#' AMARETTO_LarsenBased
#' @param Data
#' @param Clusters
#' @param RegulatorData
#' @param Parameters
#' @param NrCores
#' @param random_seeds
#' @param convergence_cutoff
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom Matrix nnzero
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @return result
#' @keywords internal
AMARETTO_LarsenBased <- function(Data, Clusters, RegulatorData, Parameters, NrCores, random_seeds, convergence_cutoff) {
registerDoParallel(cores = NrCores)
ptm1 <- proc.time()
RegulatorData_rownames = rownames(RegulatorData)
Data_rownames = rownames(Data)
AutoRegulation = Parameters$AutoRegulation
RegulatorSign = array(0, length(RegulatorData_rownames))
Lambda = Parameters$Lambda2
OneRunStop = Parameters$OneRunStop
random_seeds = Parameters$random_seeds
convergence_cutoff = Parameters$convergence_cutoff
if (AutoRegulation == 1) {
cat("\tAutoregulation is turned ON.\n")
} else if (AutoRegulation == 2) {
cat("\tAutoregulation is turned ON.\n")
} else {
cat("\tAutoregulation is turned OFF.\n")
NrReassignGenes = length(Data_rownames)
NrReassignGenes_history <- NrReassignGenes
while (NrReassignGenes > convergence_cutoff * length(Data_rownames)) {
ptm <- proc.time()
switch(Parameters$Mode, larsen = {
regulatoryPrograms <- AMARETTO_LearnRegulatoryProgramsLarsen(Data, Clusters, RegulatorData, RegulatorSign, Lambda, AutoRegulation, alpha = Parameters$alpha, pmax = Parameters$pmax, random_seeds)
error_history[[index]]<-(rowMeans(regulatoryPrograms$error * regulatoryPrograms$error))^0.5
ptm <- proc.time() - ptm
printf("Elapsed time is %f seconds\n", ptm[3])
NrClusters = length(unique(Clusters))
sum = 0
for (i in 1:NrClusters) {
sum = sum + Matrix::nnzero(regulatoryPrograms$Beta[i,])
avg = sum/NrClusters
printf("Average nr of regulators per module: %f \n", avg)
PreviousClusters = Clusters
if (OneRunStop == 1) {
ptm <- proc.time()
ReassignGenesToClusters <- AMARETTO_ReassignGenesToClusters(Data, RegulatorData, regulatoryPrograms$Beta, Clusters, AutoRegulation)
ptm <- proc.time() - ptm
printf("Elapsed time is %f seconds\n", ptm[3])
NrReassignGenes = ReassignGenesToClusters$NrReassignGenes
Clusters = ReassignGenesToClusters$Clusters
printf("Nr of reassignments is: %i \n", NrReassignGenes)
NrReassignGenes_history <- c(NrReassignGenes_history, NrReassignGenes)
ptm1 <- proc.time() - ptm1
printf("Elapsed time is %f seconds\n", ptm1[3])
ModuleMembership = as.matrix(PreviousClusters)
rownames(ModuleMembership) = rownames(Data)
colnames(ModuleMembership) = c("ModuleNr")
result <- list(NrModules = length(unique(Clusters)), RegulatoryPrograms = regulatoryPrograms$Beta, AllRegulators = rownames(RegulatorData),
AllGenes = rownames(Data), ModuleMembership = ModuleMembership, AutoRegulationReport = regulatoryPrograms$AutoRegulationReport,
run_history = list(NrReassignGenes_history = NrReassignGenes_history, error_history = error_history))
#' AMARETTO_LearnRegulatoryProgramsLarsen
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @return result
#' @keywords internal
AMARETTO_LearnRegulatoryProgramsLarsen <- function(Data, Clusters, RegulatorData, RegulatorSign, Lambda, AutoRegulation, alpha, pmax, random_seeds) {
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
RegulatorData_rownames = rownames(RegulatorData)
Data_rownames = rownames(Data)
trace = 0
NrFolds = 10
NrClusters = length(unique(Clusters))
NrGenes = nrow(Data)
NrSamples = ncol(Data)
NrInterpolateSteps = 100
if (AutoRegulation >= 1) {}
else if (AutoRegulation == 0) {
BetaSpecial = list(NrClusters, 1)
RegulatorPositions = list(NrClusters, 1)
y_all = mat.or.vec(NrClusters, NrSamples)
ClusterIDs = unique(Clusters)
ClusterIDs = sort(ClusterIDs, decreasing = FALSE)
cnt <- 1:NrClusters
ptm1 <- proc.time()
BetaY_all <- foreach(i = 1:NrClusters, .combine = cbind, .init = list(list(), list(), list()), .packages = "glmnet") %dopar% {
if (length(which(Clusters == ClusterIDs[i])) > 1) {
y = apply((Data[which(Clusters == ClusterIDs[i]),]), 2, mean)
} else {
y = Data[which(Clusters == ClusterIDs[i]),]
CurrentClusterPositions = which(Clusters %in% ClusterIDs[i])
nrGenesInClusters = length(CurrentClusterPositions)
if (AutoRegulation >= 1) {
X = RegulatorData
} else if (AutoRegulation == 0) {
X = RegulatorData[setdiff(RegulatorData_rownames, Data_rownames[CurrentClusterPositions]),]
suppressWM = function(...) suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(...))
