#' Generate a symmetric affinity matrix based on a distance matrix
#' using 'local' Gaussian kernel
#' @param D distance matrix (need to be a square and non-negative matrix)
#' @param k the number of k-nearest neighbors
#' @param alpha coefficient for local diameters. Default value: 1/6.
#' This default value should work for most cases.
#' @param beta coefficient for pair-wise distance. Default value: 1/6.
#' This default value should work for most cases.
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @return an affinity matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' D = matrix(runif(400), nrow=20)
#' A = affinity_matrix(D, 5)
affinity_matrix <- function(D, k, alpha=1/6, beta=1/6)
n = nrow(D)
# make it symmetric in case it is not
D = (D + t(D)) / 2
diag(D) = 0
D[D<0] = 0
finiteMean = function(x){
# <Tricky> k nearest neighbors should exclude itself: 1:k+1
# <?> here we divide by k+1, maybe k is better
d = apply(apply(D, 2, sort)[1:k+1,], 2, finiteMean)
sigma = alpha * (outer(d, d, '+')) + beta * D + .Machine$double.eps
return(dnorm(D, 0, sigma))
#' Finding optimal discrete solutions for spectral clustering
#' @references Stella, X. Yu, and Jianbo Shi.
#' "Multiclass spectral clustering." ICCV. IEEE, 2003.
#' @param Y a matrix with N rows and K columns, with N being
#' the number of objects (e.g., patients), K being the number
#' of clusters. The K columns of `Y` should correspond to
#' the first k eigenvectors of graph Laplacian matrix
#' (of affinity matrix) corresponding to the k smallest eigenvalues
#' @param verbose logical(1); if true, print some information
#' @return class assignment matrix with the same shape as Y
#' (i.e., N x K). Each row contains all zeros except one 1.
#' For instance, if X_ij = 1, then object (eg, patient) i belongs
#' to cluster j.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' D = matrix(runif(400),20)
#' A = affinity_matrix(D, 5)
#' d = rowSums(A)
#' L = diag(d) - A
#' # `NL` is graph Laplacian of affinity matrix `A`
#' NL = diag(1/d) %*% L
#' e = eigen(NL)
#' # Here we select eigenvectors corresponding to three smallest eigenvalues
#' Y = Re(e$vectors[,-1:-17])
#' X = pod(Y)
pod = function(Y, verbose=FALSE) {
if(!is.matrix(Y)) {
stop("Y should be a matrix")
} else {
# normalize in case the input is not
Y = Y / sqrt(rowSums(Y^2))
N = nrow(Y)
K = ncol(Y)
if ( N<K) {
stop("Y should have more rows than columns")
R = matrix(0, K, K)
# chose any row of Y, here the middle row
R[, 1] = Y[round(N/2), ]
c = rep(0, N)
for (i in 2:K) {
c = c + abs(Y %*% R[, i-1])
R[, i] = Y[which.min(c), ]
e = 0
error = 1
while (error > .Machine$double.eps) {
idx = apply(Y %*% R, 1, which.max)
X = matrix(0, N, K)
X[cbind(1:N, idx)] = 1
s = svd(t(X)%*%Y)
R = s$v %*% t(s$u)
error = abs(sum(s$d) - e)
e = sum(s$d)
if(verbose) {
message("e = ", e)
#' spectral_clustering
#' @param A affinity matrix
#' @param k the number of clusters
#' @param type choose one of three versions of graph Laplacian:
#' "unnormalized": unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix (L = D - W);
#' "rw": normalization closely related to random walk (L = I - D^(-1)*W); (default choice)
#' "sym": normalized symmetric matrix (L = I - D^(-0.5) * W * D^(-0.5))
#' For more information:
#' @param verbose logical(1); if true, print user-friendly information
#' @return a numeric vector as class labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' D = matrix(runif(400), nrow = 20)
#' A = affinity_matrix(D, 5)
#' labels = spectral_clustering(A, k=2)
spectral_clustering <- function(A, k, type=c("rw", "sym", "unnormalized"),
n = nrow(A)
d = rowSums(A)
d[d == 0] = .Machine$double.eps
# unnormalized graph Laplacian
L = diag(d) - A
type = match.arg(type)
"unnormalized" = type <- 1,
"rw" = type <- 2,
"sym" = type <- 3)
if(type==1) {
NL = L
} else if(type==2) {
NL = diag(1/d) %*% L
} else if(type == 3) {
NL = diag(1/sqrt(d)) %*% L %*% diag(1/sqrt(d))
} else {
stop("type should be 1, 2, or 3")
e = eigen(NL)
if(verbose) {
message("The k+3 smallest eigen values:", e$values[-1:-(n-k-3)])
# Y is N x K matrix, with k columns to eigenvectors corresponding to
# k smallest eigenvalues of NL
Y = Re(e$vectors[,-1:-(n-k)])
if (type == 3) {
Y = Y / sqrt(rowSums(Y ^ 2))
labels = apply(pod(Y), 1, which.max)
#' Evaluate clustering result
#' @param true_class A named vector of true class labels
#' @param w affinity matrix
#' @param d distance matrix
#' if w is NULL, calcuate w using d
#' @param k an integer, default 10; if w is null, w = affinity_matrix(d, k);
#' otherwise unused.
