# ADImpute predicts unmeasured gene expression values from single cell
# RNA-sequencing data (dropout imputation). This R-package combines multiple
# dropout imputation methods, including a novel gene regulatory
# network-based method. Copyright (C) 2020 Ana Carolina Leote This program
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <>.
#' @title Combine imputation methods
#' @usage Combine(data, imputed, method.choice, write = FALSE)
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed, already
#' normalized (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param method.choice named character; vector with the best performing method
#' per gene
#' @param imputed list; list of matrices with imputation results for all
#' considered methods
#' @param write logical; should a file with the imputation results be written?
#' @details Combines imputation results from all methods according to training
#' results provided in \code{method.choice}
#' @return matrix; imputation results combining the best performing method
#' per gene
Combine <- function(data, imputed, method.choice, write = FALSE) {
message("Combining imputation results into ensemble\n")
# all zeros are imputed
dropouts <- data == 0
best <- lapply(as.list(unique(method.choice)),
function(m) names(method.choice)[method.choice == m])
# some genes could not have a method assigned to them, because they were too
# lowly expressed for any masking to be done. These are assigned to Network:
best$Network <- c(best$Network, setdiff(rownames(data), unlist(best)))
# combine imputations for best performing methods
combined <- matrix(nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncol(data),
dimnames = dimnames(data))
for (method in names(best))
combined[best[[method]], ] <- imputed[[method]][best[[method]], ]
combined <- DataCheck_Matrix(combined)
# replace dropouts in the data with combined imputations
imputed_combined <- data
imputed_combined[dropouts] <- combined[dropouts]
if (write)
WriteTXT(imputed_combined, "final_imputation.txt")
#' @title Impute using average expression across all cells
#' @usage ImputeBaseline(data, write = FALSE, ...)
#' @description \code{ImputeBaseline} imputes dropouts using gene averages
#' across cells. Zero values are excluded from the mean computation.
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed, normalized
#' and log2-transformed (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param write logical; should a file with the imputation results be written?
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{saveRDS}
#' @return matrix; imputation results considering the average expression
#' values of genes
ImputeBaseline <- function(data, write = FALSE, ...) {
message("Imputing data using average expression\n")
if (missing(data) | is.null(data))
stop("Please provide an input data matrix\n")
data <- as.matrix(data)
dropouts <- data == 0
# Compute mean expression levels across cells
gene_avg <- apply(data, 1, function(x) mean(x[x != 0], na.rm = TRUE))
gene_avg[] <- 0
# Impute when dropout
gene_avg_mat <- matrix(data = gene_avg, nrow = nrow(data),
ncol = ncol(data), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = dimnames(data))
res <- data
res[dropouts] <- gene_avg_mat[dropouts]
if (write) {
saveRDS(res, "Baseline/baseline_imputed.rds", ...)
#' @title Use DrImpute
#' @usage ImputeDrImpute(data, write = FALSE)
#' @description \code{ImputeDrImpute} uses the DrImpute package for dropout
#' imputation
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed, normalized
#' and log2-transformed (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param write logical; should a file with the imputation results be written?
#' @return matrix; imputation results from DrImpute
#' @seealso \code{\link[DrImpute]{DrImpute}}
ImputeDrImpute <- function(data, write = FALSE) {
message("Imputing data using DrImpute\n")
if (missing(data) | is.null(data))
stop("Please provide an input data matrix\n")
data <- as.matrix(data)
res <- DrImpute::DrImpute(as.matrix(data))
colnames(res) <- colnames(data)
if (write) {
saveRDS(res, "DrImpute/drimputed.rds")
#' @title Network-based imputation
#' @usage ImputeNetwork(data, net.coef = NULL,
#' cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM),
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"),
#' type = 'iteration', write = FALSE, ...)
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed, normalized
#' and log2-transformed (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param net.coef matrix; network coefficients.
#' @param cores integer; number of cores to use
#' @param BPPARAM parallel back-end to be used during parallel computation.
#' See \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam-class}}.
#' @param type character; either 'iteration', for an iterative solution, or
#' 'pseudoinv', to use Moore-Penrose pseudo-inversion as a solution.
#' @param write logical; should a file with the imputation results be written?
#' @param ... additional arguments to \code{ImputeNetParallel}
#' @details Imputes dropouts using a gene regulatory network trained on external
#' data, as provided in \code{net.coef}. Dropout expression values are
#' estimated from the expression of their predictor genes and the network
#' coefficients.
#' @return matrix; imputation results incorporating network information
#' @seealso \code{\link{ImputeNetParallel}}
ImputeNetwork <- function(data, net.coef = NULL,
cores = BiocParallel::bpworkers(BPPARAM),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(type = "SOCK"),
type = "iteration", write = FALSE, ...) {
message("Imputing data using network information\n")
# Check arguments
Check <- CreateArgCheck(match = list(type = type), acceptable =
list(type = c("iteration", "pseudoinv")))
# Limit data and network to genes common to both
arranged <- ArrangeData(data, net.coef)
message("Data dim:", paste(dim(arranged$data), collapse=" x "), "\n")
message("Network dim:", paste(dim(arranged$network), collapse=" x "), "\n")
# Center expression of each gene
centered <- CenterData(arranged$data)
arranged$centered <- as.matrix(centered$data)
dropout_mat <- arranged$data == 0 # dropout indexes in the data matrix
message("Calling network-based imputation\n")
new_imp <- ImputeNetParallel(drop.mat = dropout_mat, arranged = arranged,
cores = cores, type = type, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, ...)
res <- data
# add back gene means
res[rownames(new_imp), ][dropout_mat[rownames(new_imp), ]] <-
(centered$center[rownames(new_imp)] +
new_imp)[dropout_mat[rownames(new_imp), ]]
res[res < 0] <- 0
if (write) {
saveRDS(res, "Network/network_imputed.rds")
#' @title Use SAVER
#' @usage ImputeSAVER(data, cores, try.mean = FALSE, write = FALSE)
#' @description \code{ImputeSAVER} uses the SAVER package for dropout
#' imputation
#' @param data matrix with entries equal to zero to be imputed, normalized
#' (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param cores integer; number of cores to use
#' @param try.mean logical; whether to additionally use mean gene expression
#' as prediction
#' @param write logical; should a file with the imputation results be written?
#' @return matrix; imputation results from SAVER
#' @seealso \code{\link[SAVER]{saver}}
ImputeSAVER <- function(data, cores, try.mean = FALSE, write = FALSE) {
message("Imputing data using SAVER\n")
if (missing(data) | is.null(data))
stop("Please provide an input data matrix.\n")
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (write)
if (try.mean) {
imp_mean <- SAVER::saver(data, size.factor = 1, ncores = cores,
null.model = TRUE)
if (write)
saveRDS(object = imp_mean, file = "SAVER/SAVER_nullmodel.rds")
res <- SAVER::saver(data, size.factor = 1, ncores = cores,
estimates.only = TRUE)
if (write) {
saveRDS(object = res, file = "SAVER/SAVER.rds")
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