
# ContrastsTable -----

#' holds results when contrasts are added.
#' @export
#' @family modelling
#' @examples
#' bb <-prolfqua::sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' configur <- bb$config$clone(deep=TRUE)
#' configur$table$hierarchyDepth <- 2
#' data <- bb$data
#' lfqdata <- LFQData$new(data, configur)
#' lfqdata$factors()
#' Contrasts <- c("aC" = "group_A - group_Ctrl",
#' "bC" = "group_A - group_Ctrl")
#' csi <- ContrastsMissing$new(lfqdata, contrasts = Contrasts)
#' ctr <- csi$get_contrasts()
#' csi$subject_Id
#' xcx <- ContrastsTable$new(ctr, subject_Id = csi$subject_Id, modelName = "TableTest")
#' xcx$get_contrasts()
#' xcx$get_Plotter()$volcano()
#' stopifnot(is.null(xcx$get_contrast_sides()))
#' stopifnot(is.null(xcx$get_linfct()))
#' stopifnot(ncol(xcx$to_wide()) == 10)
ContrastsTable <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = ContrastsInterface,
  public = list(
    #' @field contrast_result contrast results
    contrast_result = NULL,
    #' @field modelName model name
    modelName = character(),
    #' @field subject_Id default protein_Id
    subject_Id = character(),
    #' @description
    #' intitialize
    #' @param contrastsdf data.frame
    #' @param subject_Id default protein_Id
    #' @param modelName default ContrastTable
    initialize = function(contrastsdf,
                          subject_Id = "protein_Id",
                          modelName = "ContrastTable"
      self$contrast_result = contrastsdf
      self$subject_Id = subject_Id
      self$modelName = modelName
    #' @description
    #' return sides of contrast
    #' @return data.frame
    get_contrast_sides = function(){
    #' @description not implemented
    get_linfct = function(){

    #' @description
    #' get contrasts
    #' @seealso \code{\link{summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaled}}
    #' @param all should all columns be returned (default FALSE)
    #' @param global use a global linear function (determined by get_linfct)
    get_contrasts = function(all = FALSE){
    #' @description
    #' get \code{\link{ContrastsPlotter}}
    #' @param FCthreshold fold change threshold
    #' @param FDRthreshold fdr threshold
    #' @return \code{\link{ContrastsPlotter}}
    get_Plotter = function(FCthreshold = 1, FDRthreshold = 0.1){
      res <- ContrastsPlotter$new(
        subject_Id = self$subject_Id,
        fcthresh = FCthreshold,
        volcano = list(list(score = "p.value", xlim = c(0,1,0.05)),
                       list(score = "FDR", thresh = FDRthreshold)),
        histogram = list(list(score = "p.value", xlim = c(0,1,0.05)),
                         list(score = "FDR", xlim = c(0,1,0.05))),
        modelName = "modelName",
        diff = "diff",
        contrast = "contrast")
    #' @description convert to wide format
    #' @param columns value column default beta.based.significance
    #' @return data.frame
    to_wide = function(columns = c("p.value", "FDR","statistic")){
      contrast_minimal <- self$get_contrasts()
      contrasts_wide <- pivot_model_contrasts_2_Wide(contrast_minimal,
                                                     subject_Id = self$subject_Id,
                                                     columns = c("diff", columns),
                                                     contrast = 'contrast')
wolski/prolfqua documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:02 a.m.