#' @param num_clu an integer; number of clusters;
#' if NULL, set num_clu to be the number of classes using true_class
#' @param surv a data.frame with at least two columns:
#' time (days_to_death or days_to_last_follow_up), and censored (logical(1))
#' @param type_L (parameter passed to spectral_clustering: `type`)
#' choose one of three versions of graph Laplacian:
#' "unnormalized": unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix (L = D - W);
#' "rw": normalization closely related to random walk (L = I - D^(-1)*W); (default choice)
#' "sym": normalized symmetric matrix (L = I - D^(-0.5) * W * D^(-0.5))
#' For more information:
#' @param verbose logical(1); if true, print some information
#' @importFrom igraph compare
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom survival Surv survdiff
#' @importFrom stats pchisq dist
#' @return a named list of size 3:
#' "w": affinity matrix used for spectral_clustering;
#' "clu.res": a named vector of calculated "NMI" (normalized mutual information),
#' "ARI" (Adjusted Rand Index), and "-log10(p)" of log rank test of
#' survival distributions of patient clusters;
#' "labels: a numeric vector as class labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' true.class = rep(c(1,2), each=100)
#' feature.mat1 = mvrnorm(100, rep(0, 20), diag(runif(20,0.2,2)))
#' feature.mat2 = mvrnorm(100, rep(0.5, 20), diag(runif(20,0.2,2)))
#' feature1 = rbind(feature.mat1, feature.mat2)
#' d = dist(feature1)
#' d = as.matrix(d)
#' A = affinity_matrix(d, 10)
#' res = eval_clu(true_class=true.class, w=A)
eval_clu = function(true_class, w= NULL, d = NULL,
k = 10, num_clu = NULL, surv=NULL,
type_L=c("rw", "sym", "unnormalized"), verbose=TRUE) {
if(is.null(w) & is.null(d)){
stop("Either distance or affinity matrix must be provided")
if(is.null(w) & !is.null(d)) {
w = affinity_matrix(d, min(k, nrow(d)-1))
# <InputRequirement>
if (is.null(names(true_class))) {
names(true_class) = rownames(w)
if(!all(rownames(w) %in% names(true_class))) {
stop("some rownames(w) is unknown to true_class")
true_class = as.factor(true_class[rownames(w)])
if(is.null(num_clu)) {
num_clu = length(unique(true_class))
labels = spectral_clustering(w, num_clu, type = type_L)
nmi = compare(true_class, labels, method='nmi')
adjusted.rand = compare(true_class, labels, method='adjusted.rand')
if(!is.null(surv) &
length(intersect(rownames(w), rownames(surv))) > nrow(w)/2) {
surv = surv[rownames(w), ]
f = Surv(surv$time, !surv$censored)
fit = survdiff(f~labels)
pval = pchisq(fit$chisq, df=length(fit$n)-1, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
pval = NA
if(verbose) {
message('nmi = ', nmi)
message('adjusted.rand = ', adjusted.rand)
message('survdiff p value = ', pval)
print(table(true_class, labels))
clu.res = c(nmi, adjusted.rand, -log10(pval))
names(clu.res) = c("NMI", "ARI", "-log10(p)")
return(list(w=w, clu.res=clu.res, labels=labels))
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