#' A subsetted version of mouse 'pancreas' datasets
#' Mouse pancreatic endocrinogenesis dataset from \href{https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.173849}{Bastidas-Ponce et al. (2019)}. A total of 1000 cells were downsampled to form the \code{pancreas_sub} dataset.
#' @format A \code{Seurat} object.
#' @concept data
#' @source \url{https://scvelo.readthedocs.io/scvelo.datasets.pancreas/} \url{https://github.com/theislab/scvelo_notebooks/raw/master/data/Pancreas/endocrinogenesis_day15.h5ad}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(Seurat)
#' library(reticulate)
#' check_Python("scvelo")
#' scv <- import("scvelo")
#' adata <- scv$datasets$pancreas()
#' pancreas <- adata_to_srt(adata)
#' set.seed(11)
#' pancreas_sub <- subset(pancreas, cells = sample(colnames(pancreas), size = 1000))
#' pancreas_sub <- pancreas_sub[rowSums(pancreas_sub@assays$RNA@counts) > 0, ]
#' pancreas_sub[["CellType"]] <- pancreas_sub[["clusters_coarse"]]
#' pancreas_sub[["SubCellType"]] <- pancreas_sub[["clusters"]]
#' pancreas_sub[["clusters_coarse"]] <- pancreas_sub[["clusters"]] <- NULL
#' pancreas_sub[["Phase"]] <- ifelse(pancreas_sub$S_score > pancreas_sub$G2M_score, "S", "G2M")
#' pancreas_sub[["Phase"]][apply(pancreas_sub[[]][, c("S_score", "G2M_score")], 1, max) < 0, ] <- "G1"
#' pancreas_sub[["Phase", drop = TRUE]] <- factor(pancreas_sub[["Phase", drop = TRUE]], levels = c("G1", "S", "G2M"))
#' pancreas_sub[["PCA"]] <- pancreas_sub[["X_pca"]]
#' pancreas_sub[["UMAP"]] <- pancreas_sub[["X_umap"]]
#' pancreas_sub[["X_umap"]] <- pancreas_sub[["X_pca"]] <- NULL
#' VariableFeatures(pancreas_sub) <- rownames(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]])[which(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features$highly_variable_genes == "True")]
#' # usethis::use_data(pancreas_sub, compress = "xz")
#' }
#' }
#' @name pancreas_sub
#' A subsetted version of human 'panc8' datasets
#' Human pancreatic islet cell datasets produced across four technologies, CelSeq (GSE81076) CelSeq2 (GSE85241), Fluidigm C1 (GSE86469), and SMART-Seq2 (E-MTAB-5061) from \href{https://github.com/satijalab/seurat-data}{SeuratData} package. For each data set in `panc8`, 200 cells were downsampled to form the \code{panc8_sub} dataset.
#' @format A \code{Seurat} object.
#' @concept data
#' @source \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE81076} \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi} \url{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/experiments/E-MTAB-5061/} \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi} \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' if (!require("SeuratData", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' devtools::install_github("satijalab/seurat-data")
#' }
#' library(SeuratData)
#' library(Seurat)
#' suppressWarnings(InstallData("panc8"))
#' data("panc8")
#' set.seed(11)
#' cells_sub <- unlist(lapply(split(colnames(panc8), panc8$dataset), function(x) sample(x, size = 200)))
#' panc8_sub <- subset(panc8, cells = cells_sub)
#' panc8_sub <- panc8_sub[rowSums(panc8_sub@assays$RNA@counts) > 0, ]
#' panc8_sub <- panc8_sub[toupper(rownames(panc8_sub)) %in% toupper(rownames(pancreas_sub)), ]
#' panc8_sub <- UpdateSeuratObject(panc8_sub)
#' # usethis::use_data(panc8_sub, compress = "xz")
#' }
#' }
#' @name panc8_sub
#' A subsetted version of 'ifnb' datasets
#' Human PBMC control/IFNB-stimulated dataset
#' @format A \code{Seurat} object.