seed<-ifelse (length(random_seeds)==2,random_seeds[2],random_seeds[1])
fit = suppressWM(cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha, pmax = pmax, lambda = Lambda_Sequence(t(X), y)))
nonZeroLambdas <- fit$lambda[which(fit$nzero > 0)]
nonZeroCVMs <- fit$cvm[which(fit$nzero > 0)]
if (length(which(nonZeroCVMs == min(nonZeroCVMs, na.rm = TRUE))) == 0) {
warnMessage <- paste0("\nOn cluster ", i, " there were no cv.glm results that gave non-zero coefficients.")
bestNonZeroLambda <- nonZeroLambdas[which(nonZeroCVMs == min(nonZeroCVMs, na.rm = TRUE))]
b_o = coef(fit, s = bestNonZeroLambda)
b_opt <- c(b_o[2:length(b_o)])
if (AutoRegulation == 2) {
CurrentUsedRegulators = RegulatorData_rownames[which(b_opt != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)]
CurrentClusterMembers = Data_rownames[CurrentClusterPositions]
nrIterations = 0
while (length(CurrentClusterMembers[CurrentClusterMembers %in% CurrentUsedRegulators]) != 0) {
CurrentClusterMembers = setdiff(CurrentClusterMembers, CurrentUsedRegulators)
nrCurrentClusterMembers = length(CurrentClusterMembers)
if (nrCurrentClusterMembers > 0) {
names = Data_rownames %in% CurrentClusterMembers
if (length(which(names == TRUE)) > 1) {
y = apply((Data[names, ]), 2, mean)
} else {
y = Data[names, ]
seed<-ifelse (length(random_seeds)==2,random_seeds[2],random_seeds[1])
fit = suppressWM(cv.glmnet(t(X), y, alpha = alpha, pmax = pmax, lambda = Lambda_Sequence(t(X), y)))
nonZeroLambdas <- fit$lambda[which(fit$nzero > 0)]
nonZeroCVMs <- fit$cvm[which(fit$nzero > 0)]
if (length(which(nonZeroCVMs == min(nonZeroCVMs, na.rm = TRUE))) == 0) {
warnMessage <- paste0("\nOn cluster ", i, " there were no cv.glm results that gave non-zero coefficients during the Autoregulation step.")
bestNonZeroLambda <- nonZeroLambdas[which(nonZeroCVMs == min(nonZeroCVMs, na.rm = TRUE))]
new_b_o = coef(fit, s = bestNonZeroLambda)
new_b_opt <- c(new_b_o[2:length(b_o)])
CurrentUsedRegulators = RegulatorData_rownames[which(new_b_opt != 0)]
nrIterations = nrIterations + 1
b_opt = new_b_opt
} else {
b_opt = rep(0, length(RegulatorData_rownames))
Report <- c(length(CurrentClusterPositions), length(CurrentClusterMembers), nrIterations)
if (sum(RegulatorSign[which(RegulatorSign != 0)]) > 0) {
RegulatorCheck = RegulatorSign * t(b_opt)
WrongRegulators = which(RegulatorCheck < 0)
if (length(WrongRegulators) == 0) {
b_opt[WrongRegulators] = 0
if (AutoRegulation >= 1) {
} else {
BetaSpecial[i] = b_opt
RegulatorPositions[i] = (RegulatorData_rownames %in% setdiff(RegulatorData_rownames, Data_rownames[CurrentClusterPositions]))
list(b_opt, y, Report)
if (AutoRegulation == 0) {
for (i in 1:NrClusters) {
Beta[i, RegulatorPositions[i]] = BetaSpecial[i]
tmpPos = NrClusters + 1
Beta <-, BetaY_all[1, 2:tmpPos])
Beta = t(Beta)
colnames(Beta) = RegulatorData_rownames
rownames(Beta) = gsub("result.", "Module_", rownames(Beta))
y_all <-, BetaY_all[2, 2:tmpPos])
y_all = t(y_all)
rownames(y_all) = gsub("result.", "Module_", rownames(y_all))
AutoRegulationReport <-, BetaY_all[3, 2:tmpPos])
AutoRegulationReport = t(AutoRegulationReport)
rownames(AutoRegulationReport) = gsub("result.", "Module_", rownames(AutoRegulationReport))
error = y_all - (Beta %*% RegulatorData)
result <- list(Beta = Beta, error = error, AutoRegulationReport = AutoRegulationReport)
#' AMARETTO_ReassignGenesToClusters
#' @return result
#' @importFrom Matrix nnzero
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @keywords internal
AMARETTO_ReassignGenesToClusters <- function(Data, RegulatorData, Beta, Clusters, AutoRegulation) {
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
RegulatorData_rownames = rownames(RegulatorData)
Data_rownames = rownames(Data)
NrGenes = nrow(Data)
NrSamples = ncol(Data)
NrReassignGenes = 0
