# ADImpute predicts unmeasured gene expression values from single cell
# RNA-sequencing data (dropout imputation). This R-package combines multiple
# dropout imputation methods, including a novel gene regulatory
# network-based method. Copyright (C) 2020 Ana Carolina Leote This program
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <>.
#' @title Data trimming
#' @usage ArrangeData(data, net.coef = NULL)
#' @description \code{ArrangeData} finds common genes to the network and
#' provided data and limits both datasets to these
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed (genes as rows
#' and samples as columns)
#' @param net.coef matrix; object containing network coefficients
#' @return list; data matrix, network coefficients matrix and intercept for
#' genes common between the data matrix and the network
ArrangeData <- function(data, net.coef = NULL) {
if (is.null(data))
stop("Please provide an input data matrix.\n")
if (is.null(net.coef))
stop("Please provide valid network coefficients.\n")
data <- DataCheck_Matrix(data)
net.coef <- DataCheck_Network(net.coef)
O <- net.coef[, 1] # network intercept
network_matrix <- net.coef[, -1] # network coefficients
comm_targ <- intersect(rownames(network_matrix), rownames(data))
comm_pred <- intersect(colnames(network_matrix), rownames(data))
comm <- union(comm_targ, comm_pred)
network_matrix <- round(network_matrix[comm_targ, comm_pred], 2)
O <- round(O[comm_targ], 2)
data <- data[comm, ]
return(list(data = data, network = network_matrix, O = O))
#' @title Data centering
#' @usage CenterData(data)
#' @description \code{CenterData} centers expression of each gene at 0
#' @param data matrix of gene expression to be centered row-wise (genes as rows
#' and samples as columns)
#' @return list; row-wise centers and centered data
CenterData <- function(data) {
message("Centering expression of each gene at 0\n")
center <- apply(data, 1, function(x) mean(x[x != 0], na.rm = TRUE))
center[] <- 0
center <- round(center, 2)
names(center) <- rownames(data)
data <- data - center
return(list(center = center, data = data))
#' @title Network-based parallel imputation
#' @usage ImputeNetParallel(drop.mat, arranged, cores =
#' BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM), type = 'iteration', max.iter = 50,
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"))
#' #'
#' @description \code{ImputeNetParallel} implements network-based imputation
#' in parallel
#' @param drop.mat matrix, logical; dropout entries in the data matrix
#' (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param arranged list; output of \code{\link{ArrangeData}}
#' @param cores integer; number of cores used for paralell computation
#' @param type character; either 'iteration', for an iterative solution, or
#' 'pseudoinv', to use Moore-Penrose pseudo-inversion as a solution.
#' @param max.iter numeric; maximum number of iterations for network
#' imputation. Set to -1 to remove limit (not recommended)
#' @param BPPARAM parallel back-end to be used during parallel computation.
#' See \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}.
#' @return matrix; imputation results incorporating network information
ImputeNetParallel <- function(drop.mat, arranged,
cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM), type = "iteration", max.iter = 50,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK")) {
d <- intersect(rownames(drop.mat)[rowSums(drop.mat) != 0],
rownames(arranged$network)) # dropouts in >= 1 cell
p <- colnames(arranged$network)[Matrix::colSums(
arranged$network[d, ]) != 0] # all available predictors
arranged$network <- arranged$network[d, p]
if (type == "iteration") {
message("Starting network iterative imputation\n")
i <- 1
repeat {
if ((max.iter != -1) & (i > max.iter)) {
if ((i%%5) == 0) {
message(paste("Iteration", i, "/", max.iter, "\n"))
new <- round(arranged$network %*% arranged$centered[p, ], 2)