#' @concept data
#' @source \url{https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4042}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' if (!require("SeuratData", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' devtools::install_github("satijalab/seurat-data")
#' }
#' library(SeuratData)
#' library(Seurat)
#' suppressWarnings(InstallData("ifnb"))
#' data("ifnb")
#' set.seed(11)
#' cells_sub <- unlist(lapply(split(colnames(ifnb), ifnb$stim), function(x) sample(x, size = 1000)))
#' ifnb_sub <- subset(ifnb, cells = cells_sub)
#' ifnb_sub <- ifnb_sub[rowSums(ifnb_sub@assays$RNA@counts) > 0, ]
#' ifnb_sub <- UpdateSeuratObject(ifnb_sub)
#' # usethis::use_data(ifnb_sub, compress = "xz")
#' }
#' }
#' @name ifnb_sub
#' Excluded words in keyword enrichment analysis and extraction
#' The variable "words_excluded" represents the words that are excluded during keyword enrichment analysis or keyword extraction process. These mainly include words that are excessively redundant or of little value.
#' @concept data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' words_excluded <- c(
#' "the", "is", "and", "or", "a", "in", "on", "under", "between", "of", "through", "via", "along", "that", "for", "with", "within", "without",
#' "cell", "cellular", "dna", "rna", "protein", "peptide", "amino", "acid", "development", "involved", "organization", "system",
#' "regulation", "regulated", "positive", "negative", "response", "process", "processing", "small", "large", "change"
#' )
#' # usethis::use_data(words_excluded)
#' }
#' }
#' @name words_excluded
#' A list of palettes for use in data visualization
#' @concept data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' check_R(c("stringr", "RColorBrewer", "ggsci", "Redmonder", "rcartocolor", "nord", "viridis", "pals", "oompaBase", "dichromat", "jaredhuling/jcolors"))
#' library(stringr)
#' library(RColorBrewer)
#' library(ggsci)
#' library(Redmonder)
#' library(rcartocolor)
#' library(nord)
#' library(viridis)
#' library(pals)
#' library(dichromat)
#' library(jcolors)
#' brewer.pal.info <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info
#' ggsci_db <- ggsci:::ggsci_db
#' redmonder.pal.info <- Redmonder::redmonder.pal.info
#' metacartocolors <- rcartocolor::metacartocolors
#' rownames(metacartocolors) <- metacartocolors$Name
#' nord_palettes <- nord::nord_palettes
#' viridis_names <- c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")
#' viridis_palettes <- lapply(setNames(viridis_names, viridis_names), function(x) viridis::viridis(100, option = x))
#' ocean_names <- names(pals:::syspals)[grep("ocean", names(pals:::syspals))]
#' ocean_palettes <- pals:::syspals[ocean_names]
#' dichromat_palettes <- dichromat::colorschemes
#' jcolors_names <- paste0("jcolors-", c("default", "pal2", "pal3", "pal4", "pal5", "pal6", "pal7", "pal8", "pal9", "pal10", "pal11", "pal12", "rainbow"))
#' custom_names <- c("jet", "simspec", "GdRd")
#' custom_palettes <- list(
#' oompaBase::jetColors(N = 100),
#' c("#c22b86", "#f769a1", "#fcc5c1", "#253777", "#1d92c0", "#9ec9e1", "#015b33", "#42aa5e", "#d9f0a2", "#E66F00", "#f18c28", "#FFBB61"),
#' c("gold", "red3")
#' )
#' names(custom_palettes) <- custom_names
#' palette_list <- list()
#' all_colors <- c(
#' rownames(brewer.pal.info), names(ggsci_db), rownames(redmonder.pal.info),
#' rownames(metacartocolors), names(nord_palettes), names(viridis_palettes),
#' ocean_names, names(dichromat_palettes), jcolors_names,
#' custom_names
#' )
#' for (pal in all_colors) {
#' if (!pal %in% all_colors) {
#' stop(paste0("Invalid pal Must be one of ", paste0(all_colors, collapse = ",")))
#' }
#' if (pal %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info)) {
#' pal_n <- brewer.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"]
#' pal_category <- brewer.pal.info[pal, "category"]
#' if (pal_category == "div") {
#' palcolor <- rev(brewer.pal(name = pal, n = pal_n))
#' } else {
#' if (pal == "Paired") {