X = RegulatorData
X1 = data.matrix(X)
ModuleVectors = Beta %*% X1
GeneNames = rownames(Data)
ptm1 <- proc.time()
i <- NULL
nc <- foreach(i = 1:NrGenes, .combine = c) %dopar%
OldModule = Clusters[i]
CurrentGeneVector = Data[i, , drop = FALSE]
Correlations = cor(t(CurrentGeneVector), t(ModuleVectors))
corr = data.matrix(Correlations, rownames.force = NA)
MaxCorrelation = max(corr, na.rm = TRUE)
MaxPosition = which(signif(corr, digits = 7) == signif(MaxCorrelation, digits = 7))
MaxPosition = MaxPosition[1]
if (AutoRegulation > 0) {
if (MaxPosition != OldModule) {
NrReassignGenes = NrReassignGenes + 1
NewClusters = MaxPosition
} else {
if (nnzero(rownames(RegulatorData_rownames) %in% GeneNames[i]) != 0) {
if (nnzero(which(which(GeneNames %in% rownames(RegulatorData_rownames)) %in% i) %in% which(Beta[MaxPosition,] != 0)) != 0) {
if (MaxPosition != OldModule) {
NrReassignGenes = NrReassignGenes + 1
NewClusters = MaxPosition
} else {
NewClusters = OldModule
} else {
if (MaxPosition != OldModule) {
NrReassignGenes = NrReassignGenes + 1
NewClusters = MaxPosition
ptm1 <- proc.time() - ptm1
NrReassignGenes = length(which(nc != Clusters))
result <- list(NrReassignGenes = NrReassignGenes, Clusters = nc)
#' AMARETTO_CreateModuleData
#' @param AMARETTOinit List output from AMARETTO_Initialize().
#' @param AMARETTOresults List output from AMARETTO_Run()
#' @return result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('ProcessedDataLIHC')
#' AMARETTOinit <- AMARETTO_Initialize(ProcessedData = ProcessedDataLIHC,
#' NrModules = 2, VarPercentage = 50)
#' AMARETTO_MD <- AMARETTO_CreateModuleData(AMARETTOinit, AMARETTOresults)
AMARETTO_CreateModuleData <- function(AMARETTOinit, AMARETTOresults) {
ModuleData = matrix(0, AMARETTOresults$NrModules, length(colnames(AMARETTOinit$MA_matrix_Var)))
rownames(ModuleData) = rownames(AMARETTOresults$AutoRegulationReport)
colnames(ModuleData) = colnames(AMARETTOinit$MA_matrix_Var)
for (ModuleNr in 1:AMARETTOresults$NrModules) {
currentModuleData = AMARETTOinit$MA_matrix_Var[AMARETTOresults$ModuleMembership[, 1] == ModuleNr, ]
if (length(which(AMARETTOresults$ModuleMembership[, 1] == ModuleNr)) > 1) {
ModuleData[ModuleNr, ] = colMeans(currentModuleData)
} else {
ModuleData[ModuleNr, ] = currentModuleData
#' AMARETTO_CreateRegulatorPrograms
#' @param AMARETTOinit List output from AMARETTO_Initialize().
#' @param AMARETTOresults List output from AMARETTO_Run()
#' @return result
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('ProcessedDataLIHC')
#' AMARETTOinit <- AMARETTO_Initialize(ProcessedData = ProcessedDataLIHC,
#' NrModules = 2, VarPercentage = 50)
#' AMARETTO_RP <- AMARETTO_CreateRegulatorPrograms(AMARETTOinit,AMARETTOresults)
AMARETTO_CreateRegulatorPrograms <- function(AMARETTOinit, AMARETTOresults) {
RegulatorProgramData = matrix(0, AMARETTOresults$NrModules, length(colnames(AMARETTOinit$MA_matrix_Var)))
rownames(RegulatorProgramData) = rownames(AMARETTOresults$AutoRegulationReport)
colnames(RegulatorProgramData) = colnames(AMARETTOinit$MA_matrix_Var)
RegulatorNames = rownames(AMARETTOinit$RegulatorData)
for (ModuleNr in 1:AMARETTOresults$NrModules) {
currentRegulators = RegulatorNames[which(AMARETTOresults$RegulatoryPrograms[ModuleNr, ] != 0)]
weights = AMARETTOresults$RegulatoryPrograms[ModuleNr, currentRegulators]
RegulatorData = AMARETTOinit$RegulatorData[currentRegulators, ]
RegulatorProgramData[ModuleNr, ] = weights %*% RegulatorData
#' Lambda_Sequence
#' @return result
#' @keywords internal
Lambda_Sequence <- function(sx, sy) {
n <- nrow(sx)
lambda_max <- max(abs(colSums(sx * sy)))/n
epsilon <- 1e-04
K <- 100
lambdaseq <- round(exp(seq(log(lambda_max), log(lambda_max * epsilon), length.out = K)), digits = 10)
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