# expression = network coefficients * predictor expr.
# Check convergence
if (any(new[drop.mat[d, ]] !=
arranged$centered[d, ][drop.mat[d, ]])) {
arranged$centered[d, ][drop.mat[d, ]] <- new[drop.mat[d, ]]
} else {
i <- i + 1
imp <- arranged$centered
} else {
arranged$network <- as.matrix(arranged$network)
imp <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(ncol(arranged$centered)),
function(i) { PseudoInverseSolution_percell(arranged$centered[, i],
arranged$network, drop.mat[, i]) }, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
imp <-, imp)
colnames(imp) <- colnames(arranged$centered)
message("Network imputation complete\n")
#' @title Helper function to PseudoInverseSolution_percell
#' @usage ImputeNPDropouts(net, expr)
#' @description \code{ImputeNPDropouts} computes the non-dropout-
#' dependent solution of network imputation for each cell
#' @param net matrix, logical; network coefficients for all dropout (to be
#' imputed) genes that are predictive of the expression of other dropout genes
#' @param expr numeric; vector of gene expression for all genes in the cell at
#' hand
#' @return vector; imputation results for the non-dropout-dependent genes
ImputeNPDropouts <- function(net, expr) {
if (!all(colnames(net) %in% names(expr)))
stop("Not all predictors are included in the expression vector.\n")
net <- net[, which(Matrix::colSums(net != 0) != 0)]
solution <- net %*% expr[colnames(net)]
#' @title Helper function to PseudoInverseSolution_percell
#' @usage ImputePredictiveDropouts(net, thr = 0.01, expr)
#' @description \code{ImputePredictiveDropouts} applies Moore-Penrose
#' pseudo-inversion to compute the dropout-dependent solution of network
#' imputation for each cell
#' @param net matrix, logical; network coefficients for all dropout (to be
#' imputed) genes that are predictive of the expression of other dropout genes
#' @param thr numeric; tolerance threshold to detect zero singular values
#' @param expr numeric; vector of gene expression for all genes in the cell at
#' hand
#' @return vector; imputation results for the dropout-dependent genes
ImputePredictiveDropouts <- function(net, thr = 0.01, expr) {
if (!all(colnames(net) %in% names(expr)))
stop("Not all predictors are quantified in the expression vector.\n")
# Y = inv(I - squared_A).C
# dropouts that are predictors and targets
squared_A <- net[rownames(net), rownames(net), drop = FALSE]
# I - squared_A can be inverted
message("Computing pseudoinverse\n")
pinv <- MASS::ginv(diag(nrow(squared_A)) - as.matrix(squared_A), tol = thr)
dimnames(pinv) <- dimnames(squared_A)
# find C (quantified predictors)
message("Computing constant contribution C\n")
net <- net[, !(colnames(net) %in% rownames(net)), drop = FALSE]
net <- net[, Matrix::colSums(net != 0) != 0, drop = FALSE]
C <- net %*% expr[colnames(net)]
# Y = pinv.C
solution <- pinv %*% C
#' @title Network-based parallel imputation - Moore-Penrose pseudoinversion
#' @usage PseudoInverseSolution_percell(expr, net, drop_ind, thr = 0.01)
#' @description \code{PseudoInverseSolution_percell} applies Moore-Penrose
#' pseudo-inversion to compute the solution of network imputation for each
#' cell
#' @param expr numeric; expression vector for cell at hand
#' @param net matrix; network coefficients
#' @param drop_ind logical; dropout entries in the cell at hand
#' @param thr numeric; tolerance threshold to detect zero singular values
#' @return matrix; imputation results incorporating network information
PseudoInverseSolution_percell <- function(expr, net, drop_ind, thr = 0.01) {
message("Starting cell pseudo-inversion\n")
# restrict network rows to the dropouts in the data
net <- net[intersect(rownames(net), names(expr)[drop_ind]),
intersect(colnames(net), names(expr))]
# restrict to predictors that are predictive of the dropouts
net <- net[, which(Matrix::colSums(net != 0) != 0)]
# dropouts can themselves be predictors of other genes: Y_drop =
# A_drop*Y_drop + A_quant*Y_quant the first term depends only on quantified
# gene expression and known network coefficients, thus is constant; the
# second term depends on itself as the dropout genes can themselves be
# predictive of other genes
# Dropout-based contribution (variable)
pd <- intersect(rownames(net), colnames(net))
pd_imputed <- ImputePredictiveDropouts(net[pd, , drop = FALSE], thr, expr)
# Non-dropout-based contribution
message("Adding remaining genes\n")
npd <- names(expr)[drop_ind][!(names(expr)[drop_ind] %in%
if (length(npd) > 0) {
npd_imputed <- ImputeNPDropouts(net[intersect(npd, rownames(net)),
, drop = FALSE], expr)
full_solution <- rbind(pd_imputed, npd_imputed) # join solutions
} else {
full_solution <- pd_imputed
final <- expr
final[rownames(full_solution)] <- full_solution
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