
Defines functions select_cell_lines

Documented in select_cell_lines

#' Select mutant groups based on input gene of interest
#' @description
#' `select_cell_lines()` assigns cancer cell lines to either `Control` groups or one of the following mutant groups: `HomDel`,
#' `T-HetDel`, `HetDel`, `Amplified`, or `Others` (see details).
#' @param input_gene string as Hugo Symbol
#' @param input_aa_change string Amino acid change (eg. "A387A"). input_gene must be specified
#' @param input_disease string Cancer type listed in `list_available_cancer_types()`
#' @param input_disease_subtype string Cancer subtype listed in `list_available_cancer_subtypes()`
#' @param data_dir string Path to GINIR_data
#' @return Data frame containing a summary of mutations found in cell lines and their control and mutant group assignments.
#' @import rlang
#' @import dplyr
#' @import utils
#' @import stringr
#' @export
#' @details 
#' Mutant groups in more detail when only `input_gene` is defined: 
#' * `Control` cell lines do not harbor any single nucleotide variations (SNVs) or insertions and deletions (InDels) with a neutral copy number (CN).
#' * `HomDel` cell lines harbor one or more homozygous deleterious SNVs or have deep CN loss.
#' * `T-HetDel` cell lines harbor two or more heterozygous deleterious SNVs/InDels with neutral or CN loss.
#' * `HetDel` cell lines harbor one heterozygous deleterious SNV/InDel with neutral CN, or no SNV/InDel with CN loss. 
#' * `Amplified` cell lines harbor no SNVs/InDels with increased CN.
#' * `Others` cell lines harbor deleterious SNVs with increased CN.
#' If input_aa_change` is also defined:
#' * `Control` cell lines do not harbor any single nucleotide variations (SNVs) or insertions and deletions (InDels) with a neutral copy number (CN).
#' * `HomAlt` cell lines harbor a homozygous alteration for the specified mutation.
#' * `HetAlt` cell lines harbor a heterozygous alteration for the specified mutation.
#' * `_CNneutral`, `_CNamplified`, and `_CNloss` define copy number (CN) status of the above mutation states. 
#' * `Others` cell lines that do not meet above criteria.
#' @examples
#' gretta_data_dir <- './GRETTA_example/'
#' gretta_output_dir <- './GRETTA_example_output/'
#' if(!dir.exists(gretta_data_dir)){
#'   download_example_data(".")
#' }
#' select_cell_lines(input_gene = "ARID1A", 
#' input_disease = "Lung Cancer", 
#' data_dir = gretta_data_dir)

select_cell_lines <- function(input_gene = NULL, input_aa_change = NULL, input_disease = NULL, input_disease_subtype = NULL, data_dir = NULL){
  # Print and check to see input
  if(is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease, input_disease_subtype))){
    stop("No input given. Please prvide a Hugo gene symbol and/or cancer type")
  } else if(is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease)) & !is.null(input_disease_subtype)){
    stop("No cancer context provided. Please define the `disease` argument.")
  } else if(is.null(input_gene) & !is.null(input_aa_change)){
    stop("AA change was provided, ", input_aa_change,", 
         but no gene was provided. Please define input_gene!")
  } else if(is.null(c(input_disease, input_disease_subtype)) & !is.null(input_gene)){
    message("Selecting mutant groups for: ", paste0(input_gene, collapse = ", "), " in all cancer cell lines")
  } else if(!is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease, input_disease_subtype))){
    message("Selecting mutant groups for: ", paste0(input_gene, collapse = ", "), " in ", input_disease,", ", 
            input_disease_subtype, " cell lines")
  } else if(is.null(input_disease_subtype) & !is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease))){
    message("Selecting mutant groups for: ", input_gene, " in ", input_disease, " cell lines")
  } else if(is.null(input_gene) & !is.null(c(input_disease, input_disease_subtype))){
    message("Selecting all ", input_disease, ", ", input_disease_subtype, " cancer cell lines")
  } else if(is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease_subtype)) & !is.null(input_disease)){
    message("Selecting all ", input_disease, " cancer cell lines")
  } else {
    stop("Issue with input.")
    stop("No directory to data was specified. Please provide path to DepMap data.")
    stop("DepMap data directory does not exists.",
         "Please check again and provide the full path to the DepMap data directory.")
