Man pages for yiluheihei/microbiomeMarker
microbiome biomarker analysis toolkit

abundances-methodsExtract taxa abundances
aggregate_taxaAggregate Taxa
assign-marker_tableAssign marker_table to 'object'
assign-otu_tableAssign a new OTU table
compare_DAComparing the results of differential analysis methods by...
confounderConfounder analysis
data-caporaso16S rRNA data from "Moving pictures of the human microbiome"
data-cid_ying16S rRNA data of 94 patients from CID 2012
data-ecamData from Early Childhood Antibiotics and the Microbiome...
data-enterotypes_arumugamEnterotypes data of 39 samples
data-kostic_crcData from a study on colorectal cancer (kostic 2012)
data-oxygenOxygen availability 16S dataset, of which taxa table has been...
data-pediatric_ibdIBD stool samples
data-spontaneous_colitisThis is a sample data from lefse python script, a 16S dataset...
effect_size-plotbar and dot plot of effect size of microbiomeMarker data
extract-methodsExtract 'marker_table' object
extract_posthoc_resExtract results from a posthoc test
get_treedata_phyloseqGenerate tree data from phyloseq object
import_dada2Import function to read the the output of dada2 as phyloseq...
import_picrust2Import function to read the output of picrust2 as phyloseq...
import_qiime2Import function to read the the output of dada2 as phyloseq...
marker_table-classThe S4 class for storing microbiome marker information
marker_table-methodsBuild or access the marker_table
microbiomeMarkerBuild microbiomeMarker-class objects
microbiomeMarker-classThe main class for microbiomeMarker data
microbiomeMarker-packagemicrobiomeMarker: A package for microbiome biomarker...
nmarker-methodsGet the number of microbiome markers
normalize-methodsNormalize the microbial abundance data
phyloseq2DESeq2Convert 'phyloseq-class' object to 'DESeqDataSet-class'...
phyloseq2edgeRConvert phyloseq data to edgeR 'DGEList' object
phyloseq2metagenomeSeqConvert phyloseq data to MetagenomeSeq 'MRexperiment' object
plot_abundanceplot the abundances of markers
plot_cladogramplot cladogram of micobiomeMaker results
plot.compareDAPlotting DA comparing result
plot_heatmapHeatmap of microbiome marker
plot_postHocTest'postHocTest' plot
plot_sl_rocROC curve of microbiome marker from supervised learning...
postHocTestBuild postHocTest object
postHocTest-classThe postHocTest Class, represents the result of post-hoc test...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
run_aldexPerform differential analysis using ALDEx2
run_ancomPerform differential analysis using ANCOM
run_ancombcDifferential analysis of compositions of microbiomes with...
run_deseq2Perform DESeq differential analysis
run_edgerPerform differential analysis using edgeR
run_lefseLiner discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEFSe)...
run_limma_voomDifferential analysis using limma-voom
run_markerFind makers (differentially expressed metagenomic features)
run_metagenomeseqmetagenomeSeq differential analysis
run_posthoc_testPost hoc pairwise comparisons for multiple groups test.
run_simple_statSimple statistical analysis of metagenomic profiles
run_slIdentify biomarkers using supervised leaning (SL) methods
run_test_multiple_groupsStatistical test for multiple groups
run_test_two_groupsStatistical test between two groups
subset_markerSubset microbiome markers
summarize_taxaSummarize taxa into a taxonomic level within each sample
summary.compareDASummary differential analysis methods comparison results
transform_abundancesTransform the taxa abundances in 'otu_table' sample by sample
yiluheihei/microbiomeMarker documentation built on Feb. 21, 2025, 7:44 a.m.