#' Calculate the Average Scaled Hydropathy of an Amino Acid Sequence
#' This is used to calculate the scaled hydropathy of an amino acid
#' sequence using a sliding window. The output is either a data frame or graph
#' showing the calculated scores for each window along the sequence.
#' @inheritParams sequenceCheck
#' @param window a positive, odd integer. 9 by default.
#' Sets the size of sliding window, must be an odd number.
#' The window determines the number of residues to be analyzed and averaged
#' for each position along the sequence.
#' @param plotResults logical value, TRUE by default.
#' If \code{plotResults = TRUE} a plot will be the output.
#' If \code{plotResults = FALSE} the output is a data frame with scores for
#' each window analyzed.
#' @param proteinName character string with length = 1.
#' optional setting to replace the name of the plot if hydropathy = TRUE.
#' @param ... any additional parameters, especially those for plotting.
#' @return see plotResults argument
#' @family scaled hydropathy functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{KDNorm}} for residue values.
#' @references Kyte, J., & Doolittle, R. F. (1982). A simple method for
#' displaying the hydropathic character of a protein.
#' Journal of molecular biology, 157(1), 105-132.
#' @export
#' @section Plot Colors:
#' For users who wish to keep a common aesthetic, the following colors are
#' used when plotResults = TRUE. \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item Dynamic line colors: \itemize{
#' \item Close to 0 = "skyblue3" or "#6CA6CD"
#' \item Close to 1 = "chocolate1" or "#FF7F24"
#' \item Close to midpoint = "grey65" or "#A6A6A6"}}
#' @examples
#' #Amino acid sequences can be character strings
#' #Amino acid sequences can also be character vectors
#' aaVector <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
#' "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
#' "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
#' "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
#' #Alternatively, .fasta files can also be used by providing
#' ##The path to the file as a character string.
#' exampleDF <- scaledHydropathyLocal(aaString,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' exampleDF <- scaledHydropathyLocal(aaVector,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' #Changing window will alter the number of residues analyzed
#' exampleDF_window3 <- scaledHydropathyLocal(aaString,
#' window = 3,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF_window3)
#' exampleDF_window15 <- scaledHydropathyLocal(aaString,
#' window = 15,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF_window15)
#' #plotResults = TRUE will output a ggplot
#' scaledHydropathyLocal(aaString,
#' plot = TRUE)
#' #since it is a ggplot, you can change or annotate the plot
#' gg <- scaledHydropathyLocal(aaVector,
#' window = 3,
#' plot = TRUE)
#' gg <- gg + ggplot2::ylab("Local Hydropathy")
#' gg <- gg + ggplot2::geom_text(data = exampleDF_window3,
#' ggplot2::aes(label = CenterResidue,
#' y = WindowHydropathy + 0.1))
#' plot(gg)
scaledHydropathyLocal <- function(sequence, window = 9,
plotResults = TRUE, proteinName = NA, ...) {
seqVector <- sequenceCheck(sequence = sequence, method = "stop",
outputType = "vector", suppressOutputMessage = TRUE)
if ((window %% 2) == 0) {
stop("Window must be an odd number")
if (!all(c(is.logical(plotResults)))) {
stop("plotResults and centerResidue require logical values")
names(seqVector) <- NULL
seqLength <- length(seqVector)
numberResiduesAnalyzed <- seqLength - (window - 1)
positionVector <- ((window - 1) / 2 + 1): (seqLength - (window - 1) / 2)
centerResidueVector <- seqVector[positionVector]
windowVector <- rep(NA, numberResiduesAnalyzed)
scoreVector <- rep(NA, numberResiduesAnalyzed)
for (i in seq_len(numberResiduesAnalyzed)) {
sequenceWindow <- seqVector[i:(i + (window - 1))]
windowVector[i] <- paste0(sequenceWindow, collapse = "")
windowValues <- KDNorm$V2[match(sequenceWindow, KDNorm$V1)]
scoreVector[i] <- sum(windowValues) / window
windowDF <- data.frame(Position = positionVector, Window = windowVector,
CenterResidue = centerResidueVector,
WindowHydropathy = scoreVector)
if (plotResults) {
plotTitle <- "Measurement of Scaled Hydropathy"
if (!is.na(proteinName)) {
plotTitle <-
paste0("Measurement of Scaled Hydropathy in ", proteinName)
meanScaledHydropathyValue <- meanScaledHydropathy(sequence = sequence,
roundScore = 3)
plotSubtitle <- paste0("Window Size = ", window,
" ; Average Scaled Hydropathy = ",
gg <- sequencePlot(position = windowDF$Position,
property = windowDF$WindowHydropathy,
hline = meanScaledHydropathyValue,
dynamicColor = windowDF$WindowHydropathy,
customColors = c("chocolate1", "skyblue3", "grey65"),
customTitle = NA, propertyLimits = c(0, 1))
gg <- gg + ggplot2::labs(title = plotTitle, subtitle = plotSubtitle,
y = "Hydropathy")
} else { #returns the DF
#' Protein Scaled Hydropathy Calculations
#' This is used to calculate the scaled hydropathy of an amino acid
#' sequence for each residue in the sequence.
#' The output is either a data frame or graph
#' showing the matched scores for each residue along the sequence.
