# Function Name: selectBinSize
# Description: Convert alignment file in BAM or BED format to GAlignments obejct;
# If BED file is provided, genomeBuild is needed to get chromosome lengths;
# GAlignments object is intended for read coverage
# Input: alignFilePath etc
# Output: GAlignments object
# Author: Yue Li
getAlignGal <- function(alignFilePath, format, genomeBuild,
deleteGeneratedBAM=FALSE, reverseComplement=FALSE,
returnDuplicate=FALSE, flagMultiHits=TRUE,
returnOnlyUniqueHits=FALSE, paired=FALSE, ...)
# private function used to read single-end or paired-end data
getAlignGalPrivate <- function(alignFilePath, paired, param) {
if(!paired) alignGal <- readGAlignments(alignFilePath, use.names=TRUE, param=param)
if(paired) alignGal <- galp2gal(readGAlignmentPairs(alignFilePath, use.names=TRUE, param=param))
SUPPORTED_FORMAT <- c("bam", "sam", "bed")
if(missing(format)) {
# determine from file extension
parts <- unlist(strsplit(alignFilePath, "\\."))
format <- parts[length(parts)]
format <- tolower(format)
if(!format %in% SUPPORTED_FORMAT) {
warning("File extension or format does not look like bam, sam, or bed. Try import anyways.")
# set parameters for initial filtering of bam file
if(paired) { # paired-end
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isPaired=paired,
hasUnmappedMate=FALSE, isProperPair=paired, isDuplicate=returnDuplicate))
} else { # single-end
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isDuplicate=returnDuplicate))
message(sprintf("Processing %s ... ", alignFilePath), appendLF = FALSE)
if(format == "bam") {
alignGal <- getAlignGalPrivate(alignFilePath, paired, param)
if(format == "sam") {
savedBAM <- sub("\\.sam", "", alignFilePath)
BAMfile <- paste(savedBAM,".bam",sep="")
if(file.exists(BAMfile)) {
stop(sprintf("Looks like %s already exists. Try use it or delete it first.", BAMfile))
message("Convert SAM to BAM ...")
# need Rsamtools library
asBam(file=alignFilePath, destination=savedBAM, overwrite=FALSE, indexDestination=FALSE)
message(sprintf("BAM file was successfully converted and saved as:\n %s.bam", savedBAM))
alignGal <- getAlignGalPrivate(alignFilePath, paired, param)
if(deleteGeneratedBAM) system(sprintf("rm %s", BAMfile))
message(sprintf("Returned alignGal and deleted %s", BAMfile))
if(format == "bed" || !(format %in% SUPPORTED_FORMAT)) {
if(missing(genomeBuild)) {
stop("genomeBuild is needed to determine chromosome lengths for the GAlignments obejct")
} else { # determien chromosome length from genomeBuild
# need rtracklayer library
chromInfo <- SeqinfoForUCSCGenome(genomeBuild)
alignGR <- import(file) # convert into GRanges first
if(!returnDuplicate) alignGR <- unique(alignGR)
# construct GAlignments object
alignGal <- GAlignments(names = values(alignGR)$name,
seqnames = seqnames(alignGR),
pos = start(alignGR), strand = strand(alignGR),
cigar=paste(width(alignGR), "M", sep=""))
# based on chrom names in alignGR to find their lengths in seqInfo
# then assign the chrom lengths to alignGR
seqlengths(alignGal) <- as.data.frame(chromInfo[names(seqlengths(alignGal))])$seqlengths
# if reads come from the complementary strand, signs needs to be switched
if(reverseComplement) {
strandDummy <- runValue(strand(alignGal))
strandDummy <- sub("\\+", "dummy", strandDummy)
strandDummy <- sub("\\-", "\\+", strandDummy)
runValue(strand(alignGal)) <- sub("dummy", "\\-", strandDummy)
if(!missing(genomeBuild)) genome(alignGal) <- genomeBuild
# record processing options in metadata slot
metadata(alignGal) <- list(reverseComplement=reverseComplement, returnDuplicate=returnDuplicate,
flagMultiHits=flagMultiHits, returnOnlyUniqueHits=returnOnlyUniqueHits)
if((returnOnlyUniqueHits || flagMultiHits) && is.null(names(alignGal))) {
warning(sprintf("No read name provided so cannot detect multihits.\nResults returned without multihit flags"))
if(!flagMultiHits && !returnOnlyUniqueHits) {
message("All reads are returned without flagging multi or unique hits.")
if(flagMultiHits || returnOnlyUniqueHits) {
readNames <- names(alignGal)
# sort and count read names
readNamesRle <- Rle(sort(readNames))
# get read names with a single occurence
nonMultiHitReadNames <- runValue(readNamesRle)[runLength(readNamesRle) == 1]
multiHitReadNames <- runValue(readNamesRle)[runLength(readNamesRle) > 1]
# return results
if(!flagMultiHits && returnOnlyUniqueHits) {
message("Only unique hits are returned without flag.")
return(alignGal[match(nonMultiHitReadNames, readNames)])
if(flagMultiHits) {
# flag multihits (if any)
values(alignGal) <- FALSE
names(values(alignGal)) <- "uniqueHit"
values(alignGal)[match(nonMultiHitReadNames, readNames), ] <- TRUE
if(length(multiHitReadNames) > 0) {
values(alignGal)[match(multiHitReadNames, readNames), ] <- FALSE
if(returnOnlyUniqueHits) {
message("Only unique hits are returned with (trivial) flags.")
return(alignGal[match(nonMultiHitReadNames, readNames)])
} else {
message("All hits are returned with flags.")
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.