width bins
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Binning reads in fixed-width windows ...")
binned.list <- suppressMessages( binReads(reads, assembly=NULL, binsizes=binsizes, stepsizes=stepsizes, calc.complexity=FALSE, chromosomes=chromosomes) )
## Sort the reads
strand(reads) <- '*'
reads <- sort(reads)
## Loop over binsizes
bins.list <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(binsizes)) {
binsize <- binsizes[i1]
if (is.null(stepsizes)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making variable-width windows for bin size ", binsize, " ...")
} else {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making variable-width windows for bin size ", binsize, " and step size ", stepsizes[i1], " ...")
if (is(binned.list[[i1]], "GRangesList")) {
binned <- binned.list[[i1]][[1]]
} else if (is(binned.list[[i1]], "GRanges")) {
binned <- binned.list[[i1]]
## Get median of histogram
mediancount <- as.integer(median(binned$counts[binned$counts>0]))
mediancount.perstep <- 0
if (!is.null(stepsizes)) {
stepsize <- stepsizes[i1]
numsteps <- as.integer(binsize / stepsize)
mediancount.perstep <- unique(as.integer((0:(numsteps-1)) * mediancount / numsteps))
bins.list.step <- GRangesList()
for (istep in 1:length(mediancount.perstep)) {
## Pick only every mediancount read
subreads <- GRangesList()
skipped.chroms <- character()
for (chrom in chroms2use) {
reads.chr <- reads[seqnames(reads)==chrom]
if (length(reads.chr) >= mediancount) {
if (mediancount.perstep[istep] == 0) {
idx <- seq(mediancount, length(reads.chr), by=mediancount)
} else {
idx <- seq(mediancount.perstep[istep], length(reads.chr), by=mediancount)
subreads[[chrom]] <- reads.chr[idx]
} else {
skipped.chroms[chrom] <- chrom
subreads <- unlist(subreads, use.names=FALSE)
## Adjust length of reads to get consecutive bins
subreads <- resize(subreads, width=1)
## Make new bins
bins <- gaps(subreads, start=1L, end=seqlengths(subreads)-1L) # gaps until seqlengths-1 because we have to add 1 later to get consecutive bins
bins <- bins[strand(bins)=='*']
end(bins) <- end(bins) + 1
## Remove first bin
if (mediancount.perstep[istep] > 0) {
bins <- bins[-1]
## We don't want incomplete bins at the end
bins.split <- split(bins, seqnames(bins))
bins.split <- endoapply(bins.split, function(x) { x[-length(x)] })
bins <- unlist(bins.split, use.names=FALSE)
## Remove skipped chromosomes
bins <- bins[!seqnames(bins) %in% skipped.chroms]
bins <- keepSeqlevels(bins, setdiff(seqlevels(bins), skipped.chroms))
bins.list.step[[as.character(istep)]] <- bins
if (length(skipped.chroms)>0) {
warning("The following chromosomes were skipped because they are smaller than binsize ", binsize, ": ", paste0(skipped.chroms, collapse=', '))
if (is.null(stepsizes)) {
bins.list[[paste0('binsize_', format(binsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE))]] <- bins.list.step[[1]]
} else {
bins.list[[paste0('binsize_', format(binsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE), '_stepsize_', format(stepsize, scientific=TRUE, trim=TRUE))]] <- bins.list.step
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