  # If input_gene is provided look for mutations:
    # Load necessary data
    mut_calls <- copy_num_annot <- copy_num <- dep <- sample_annot <- NULL
    # see: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/24756/
    load(paste0(data_dir, "/mut_calls.rda"), envir = environment())
    load(paste0(data_dir, "/copy_num_annot.rda"), envir = environment())
    load(paste0(data_dir, "/copy_num.rda"), envir = environment())
    load(paste0(data_dir, "/dep.rda"), envir = environment())
    load(paste0(data_dir, "/sample_annot.rda"), envir = environment())
    # Check if input gene mutations exist
    if(!any(mut_calls$Hugo_Symbol %in% input_gene) &
       !any(copy_num_annot$GeneNames %in% input_gene)){
      stop("No mutations were found for: ", input_gene,
           ". Please check spelling and for valid Hugo Symbols")
    # Convert to unique geneID
    input_geneID <- copy_num_annot %>% 
      filter(.data$GeneNames == input_gene) %>% 
    # Get copy number
    # Fix names if needed
    test <- grep("\\(", names(copy_num))
    if(length(test) != 0){
      # needs fixing
      fix1 <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = names(copy_num), pattern = "\\ \\(", "_")
      fix2 <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = fix1, pattern = "\\)", "")
      names(copy_num) <- fix2
    if(any(names(copy_num) %in% input_geneID)){
      target_copy_num <- copy_num %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, dplyr::all_of(input_geneID)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$DepMap_ID %in% dep$DepMap_ID) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$DepMap_ID) %>%
        dplyr::mutate( Status = dplyr::case_when(
          !!as.name(input_geneID) <= 0.25 ~ "Deep_del",
          !!as.name(input_geneID) > 0.25 & !!as.name(input_geneID) < 0.75 ~ "Loss",
          !!as.name(input_geneID) >= 0.75 & !!as.name(input_geneID) < 1.25 ~ "Neutral",
          !!as.name(input_geneID) >= 1.25 ~ "Amplified",
          TRUE ~ "Other"))
    } else {
      target_copy_num <- dep %>% 
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$DepMap_ID) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(!!as.name(input_geneID) := NA,
                      Status = "Unknown")
    # Get ALL Mutations
    target_mut <- mut_calls %>%
      dplyr::filter((.data$DepMap_ID %in% dep$DepMap_ID) & 
                      (.data$Hugo_Symbol %in% input_gene))
    # pre-23Q: Only some mut_calls contain a "SangerRecalibWES_AC" column
    if(any(colnames(target_mut) %in% "SangerRecalibWES_AC")){
      target_mut <- target_mut %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(AC_combined = dplyr::coalesce(.data$CGA_WES_AC, .data$SangerRecalibWES_AC, 
                                                    .data$SangerWES_AC, .data$RNAseq_AC, .data$HC_AC, 
                                                    .data$RD_AC, .data$WGS_AC), #(Alt:REF)
                      AC_ref_NULL = grepl(":0", .data$AC_combined)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(AC_Variant = dplyr::case_when(
          .data$AC_ref_NULL == "TRUE" ~ "Hom_Mut",
          TRUE ~ "Het_Mut"),
          AC_Variant = paste0(.data$Variant_Classification," ", .data$AC_Variant)) %>% # are there any with 0 contribution from reference?
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Hugo_Symbol, .data$Chromosome, .data$Start_position, 
                      .data$End_position, .data$Strand, .data$Variant_Classification, .data$Variant_Type, 
                      .data$Reference_Allele, .data$Tumor_Seq_Allele1, .data$dbSNP_RS, .data$dbSNP_Val_Status, 
                      .data$Genome_Change, .data$Annotation_Transcript, .data$cDNA_Change, .data$Codon_Change, 
                      .data$Protein_Change, .data$isDeleterious, .data$isTCGAhotspot, 
                      .data$TCGAhsCnt, .data$isCOSMIChotspot, .data$COSMIChsCnt, .data$Variant_annotation, 
                      .data$AC_combined, .data$AC_ref_NULL, .data$AC_Variant) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$Start_position) %>%
    } else if(any(colnames(target_mut) %in% "SangerWES_AC")){
      # pre-23Q: if no "SangerRecalibWES_AC" column
      target_mut <- target_mut %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(AC_combined = dplyr::coalesce(.data$CGA_WES_AC, .data$SangerWES_AC, .data$RNAseq_AC, 
                                                    .data$HC_AC, .data$RD_AC, .data$WGS_AC), #(Alt:REF)
                      AC_ref_NULL = grepl(":0", .data$AC_combined)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(AC_Variant = dplyr::case_when(
          .data$AC_ref_NULL == "TRUE" ~ "Hom_Mut",
          TRUE ~ "Het_Mut"),
          AC_Variant = paste0(.data$Variant_Classification," ", .data$AC_Variant)) %>% # are there any with 0 contribution from reference?