#' @inheritParams sequenceCheck
#' @param plotResults logical value, FALSE by default.
#' If \code{plotResults = TRUE} a plot will be the output.
#' If \code{plotResults = FALSE} the output is a data frame for each residue.
#' @param proteinName character string with length = 1.
#' optional setting to include the name in the plot title.
#' @param ... any additional parameters, especially those for plotting.
#' @return if \code{plotResults = TRUE}, a graphical representation data.
#' Average is shown by the horizontal line.
#' If \code{plotResults = FALSE}, a data frame is reported
#' with each amino acid and each residue value shown.
#' Score for each residue shown in the column "Hydropathy".
#' @family scaled hydropathy functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{KDNorm}} for residue values.
#' @references Kyte, J., & Doolittle, R. F. (1982). A simple method for
#' displaying the hydropathic character of a protein.
#' Journal of molecular biology, 157(1), 105-132.
#' @section Plot Colors:
#' For users who wish to keep a common aesthetic, the following colors are
#' used when plotResults = TRUE. \cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item Dynamic line colors: \itemize{
#' \item Close to 0 = "skyblue3" or "#6CA6CD"
#' \item Close to 1 = "chocolate1" or "#FF7F24"
#' \item Close to midpoint = "grey65" or "#A6A6A6"}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Amino acid sequences can be character strings
#' #Amino acid sequences can also be character vectors
#' aaVector <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
#' "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
#' "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
#' "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
#' #Alternatively, .fasta files can also be used by providing
#' ##The path to the file as a character string
#' exampleDF <- scaledHydropathyGlobal(aaString,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' exampleDF <- scaledHydropathyGlobal(aaVector,
#' plotResults = FALSE)
#' head(exampleDF)
#' #plotResults = TRUE will output a ggplot
#' scaledHydropathyGlobal(aaString,
#' plotResults = TRUE)
#' #since it is a ggplot, you can change or annotate the plot
#' gg <- scaledHydropathyGlobal(aaVector,
#' plotResults = TRUE)
#' gg <- gg + ggplot2::ylab("Local Hydropathy")
#' gg <- gg + ggplot2::geom_text(data = exampleDF,
#' ggplot2::aes(label = AA,
#' y = Hydropathy + 0.1))
#' plot(gg)
scaledHydropathyGlobal <- function(
plotResults = FALSE,
proteinName = NA,
...) {
seqCharacterVector <- sequenceCheck(sequence = sequence, method = "stop",
outputType = "vector",
suppressOutputMessage = TRUE)
if (!is.logical(plotResults)) {
stop("plotResults must be a logical value")
seqLength <- length(seqCharacterVector)
scoreVector <- KDNorm$V2[match(seqCharacterVector, KDNorm$V1)]
hydropathyDF <- data.frame(Position = seq_len(seqLength),
AA = seqCharacterVector,
Hydropathy = scoreVector)
if (plotResults) {
meanScaledHydropathy <- sum(hydropathyDF$Hydropathy) / seqLength
meanScaledHydropathy <- round(meanScaledHydropathy, 3)
plotTitle <- "Scaled Hydropathy"
if (!is.na(proteinName)) {
plotTitle <- paste0("Scaled Hydropathy of ", proteinName)
plotSubtitle <- paste0("Average Scaled Hydropathy = ",
gg <- sequencePlot(
position = hydropathyDF$Position,
property = hydropathyDF$Hydropathy,
hline = meanScaledHydropathy,
dynamicColor = hydropathyDF$Hydropathy,
customColors = c("chocolate1", "skyblue3", "grey65"),
customTitle = NA,
propertyLimits = c(0, 1))
gg <- gg + ggplot2::labs(title = plotTitle, subtitle = plotSubtitle,
y = "Hydropathy")
} else {
#' Calculate the Mean Scaled Hydropathy
#' This function utilizes the scaledHydropathyGlobal() function and
#' easily returns the averaged hydropathy as a numeric value.
#' @inheritParams sequenceCheck
#' @param roundScore Number of decimals the score will be rounded to.
#' NA by default.
#' @return A numeric value equal to the Mean Scaled Hydropathy.
#' @family scaled hydropathy functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{KDNorm}} for residue values.
#' @references Kyte, J., & Doolittle, R. F. (1982). A simple method for
#' displaying the hydropathic character of a protein.
#' Journal of molecular biology, 157(1), 105-132.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Amino acid sequences can be character strings
#' #Amino acid sequences can also be character vectors
#' aaVector <- c("A", "C", "D", "E", "F",
#' "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
#' "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R",
#' "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
#' #Alternatively, .fasta files can also be used by providing
#' #Calculate the mean scaled hydropathy
#' meanScaledHydropathy(aaString)
#' meanScaledHydropathy(aaVector)
meanScaledHydropathy <- function(sequence, roundScore = NA) {
hydropDF <- scaledHydropathyGlobal(sequence = sequence,
plotOutput = FALSE)
seqLength <- nrow(hydropDF)
totalHydrop <- sum(hydropDF$Hydropathy)
avgHydrop <- totalHydrop / seqLength
if (is.na(roundScore)) {
} else {
avgHydrop <- round(avgHydrop, roundScore)
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