.result = function(Pred,cl){
res = table(Pred,cl)
TP = as.double(res[2, 2]) # maybe not [2,2] cause 2 means "malignant"--positive
TN = as.double(res[1, 1]) # maybe not [1,1] cause 1 means "benign"--negative
FP = as.double(res[2, 1])
FN = as.double(res[1, 2])
ACC = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
SE = TP / (TP + FN)
SP = TN/(FP + TN)
F1 = 2 * TP / (2 * TP + TP + FN) # F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and sensitivity
MCC = (TP * TN - FP * FN) / sqrt((TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * (TN + FP) * (TN+FN))
result = list()
result$pred_label = Pred
result$table = res
result$ACC = ACC
result$SE = SE
result$SP = SP
result$F1 = F1
result$MCC = MCC
#' The Cross-Validation of Classification and Regression models using Random Forest
#' The Cross-Validation of Classification and Regression models using Random Forest
#' \code{rf.cv} implements Breiman's random forest algorithm for classification and
#' regression. here we use it to make a k-fold cross-validation
#' @param xtr A data frame or a matrix of predictors.
#' @param ytr A response vector. If a factor, classification is assumed, otherwise
#' regression is assumed.
#' @param cv.fold The fold, the defalut is 5.
#' @param type method type.
#' @param trees Number of trees to grow. This should not be set to too small a
#' number, to ensure that every input row gets predicted at least
#' a few times.
#' @param mtrysize Number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each
#' split. Note that the default values are different for
#' classification (sqrt(p) where p is number of variables in
#' \code{xtr}) and regression (p/3)
#' @return if type is regression, the retrun a list containing four components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{RFpred} - the predicted values of the input data based on cross-validation
#' \item \code{Error} - error for all samples
#' \item \code{RMSECV} - Root Mean Square Error for cross-validation
#' \item \code{Q2} - R2 for cross-validation
#' }
#' if type is classification, the retrun a list containing four components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{table} - confusion matrix
#' \item \code{ACC} - accuracy
#' \item \code{SE} - sensitivity
#' \item \code{SP} - specifivity
#' \item \code{F1} - a measure of a test's accuracy.
#' \item \code{MCC} - Mathews correlation coefficient
#' \item \code{RFPred} - the predicted values
#' \item \code{prob} - the predicted probability values
#' }
#' @keywords rf.cv
#' @aliases rf.cv
#' @author Min-feng Zhu <\email{wind2zhu@@163.com}>
#' @seealso See \code{\link{pls.cv}} for the Cross-Validation of Classification and
#' Regression models using PLS
#' @export rf.cv
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @references
#' Breiman, L. (2001), \emph{Random Forests}, Machine Learning 45(1), 5-32.
#' @examples
#' training = read.csv(system.file('sysdata/training2.csv', package = 'BioMedR'), header = TRUE)
#' y = training[, 1]
#' x = training[, -1]
#' rf.tr <- rf.cv(x, y)
rf.cv <- function (xtr, ytr, cv.fold = 5, type = 'regression',
trees = 500, mtrysize = 10) {
mx = dim(xtr)[1]
rfpred <- ytr
prob = matrix(nrow = length(ytr), ncol = 2)
index = rep(1:cv.fold, nrow(xtr))
ind = index[1:nrow(xtr)]
for (k in 1:cv.fold) {
xcal <- xtr[ind != k, ]
ycal <- ytr[ind != k]
xtest <- xtr[ind == k, ]
ytest <- ytr[ind == k]
rfout <- randomForest::randomForest(ycal~., data = data.frame(xcal, ycal),
ntrees = trees, mtry = mtrysize,
importance = FALSE)
if (type == 'regression') {
rfpred[ind==k] <- predict(rfout, xtest)
} else if (type == 'classification') {
rfpred[ind == k] = predict(rfout, xtest, type = "response")
prob[ind == k, ] = predict(rfout, xtest, type = "prob")
if (type == 'regression') {
RMSECV = sqrt(t(ytr - rfpred) %*% (ytr - rfpred) / mx)
q2 = 1 - t(ytr - rfpred) %*% (ytr - rfpred) / (t(ytr - mean(ytr)) %*% (ytr - mean(ytr)))
err = ytr - rfpred
ret <- list(RFpred = rfpred, Error = err, RMSECV = RMSECV, Q2 = q2)
} else if (type == 'classification') {
ret = list()
r = .result(rfpred, ytr)
ret$table = r$table
ret$ACC = r$ACC
ret$SE = r$SE
ret$SP = r$SP
ret$F1 = r$F1
ret$MCC = r$MCC
ret$RFPred = rfpred
ret$prob = prob
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