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Hugo_Symbol, .data$Chromosome, .data$Start_position, 
                      .data$Strand, .data$Variant_Classification, .data$Variant_Type, .data$Reference_Allele, 
                      .data$Alternate_Allele, .data$dbSNP_RS, .data$dbSNP_Val_Status, .data$Genome_Change, 
                      .data$cDNA_Change, .data$Codon_Change, .data$Protein_Change, .data$isDeleterious, 
                      .data$TCGAhsCnt, .data$isCOSMIChotspot, .data$COSMIChsCnt, .data$Variant_annotation, 
                      .data$AC_ref_NULL, .data$AC_Variant) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$Start_position) %>%
    } else if(any(colnames(target_mut) %in% "GT")){
      # post-23Q
      target_mut <- target_mut %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(AC_Variant = dplyr::case_when(
          .data$GT == "1|1" ~ "Hom_mut",
          TRUE ~ "Het_Mut"),
          AC_Variant = paste0(.data$VariantInfo," ", .data$AC_Variant)) %>% # are there any with 0 contribution from reference?
        dplyr::rename(Chromosome = .data$Chrom, Start_position = .data$Pos, Protein_Change = .data$ProteinChange) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Hugo_Symbol, .data$Chromosome, .data$Start_position, .data$Ref:.data$EntrezGeneID, .data$AC_Variant) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.data$Start_position) %>% 
    # Count number of mutations found per sample
    all_mutations_count_by_sample <- target_mut %>% dplyr::count(.data$DepMap_ID)
    # If specific mutations are defined 
      if(!any(colnames(target_mut) %in% "GT")){ #if not 23Q4 data
        select_muts <- target_mut %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change)) %>%
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID:.data$Protein_Change, .data$Variant_annotation:.data$AC_Variant)
      } else { #if 23Q4 data
        select_muts <- target_mut %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change)) %>%
      # Summarize mutations for all samples 
      # add OncotreeCode if post 23Q
      if(any(colnames(sample_annot) == "OncotreeCode")){
        summary <- sample_annot %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$DepMap_ID %in% dep$DepMap_ID) %>%
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$stripped_cell_line_name, .data$disease, .data$disease_subtype, 
                        .data$primary_or_metastasis, .data$OncotreeCode) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(all_mutations_count_by_sample, by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
          dplyr::rename(Total_mutations = .data$n) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(Total_mutations = dplyr::case_when(
            is.na(.data$Total_mutations) ~ as.double(0),
            TRUE ~  as.double(.data$Total_mutations))) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(target_copy_num %>% 
                             dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Status), by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
          dplyr::rename(CN_status = .data$Status) %>%
      } else {
        summary <- sample_annot %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$DepMap_ID %in% dep$DepMap_ID) %>%
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$stripped_cell_line_name, .data$disease, .data$disease_subtype, 
                        .data$primary_or_metastasis) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(all_mutations_count_by_sample, by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
          dplyr::rename(Total_mutations = .data$n) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(Total_mutations = dplyr::case_when(
            is.na(.data$Total_mutations) ~ as.double(0),
            TRUE ~  as.double(.data$Total_mutations))) %>%
          dplyr::left_join(target_copy_num %>% 
                             dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Status), by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
          dplyr::rename(CN_status = .data$Status) %>%
      # Annotate mutant group types based on conditions
      if(!all(summary$CN_status == "Unknown")){
        if(!any(colnames(target_mut) %in% "GT")){ #if not 23Q4 data
          Groups <- summary %>% 
              Group = dplyr::case_when(
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral") &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == TRUE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNneutral"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Amplified") &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == TRUE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNamplified"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del")) &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == TRUE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNloss"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral") &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == FALSE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNneutral"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Amplified") &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == FALSE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNamplified"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del")) &
                   (.data$AC_ref_NULL == FALSE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNloss"),
                ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) &
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_Control_CNneutral"),
                ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) &
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del"))) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_Control_CNloss"),
                TRUE ~ "Others")) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(GeneNameID = input_geneID,
                          GeneName = input_gene)
        } else { #if 23Q4 data
          Groups <- summary %>% 
              Group = dplyr::case_when(
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral") &
                   (.data$GT == "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNneutral"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Amplified") &
                   (.data$GT == "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNamplified"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del")) &
                   (.data$GT == "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt_CNloss"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral") &
                   (.data$GT != "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNneutral"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status == "Amplified") &
                   (.data$GT != "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNamplified"),
                (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del")) &
                   (.data$GT != "1|1")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt_CNloss"),
                ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) &
                   (.data$CN_status == "Neutral")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_Control_CNneutral"),
                ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) &
                   (.data$CN_status %in% c("Loss","Deep_del"))) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_Control_CNloss"),
                TRUE ~ "Others")) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(GeneNameID = input_geneID,
                          GeneName = input_gene)
      } else {
        Groups <- summary %>% 
            Group = dplyr::case_when(
              (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                 (.data$AC_ref_NULL == TRUE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HomAlt"),
              (.data$Protein_Change %in% paste0("p.",input_aa_change) & 
                 (.data$AC_ref_NULL == FALSE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_HetAlt"),
              (.data$Total_mutations == 0) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_", input_aa_change, "_Control"),
              TRUE ~ "Others")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(GeneNameID = input_geneID,
                        GeneName = input_gene)
    } else {
      # If no mutations are defined, find default deleterious mutations
      # Get deleterious/damaging mutations
      # If pre23Q
      if(any(colnames(target_mut) == "Variant_annotation")){
        mut_dels <- target_mut %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$Variant_annotation == "damaging") %>%
      } else if(any(colnames(target_mut) == "LikelyLoF")){
        # If post23Q
        temp_dels <- target_mut %>% 
          dplyr:: filter(
            .data$LikelyLoF) %>% 
        if(any(str_detect(temp_dels$VariantInfo, "splice"))){
          no_splice <- temp_dels %>% 
            dplyr::filter(!str_detect(.data$VariantInfo, "splice"))
          del_splice <- temp_dels %>% 
            dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$VariantInfo, "splice"),
                          .data$VariantType != "SNV")
          mut_dels <- dplyr::bind_rows(no_splice, del_splice) %>%
        } else{
          mut_dels <- temp_dels
      # Count number of deleterious mutations found per sample
      del_mutations_count_by_sample <- mut_dels %>% dplyr::count(.data$DepMap_ID)
      # Find samples with homozygous deleterious mutations (HomDels)
      if(any(colnames(mut_dels) == "AC_ref_NULL")){
        hom_del_muts_by_sample <- mut_dels %>% 
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$AC_ref_NULL) %>%
          dplyr::distinct() %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$AC_ref_NULL == TRUE)
      } else {
        hom_del_muts_by_sample <- mut_dels %>% 
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$GT) %>%
          dplyr::distinct() %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$GT == "1|1")
      # Find samples with multiple heterozygous deleterious mutations. Trans-heterozygous mutants (T-HetDels)
      if(any(colnames(mut_dels) == "AC_ref_NULL")){
        multi_mut_dels <- mut_dels %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$AC_ref_NULL == FALSE) %>%
          dplyr::add_count(.data$DepMap_ID) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$n > 1)
      } else {
        multi_mut_dels <- mut_dels %>% 
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Start_position, .data$GT) %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$GT != "1|1") %>% 
          dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Start_position) %>%
          dplyr::distinct() %>%
          dplyr::add_count(.data$DepMap_ID) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(.data$n > 1)
      # Summarize mutations for all samples 
