#' Initialize state factor levels and distributions
#' Initialize the state factor levels and distributions for the specified states.
#' @param states A subset of \code{c("zero-inflation","0-somy","1-somy","2-somy","3-somy","4-somy",...)}.
#' @return A \code{list} with $labels, $distributions and $multiplicity values for the given states.
initializeStates <- function(states) {
somy.states <- grep('somy', states, value=TRUE)
somy.numbers <- as.integer(sapply(strsplit(somy.states, '-somy'), '[[', 1))
names(somy.numbers) <- somy.states
if ("zero-inflation" %in% states) {
multiplicity <- c("zero-inflation"=0, somy.numbers)
} else {
multiplicity <- somy.numbers
levels.distributions <- c('delta','dgeom','dnbinom','dbinom')
distributions <- rep(NA, length(states))
names(distributions) <- states
distributions[states=='zero-inflation'] <- 'delta'
distributions[states=='0-somy'] <- 'dgeom'
distributions[(states != 'zero-inflation') & (states != '0-somy')] <- 'dnbinom'
# if (any(diff(somy.numbers) > 1)) {
# warning("Copy numbers are not consecutive: ", paste0(somy.states, collapse=', '))
# }
# Return list
states <- factor(states, levels=states)
distributions <- factor(distributions, levels=levels.distributions)
l <- list(states=states, distributions=distributions, multiplicity=multiplicity)
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