#' Liner discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEFSe) analysis
#' Perform Metagenomic LEFSe analysis based on phyloseq object.
#' @param ps a \code{\link[phyloseq]{phyloseq-class}} object
#' @param group character, the column name to set the group
#' @param subgroup character, the column name to set the subgroup
#' @param taxa_rank character to specify taxonomic rank to perform
#' differential analysis on. Should be one of
#' `phyloseq::rank_names(phyloseq)`, or "all" means to summarize the taxa by
#' the top taxa ranks (`summarize_taxa(ps, level = rank_names(ps)[1])`), or
#' "none" means perform differential analysis on the original taxa
#' (`taxa_names(phyloseq)`, e.g., OTU or ASV).
#' @param transform character, the methods used to transform the microbial
#' abundance. See [`transform_abundances()`] for more details. The
#' options include:
#' * "identity", return the original data without any transformation
#' (default).
#' * "log10", the transformation is `log10(object)`, and if the data contains
#' zeros the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' * "log10p", the transformation is `log10(1 + object)`.
#' @param norm the methods used to normalize the microbial abundance data. See
#' [`normalize()`] for more details.
#' Options include:
#' * "none": do not normalize.
#' * "rarefy": random subsampling counts to the smallest library size in the
#' data set.
#' * "TSS": total sum scaling, also referred to as "relative abundance", the
#' abundances were normalized by dividing the corresponding sample library
#' size.
#' * "TMM": trimmed mean of m-values. First, a sample is chosen as reference.
#' The scaling factor is then derived using a weighted trimmed mean over the
#' differences of the log-transformed gene-count fold-change between the
#' sample and the reference.
#' * "RLE", relative log expression, RLE uses a pseudo-reference calculated
#' using the geometric mean of the gene-specific abundances over all
#' samples. The scaling factors are then calculated as the median of the
#' gene counts ratios between the samples and the reference.
#' * "CSS": cumulative sum scaling, calculates scaling factors as the
#' cumulative sum of gene abundances up to a data-derived threshold.
#' * "CLR": centered log-ratio normalization.
#' * "CPM": pre-sample normalization of the sum of the values to 1e+06.
#' @param norm_para named `list`. other arguments passed to specific
#' normalization methods. Most users will not need to pass any additional
#' arguments here.
#' @param kw_cutoff numeric, p value cutoff of kw test, default 0.05
#' @param wilcoxon_cutoff numeric, p value cutoff of wilcoxon test, default 0.05
#' @param lda_cutoff numeric, lda score cutoff, default 2
#' @param bootstrap_n integer, the number of bootstrap iteration for LDA,
#' default 30
#' @param bootstrap_fraction numeric, the subsampling fraction value for each
#' bootstrap iteration, default `2/3`
#' @param multigrp_strat logical, for multiple group tasks, whether the test is
#' performed in a one-against one (more strict) or in a one-against all
#' setting, default `FALSE`.
#' @param strict multiple testing options, 0 for no correction (default), 1 for
#' independent comparisons, 2 for independent comparison.
#' @param sample_min integer, minimum number of samples per subclass for
#' performing wilcoxon test, default 10
#' @param only_same_subgrp logical, whether perform the wilcoxon test only
#' among the subgroups with the same name, default `FALSE`
#' @param curv logical, whether perform the wilcoxon test using the
#' Curtis's approach, defalt `FALSE`
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter arrange rowwise select
#' @importFrom purrr map_dbl pmap_dbl pmap_chr
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom phyloseq rank_names tax_glom
#' @export
#' @return a [microbiomeMarker-class] object, in which the `slot` of
#' `marker_table`
#' contains four variables:
#' * `feature`, significantly different features.
#' * `enrich_group`, the class of the differential features enriched.
#' * `lda`, logarithmic LDA score (effect size)
#' * `pvalue`, p value of kw test.
#' @author Yang Cao
#' @seealso [normalize]
#' @references Segata, Nicola, et al. Metagenomic biomarker discovery and
#' explanation. Genome biology 12.6 (2011): R60.