#' palcolor <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")[c(1:4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12)]
#' } else {
#' palcolor <- brewer.pal(name = pal, n = pal_n)
#' }
#' }
#' if (pal_category == "qual") {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% names(ggsci_db)) {
#' if (pal %in% c("d3", "uchicago", "material")) {
#' for (subpal in names(ggsci_db[[pal]])) {
#' palcolor <- ggsci_db[[pal]][[subpal]]
#' if (pal == "material") {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' }
#' palette_list[[paste0(pal, "-", subpal)]] <- palcolor
#' }
#' next
#' } else {
#' palcolor <- ggsci_db[[pal]][[1]]
#' if (pal == "gsea") {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' }
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% rownames(redmonder.pal.info)) {
#' pal_n <- redmonder.pal.info[pal, "maxcolors"]
#' pal_category <- redmonder.pal.info[pal, "category"]
#' if (pal_category == "div") {
#' palcolor <- rev(redmonder.pal(name = pal, n = pal_n))
#' } else {
#' palcolor <- redmonder.pal(name = pal, n = pal_n)
#' }
#' if (pal_category == "qual") {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% rownames(metacartocolors)) {
#' pal_n <- metacartocolors[pal, "Max_n"]
#' palcolor <- carto_pal(name = pal, n = pal_n)
#' if (pal_category == "qualitative") {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% names(nord_palettes)) {
#' palcolor <- nord_palettes[[pal]]
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' } else if (pal %in% names(viridis_palettes)) {
#' palcolor <- viridis_palettes[[pal]]
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else if (pal %in% names(ocean_palettes)) {
#' palcolor <- ocean_palettes[[pal]]
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else if (pal %in% names(dichromat_palettes)) {
#' palcolor <- dichromat_palettes[[pal]]
#' if (pal %in% c("Categorical.12", "SteppedSequential.5")) {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% jcolors_names) {
#' palcolor <- jcolors(palette = gsub("jcolors-", "", pal))
#' if (pal %in% paste0("jcolors-", c("pal10", "pal11", "pal12", "rainbow"))) {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' }
#' } else if (pal %in% custom_names) {
#' palcolor <- custom_palettes[[pal]]
#' if (pal %in% c("jet")) {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "continuous"
#' } else {
#' attr(palcolor, "type") <- "discrete"
#' }
#' }
#' palette_list[[pal]] <- palcolor
#' }
#' # usethis::use_data(palette_list)
#' }
#' }
#' @name palette_list
#' Reference datasets for cell type annotation in single-cell RNA data
#' @concept data
#' @source \url{https://github.com/ggjlab/scHCL} \url{https://github.com/ggjlab/scMCA} \url{https://github.com/ggjlab/scZCL}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (interactive()) {
#' check_R(c("ggjlab/scZCL", "ggjlab/scHCL", "ggjlab/scMCA"))
#' ref_scHCL <- Seurat::NormalizeData(scHCL::ref.expr)
#' ref_scMCA <- Seurat::NormalizeData(scMCA::ref.expr)
#' ref_scZCL <- Seurat::NormalizeData(scZCL::ref.expr)
#' Encoding(colnames(ref_scHCL)) <- "latin1"
#' colnames(ref_scHCL) <- iconv(colnames(ref_scHCL), "latin1", "UTF-8")
#' Encoding(colnames(ref_scMCA)) <- "latin1"
#' colnames(ref_scMCA) <- iconv(colnames(ref_scMCA), "latin1", "UTF-8")
#' Encoding(colnames(ref_scZCL)) <- "latin1"
#' colnames(ref_scZCL) <- iconv(colnames(ref_scZCL), "latin1", "UTF-8")
#' # usethis::use_data(ref_scHCL, compress = "xz")
#' # usethis::use_data(ref_scMCA, compress = "xz")
#' # usethis::use_data(ref_scZCL, compress = "xz")
#' }
#' }
#' @usage ref_scHCL
#' @usage ref_scMCA
#' @usage ref_scZCL
#' @name ref_scHCL
#' @aliases ref_scHCL ref_scMCA ref_scZCL
#' Embryonic Development Database from LifeMap Discovery
#' @concept data
#' @source \url{https://discovery.lifemapsc.com/in-vivo-development/cellular}
#' @usage lifemap_cell
#' @usage lifemap_compartment
#' @usage lifemap_organ
#' @name lifemap_cell
#' @aliases lifemap_cell lifemap_compartment lifemap_organ
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