#' Calculate k-nearest-neighbor graph from affinity matrix
#' and normalize it as transition matrix
#' @param W affinity matrix (its elements are non-negative real numbers)
#' @param K the number of k nearest neighbors
#' @return a transition matrix of the same shape as W
#' @export
#' @examples
#' D = matrix(runif(400),20)
#' W = affinity_matrix(D, 5)
#' S = kNN_graph(W, 5)
kNN_graph = function(W, K) {
n = nrow(W)
# k-nearest neighbors does not include itself
# set similarity = 0 for n-K-1 farest neighbors
if (n - K - 1 < 1) {
warning("K is too big: n-K-1 < 1. Assuming n > 2,
set K = floor(n/2)")
K = floor(n / 2)
idx = t(apply(W, 1, order)[1:(n - K - 1),])
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
W[i, idx[i,]] = 0
# row normalization --> transition matrix
S = W / rowSums(W)
#' Fuse affinity networks (i.e., matrices) through one-step or two-step random walk
#' @param Wall a list of affinity matrices of the same shape.
#' @param K the number of k nearest neighbors for function kNN_graph
#' @param weight a list of non-negative real numbers (which will be
#' normalized internally so that it sums to 1) that one-to-one correspond to
#' the affinity matrices included in `Wall`. If not set, internally uniform weights
#' are assigned to all affinity matrices in `Wall`.
#' @param type choose one of the two options: perform "one-step" random walk,
#' or "two-step" random walk on the list of affinity matrices in `Wall`` to
#' generate a fused affinity matrix. Default: "two-step" random walk
#' @param alpha a list of eight non-negative real numbers (which will be normalized
#' internally to make it sums to 1). Only used when "two-step" (default value
#' of `type`) random walk is used. `alpha` is the weights for eight terms in the
#' "two-step" random walk formula (check research paper for more explanations about
#' the terms). Default value: (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), i.e., only use the
#' first two terms (since they are most effective in practice).
#' @param verbose logical(1); if true, print some information
#' @import Biobase
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @return a fused transition matrix (representing a fused network)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' D1 = matrix(runif(400), nrow=20)
#' W1 = affinity_matrix(D1, 5)
#' D2 = matrix(runif(400), nrow=20)
#' W2 = affinity_matrix(D1, 5)
#' W = ANF(list(W1, W2), K=10)
ANF = function(Wall,
K = 20,
weight = NULL,
type = c("two-step", "one-step"),
alpha = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
verbose = FALSE) {
# sanity check Wall
if (!is.list(Wall)) {
stop("Wall must be a list of matrices")
# n: number of views
n = length(Wall)
if (n == 0) {
stop("Wall is empty")
if (n == 1) {
if (verbose) {
message('length(Wall) = 1, return the only element.')
# <UnhandledAssertion>
# 1. Elements of Wall are matrices of the same dimension
# 2. The rows and columns are aligned across all matrices
# row normalization: similarity matrix --> transition matrix
Wall <- lapply(Wall, function(elt) elt/rowSums(elt))
# N: number of objects (e.g., patients)
N = nrow(Wall[[1]])
# normalize alpha to make it sum to 1
alpha = alpha / sum(alpha)
if (is.null(weight)) {
# assign uniform weight
weight = rep(1 / n, n)
if (length(weight) > n) {
warning("length(weight) > length(Wall).
Discard the last Ws")
weight = weight[1:n]
if (length(weight) < n) {
warning("length(weight) < length(Wall).
Assume the last Ws have zero weights")
weight = c(weight, rep(0, n - length(weight)))
if (sum(weight != 0) == 1) {
message("Only one view has a non-zero weight")
return(Wall[[which(weight != 0)]])
} else {
# normalize weight to make it sum to 1
if (sum(weight) != 0) {
weight = weight / sum(weight)
} else {
# Construct kNN graphs
Sall <- lapply(Wall, function(elt) kNN_graph(elt, K))
type <- match.arg(type)
"one-step" = type <- 1,
"two-step" = type <- 2)
if (type == 1) {
# "one-step" random walk
W = matrix(0, N, N)
for (j in seq_len(n)) {
# return a weighted average of kNN affinity matrices
W = W + weight[j] * Sall[[j]]
} else if (type == 2) {
# "two-step" random walk
for (j in seq_len(n)) {
W = matrix(0, N, N)
S = matrix(0, N, N)
sumWeight = sum(weight) - weight[j]
if (sumWeight == 0) {
# This could happen only when input parameter `weight` contains
# both positive and negative numbers
warning("sum(weight) - weight[j] == 0.
The result is probably unreliable.")
sumWeight = sum(weight)
for (k in seq_len(n)) {
if (k != j) {
# complementary view
W = W + (weight[k] / sumWeight) * Wall[[k]]
S = S + (weight[k] / sumWeight) * Sall[[k]]
# The eight terms for "two-step" random walk
Wall[[j]] = alpha[1] * Sall[[j]] %*% S + alpha[2] * S %*% Sall[[j]] +
alpha[3] * Sall[[j]] %*% W + alpha[4] * W %*% Sall[[j]] +
alpha[5] * Wall[[j]] %*% S + alpha[6] * S %*% Wall[[j]] +
alpha[7] * Wall[[j]] %*% W + alpha[8] * W %*% Wall[[j]]
} else {
stop("type other than 1 or 2 is undefined")
W = matrix(0, N, N)
for (j in seq_len(n)) {
W = W + weight[j] * Wall[[j]]
rownames(W) = rownames(Wall[[1]])
colnames(W) = colnames(Wall[[1]])
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