#- $Id: doANOVA.R,v 2006/06/06 22:06:37 sunya Exp $
#- Perform anova analysis for a given group
doANOVA <- function(eset, group1, group2, snThresh = 3, detectSample = 0.5) {
anovaFun <- c()
if(!is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
print("ExpressionSet object must be provided")
dataf <- exprs(eset)
if(missing(group2)) {
cat("\nPerforming one-way ANOVA for", group1, "...\n")
resultDir <- paste("Result_", gsub(" ", "", group1), "/", sep = "")
if(!file.exists(resultDir)) {
dir.create(resultDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
dataDir <- paste(resultDir, "DataResult/", sep = "")
if(!file.exists(dataDir)) {
dir.create(dataDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
fname <- paste(dataDir, "ST_ANOVA_oneway_", group1, ".csv", sep = "")
factor1 <- as.factor(pData(eset)[, group1])
snPresent <- TRUE
if(dim(assayDataElement(eset, "snDetect"))[1] < 2 ||
sum(, "snDetect")[,1])) > 1) {
sn <- array(100, dim(data))
snPresent <- FALSE
if(snPresent) {
snT <- snSummary(eset, snThresh, group1)
rowUse <- which(snT[, 1] >= detectSample)
for(i in 2:length(levels(factor1))) {
rowUse <- union(rowUse, which(snT[, i] >= detectSample))
dataf <- exprs(eset[rowUse,])
cat(" Probes with S/N < ", snThresh, " in at least ", (100 - detectSample * 100),
"% of samples in all subgroups of ", group1, " were not considered.\n", sep = "")
anovaFun <- function(i) {
return(summary(aov(dataf[i,] ~ factor1))[[1]][4:5][[2]][1])
anova <- sapply(1:length(dataf[,1]), anovaFun)
names(anova) <- rownames(dataf)
write.table(data.frame("ProbeID" = rownames(dataf), "p value" = anova), file = fname, sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
print(paste("One-way ANOVA results (", length(rownames(dataf)), " probes) ",
"were written to file: ", fname, sep = ""))
else {
cat("Performing two-way ANOVA for", group1, "and", group2, "...\n")
resultDir <- paste("Result_", gsub(" ", "", group1), "_", gsub(" ", "", group2), "/", sep = "")
if(!file.exists(resultDir)) {
dir.create(resultDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
factor1 <- as.factor(pData(eset)[, group1])
factor2 <- as.factor(pData(eset)[, group2])
if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) {
snPresent <- TRUE
if(dim(assayDataElement(eset, "snDetect"))[1] < 2 ||
sum(, "snDetect")[,1])) > 1) {
sn <- array(100, dim(data))
snPresent <- FALSE
if(snPresent) {
snT <- snSummary(eset, snThresh, group1)
rowUse <- which(snT[, 1] >= detectSample)
for(i in 2:length(levels(factor1))) {
rowUse <- union(rowUse, which(snT[, i] >= detectSample))
snT <- snSummary(eset, snThresh, group2)
for(i in 1:length(levels(factor2))) {
rowUse <- union(rowUse, which(snT[, i] >= detectSample))
dataf <- exprs(eset[rowUse,])
cat(" Probes with S/N < ", snThresh, " in at least ", (100 - detectSample * 100),
"% of samples in all subgroups of ", group1, " and ", group2,
" were not considered.\n", sep = "")
print(paste(" Number of probes considered:", length(rowUse)))
anovaFun <- function(i) {
return(summary(aov(dataf[i,] ~ factor1 * factor2))[[1]][5][[1]][1:3])
anv <- t(sapply(1:length(dataf[,1]), anovaFun))
#names(anova) <- rownames(dataf)
rownames(anv) <- rownames(dataf)
colnames(anv) <- c(paste("p(", group1, ")", sep = ""),
paste("p(", group2, ")", sep = ""),
paste("p(", group1, "*", group2, ")", sep = ""))
fname <- paste(resultDir, paste("ST_ANOVA", group1, group2, sep = "_"), ".csv", sep = "")
write.table(cbind(ProbeID = rownames(dataf), anv), file = fname, sep = ",",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
print(paste("Two-way ANOVA results (", length(rownames(anv)), " probes) ",
"were written to file: ", fname, sep = ""))
#-$Log: doANOVA.R,v $
#-Revision 2006/06/06 22:06:37 sunya
#-ABarray project converted from ab1700 project
#-Revision 1.6 2006/03/20 23:00:16 sunya
#-Missing values (NA) are kept even after imputation. But most downstream
#-analysis will remove these NA values.
#-The hierarchical clustering probe list and expression values are now
#-exported into csv file.
#-Changed file naming convention. QC plot will begin QC_, and statistical
#-analysis plot will begin ST_ in the figures.
#-Values for control probes are saved into csv file.
#-Revision 1.5 2006/03/14 19:48:30 sunya
#-Changed icp (internal control probe) QC plots.
#-Added function for icp -> icpPlot
#-ANOVA analysis now performs probe filtering, but no FDR is calculated.
#-hclusterPlot now calculate correlation coefficient for probes, previously
#-it used Euclidian distance. The distance between arrays is still Euclidean.
#-Revision 1.4 2005/10/17 21:05:00 sunya
#-Added ab1700gui document. Changed DESCRIPTION version to 1.0.1
#-Revision 1.3 2005/10/07 23:36:47 sunya
#-If eSet and S/N ratio is present, removing probes that are non-detectable
#-in some percentage of samples in all the factor and subgroups, as these
#-probes are non-detectable across all conditions.
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