#' @examples
#' data(kostic_crc)
#' kostic_crc_small <- phyloseq::subset_taxa(
#' kostic_crc,
#' Phylum == "Firmicutes"
#' )
#' mm_lefse <- run_lefse(
#' kostic_crc_small,
#' wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.01,
#' group = "DIAGNOSIS",
#' kw_cutoff = 0.01,
#' multigrp_strat = TRUE,
#' lda_cutoff = 4
#' )
run_lefse <- function(ps,
subgroup = NULL,
taxa_rank = "all",
transform = c("identity", "log10", "log10p"),
norm = "CPM",
norm_para = list(),
kw_cutoff = 0.05,
lda_cutoff = 2,
bootstrap_n = 30,
bootstrap_fraction = 2 / 3,
wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.05,
multigrp_strat = FALSE,
strict = c("0", "1", "2"),
sample_min = 10,
only_same_subgrp = FALSE,
curv = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(ps, "phyloseq")) {
stop("`ps` must be phyloseq object", call. = FALSE)
# check rank names and para taxa_rank
ps <- check_rank_names(ps)
ps <- check_taxa_rank(ps, taxa_rank)
transform <- match.arg(transform, c("identity", "log10", "log10p"))
strict <- match.arg(strict, c("0", "1", "2"))
strict <- as.numeric(strict)
# import input from the original lefse python script or galaxy,
# will be dropped in the next release version
summarized <- check_tax_summarize(ps)
if (summarized && norm != "CPM") {
"`norm` must be a 'CPM' or 'none' while `ps` has been summarized",
call. = FALSE
# pre-processing, including: keep taxa in rows, filter taxa whose abundance
# is zero, fix duplicated tax, transformation and normalization
ps <- preprocess_ps(ps)
# transformation
ps <- transform_abundances(ps, transform = transform)
# normalization
norm_para <- c(norm_para, method = norm, object = list(ps))
ps_normed <- do.call(normalize, norm_para)
sample_meta <- sample_data(ps_normed)
grp_info <- lefse_format_grp(sample_meta, group, subgroup = subgroup)
grp <- grp_info$group
subgrps <- grp_info$subgroup
grp_hie <- grp_info$group_hie
ps_summarized <- pre_ps_taxa_rank(ps_normed, taxa_rank)
otus <- abundances(ps_summarized, norm = TRUE)
# transform it for test
otus_test <- as.data.frame(t(otus), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
feature <- tax_table(ps_summarized)@.Data[, 1]
names(otus_test) <- feature
# tax table
tax <- matrix(feature) %>%
row.names(tax) <- row.names(otus)
# kw rank sum test among classes
kw_p <- purrr::map_dbl(otus_test, ~ kruskal.test(.x, grp)$p.value)
# remove the taxa, while pvalue is na
na_ind <- is.na(kw_p)
if (sum(na_ind) >= 1) {
otus_test <- otus_test[!na_ind]
kw_p <- kw_p[!na_ind]
sig_ind <- kw_p <= kw_cutoff
sig_otus <- otus_test[, sig_ind]
# wilcox test is preformed for each class, if there is no subclass
features_nms <- names(sig_otus)
wilcoxon_p <- purrr::map2_lgl(
sig_otus, features_nms,
~ test_rep_wilcoxon(
subgrps, grp_hie,
.x, .y,
wilcoxon_cutoff = wilcoxon_cutoff,
multicls_strat = multigrp_strat,
strict = strict,
sample_min = sample_min,
only_same_subcls = only_same_subgrp,
curv = curv
sig_otus <- sig_otus[, wilcoxon_p, drop = FALSE]
if (ncol(sig_otus) == 0) {
warning("No marker was identified", call. = FALSE)
mm <- microbiomeMarker(
marker_table = NULL,
norm_method = get_norm_method(norm),
diff_method = "lefse",
otu_table = otu_table(otus, taxa_are_rows = TRUE), # normalized
# new var norm_factor (if it is calculated in normalize)
sam_data = sample_data(ps_normed),
tax_table = tax
# mean abundance in each group
otus_enriched_group <- get_feature_enrich_group(grp, sig_otus)
# bootsrap iteration of lda
ldas <- bootstap_lda(
boot_n = bootstrap_n,
class = grp,
sample_fract = bootstrap_fraction
lefse_res <- data.frame(
feature = names(sig_otus),
enrich_group = otus_enriched_group$group,
ef_lda = ldas,
pvalue = kw_p[sig_ind][wilcoxon_p],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
lefse_sig <- filter(lefse_res, .data$ef_lda >= lda_cutoff) %>%
arrange(.data$enrich_group, desc(.data$ef_lda))
lefse_out <- return_marker(lefse_sig, lefse_res)
lefse_out$padj <- lefse_out$pvalue
mm <- microbiomeMarker(
marker_table = lefse_out,
norm_method = get_norm_method(norm),
diff_method = "lefse",
otu_table = otu_table(otus, taxa_are_rows = TRUE), # normalized
# new var norm_factor (if it is calculated in normalize)
sam_data = sample_data(ps_normed),
tax_table = tax
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