      summary <- sample_annot %>% 
        dplyr::filter(.data$DepMap_ID %in% dep$DepMap_ID) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$stripped_cell_line_name, .data$disease, .data$disease_subtype, 
                      .data$primary_or_metastasis) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(all_mutations_count_by_sample, by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
        dplyr::rename(Total_mutations = .data$n) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(Total_mutations = dplyr::case_when(
          is.na(.data$Total_mutations) ~ as.double(0),
          TRUE ~  as.double(.data$Total_mutations))) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(del_mutations_count_by_sample, by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
        dplyr::rename(Del_mutations = .data$n) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(Del_mutations = dplyr::case_when(
          is.na(.data$Del_mutations) ~ as.double(0),
          TRUE ~ as.double(.data$Del_mutations)),
          Del_hom_mut = dplyr::case_when(
            .data$DepMap_ID %in% hom_del_muts_by_sample$DepMap_ID ~ TRUE,
            TRUE ~ FALSE)) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(target_copy_num %>% 
                           dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$Status), by = "DepMap_ID") %>%
        dplyr::rename(CN_status = .data$Status) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(-.data$Del_mutations, -.data$Total_mutations, .data$CN_status)
      # Annotate mutant group types based on conditions
      if(!all(summary$CN_status == "Unknown")){
        Groups <- summary %>% 
            Group = dplyr::case_when(
              ((.data$CN_status == "Deep_del") | (.data$Del_hom_mut == TRUE)) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_HomDel"),
              ((.data$Del_mutations > 1) & (.data$CN_status == "Neutral")) |
                ((.data$Del_mutations == 1) & (.data$CN_status == "Loss")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_T-HetDel"),
              ((.data$Del_mutations == 1) & (.data$CN_status == "Neutral")) |
                ((.data$Del_mutations == 0) & (.data$CN_status == "Loss")) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_HetDel"),
              ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) & (.data$CN_status == "Neutral")) ~ "Control",
              ((.data$Total_mutations == 0) & (.data$CN_status == "Amplified")) ~ "Amplified",
              ((.data$Del_mutations == 1) & (.data$CN_status == "Amplified")) ~ "Others",
              TRUE ~ "Others")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(GeneNameID = input_geneID,
                        GeneName = input_gene)
      } else {
        Groups <- summary %>% 
            Group = dplyr::case_when(
              (.data$Del_hom_mut == TRUE) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_HomDel"),
              (.data$Del_mutations > 1) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_T-HetDel"),
              (.data$Del_mutations == 1) ~ paste0(input_gene,"_HetDel"),
              (.data$Total_mutations == 0) ~ "Control",
              TRUE ~ "Others")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(GeneNameID = input_geneID,
                        GeneName = input_gene)
  } else {
    # Load necessary data
    sample_annot <- NULL # see: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/24756/
    data(list = list("sample_annot"), envir = environment())
  # Output based on input conditions
  if(is.null(c(input_disease, input_disease_subtype)) & !is.null(input_gene)){
    output <- Groups
  } else if(is.null(input_disease_subtype) & !is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease))){
    output <- Groups %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$disease %in% input_disease)
  } else if(is.null(input_gene) & !is.null(c(input_disease, input_disease_subtype))){
    output <- sample_annot %>% 
      dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$stripped_cell_line_name, .data$disease, .data$disease_subtype, 
                    .data$primary_or_metastasis) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$disease %in% input_disease & 
                      .data$disease_subtype %in% input_disease_subtype)
  } else if(is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease_subtype)) & !is.null(input_disease)){
    output <- sample_annot %>% 
      dplyr::select(.data$DepMap_ID, .data$stripped_cell_line_name, .data$disease, .data$disease_subtype, 
                    .data$primary_or_metastasis) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$disease %in% input_disease)
  } else if(!is.null(c(input_gene, input_disease, input_disease_subtype))){
    output <- Groups %>% 
      dplyr::filter(.data$disease %in% input_disease &
                      .data$disease_subtype %in% input_disease_subtype)
  } else {
    stop("Issue with input")
  # Check if output has both control and mutants
  # Print quick summary if no mutants were found
  if(!any(stringr::str_detect(output$Group, "Del|Alt")) | !any(stringr::str_detect(output$Group, "Control"))){
    message("No mutants or controls found! \n",
            "Check results and consider using different criteria")
  output <- output %>% dplyr::arrange(.data$DepMap_ID)
ytakemon/GINIR documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 4:22 a.m.