#' Compute quantile transformations
#' Function for computing the quantile transformation for one or more samples
#' supplied as columns of a matrix.
#' @param seMat A data matrix in SummarizedExperiment form, with each column corresponding to a sample and each row
#' corresponding to a feature.
#' @return A matrix of the same dimensions with the quantile data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
computeQuantileMatrix <- function(seMat){
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Estimate the baseline support
#' Function for computing the basline support for univariate features given gamma
#' and beta parameters.
#' @param seMat SummariziedExperiment with an assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param gamma Parameter for selecting radius around each support point (0 < gamma < 1).
#' By default gamma = 0.1.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param parallel Logical indicating whether to compute features parallelly with mclapply on
#' Unix based systems (defaults to TRUE, switched to FALSE if parallel package is not available).
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @return A list with elements "Ranges": data frame with the baseline interval
#' for each feature, "Support": binary matrix of the same dimensions as Mat indicating whether each sample was a support
#' for a feature or not (1=support, 0=not in the support), "gamma": gamma value, and "alpha": the expected number of divergent
#' features per sample estimated over the samples.
#' @keywords baseline, support
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = computeUnivariateSupport(seMat=seMat.base)
computeUnivariateSupport <- function(seMat, gamma=0.1, beta=0.95, parallel=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
parallel = check_parallel(parallel)
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
computeRanges(seMat=seMat, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, parallel=parallel, verbose=verbose)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Search for optimal gamma and associated support
#' Function for searching through a range of gamma values for finding the smallest gamma that
#' provides expected proportion of divergent features per sample less than or equal to alpha.
#' @param seMat SummariziedExperiment with an assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param gamma Range of gamma values to search through.
#' By default gamma = \{0.01, 0.02, ... 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9\}.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param alpha Expected proportion of divergent features per sample to be estimated
#' over the samples in Mat. By default alpha = 0.01; i.e. search for the smallest gamma that provides
#' 1\% or less number of divergent features per sample.
#' @param parallel Logical indicating whether to compute features parallelly with mclapply on
#' Unix based systems (defaults to TRUE, switched to FALSE if parallel package is not available).
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @return A list with elements "Ranges": data frame with the baseline interval
#' for each feature, "Support": binary matrix of the same dimensions as Mat indicating whether each sample was a support
#' for a feature or not (1=support, 0=not in the support), "gamma": gamma value, and "alpha": the expected number of divergent
#' features per sample estimated over the samples, "optimal": logical indicaing whether the
#' selected gamma value provided the necessary alpha requirement, and "alpha_space": a data frame with alpha values
#' for each gamma searched.
#' @keywords gamma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = findUnivariateGammaWithSupport(seMat=seMat.base)
findUnivariateGammaWithSupport <- function(seMat, gamma=c(1:9/100, 1:9/10), beta=0.95, alpha=0.01, parallel=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
parallel = check_parallel(parallel)
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
findGamma(seMat=seMat, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, parallel=parallel, verbose=verbose)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Compute the ternary matrix with digitized divergence coding
#' Function for obtaining the ternary form for a matrix of data given a baseline range
#' @param seMat SummariziedExperiment with an assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param Baseline A list with a data frame element "Ranges" containing the baseline range of each features;
#' this corresponds to the output of findUnivariateGammaWithSupport() or computeUnivariateSupport()
#' @return A matrix containing the ternary form data.
#' @keywords ternary digitization
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = computeUnivariateSupport(seMat=seMat.base)
#' dataMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group != "NORMAL"]
#' seMat = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=dataMat))
#' assays(seMat)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat)
#' assays(seMat)$div = computeUnivariateTernaryMatrix(seMat=seMat, Baseline=baseline)
computeUnivariateTernaryMatrix <- function(seMat, Baseline){
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
computeTernary(seMat=seMat, Baseline=Baseline)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Perform ternary digitization
#' Function for obtaining the digitized form, along with other relevant statistics and measures
#' given a data matrix and a baseline matrix
#' @param seMat SummarizedExperiment with assay to be digitized, in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param seMat.base SummarizedExperiment with baseline assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature
#' @param computeQuantiles Logical; apply quantile transformation to both data and baseline matrices (TRUE or FALSE; defaults to TRUE).
#' @param gamma Range of gamma values to search through.
#' By default gamma = {0.01, 0.02, ... 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9}.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param alpha Expected proportion of divergent features per sample to be estimated. The optimal gamma providing
#' this level of divergence in the baseline data will be searched for.
#' @param parallel Logical indicating whether to compute features parallelly with mclapply on
#' Unix based systems (defaults to TRUE, switched to FALSE if parallel package is not available).
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @param findGamma Logical indicating whether to search for optimal gamma values through the given gamma values (defaults to
#' TRUE). If FALSE, the first value given in gamma will be used.
#' @param Groups Factor indicating class association of samples (optional).
#' @param classes Vector of class labels (optional).
#' @return A list with elements:
#' Mat.div: divergence coding of data matrix in ternary (-1, 0, 1) form, of same dimensions at seMat
#' baseMat.div: divergence coding of base matrix in ternary (-1, 0, 1) form, of same dimensions at seMat.base
#' div: data frame with the number of divergent features in each sample, including upper and lower divergence
#' features.div: data frame with the divergent probability of each feature; divergence probability for each
#' phenotype in included as well if 'Groups' and 'classes' inputs were provided.
#' Baseline: a list containing a "Ranges" data frame with the baseline interval for each feature, and a "Support"
#' binary matrix of the same dimensions as Mat indicating whether each sample was a support or a feature or not
#' (1=support, 0=not in the support), gamma: selected gamma value, alpha: the expected number of divergent features per
#' sample computed over the baseline data matrix, optimal: logical indicaing whether the selected gamma value provided
#' the necessary alpha requirement, alpha_space: a data frame with alpha values for each gamma searched
#' @keywords digitize ternary
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' dataMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group != "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' seMat = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=dataMat))
#' div = computeUnivariateDigitization(
#' seMat = seMat,
#' seMat.base = seMat.base,
#' parallel = TRUE
#' )
#' assays(seMat)$div = div$Mat.div
computeUnivariateDigitization <- function(seMat, seMat.base,
gamma=c(1:9/100, 1:9/10),
parallel = check_parallel(parallel)
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
seMat.base = check_SE(seMat.base)
computeTernaryDigitization(seMat=seMat, seMat.base=seMat.base, computeQuantiles=computeQuantiles,
gamma=gamma, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, parallel=parallel, verbose=verbose,
findGamma=findGamma, Groups=Groups, classes=classes)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Compute chi-squared test
#' Given a binary or ternary data matrix with class associations of samples, computes chi-squared tests
#' for each feature between given groups
#' @param Mat Matrix of digitized binary or ternary data with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature
#' @param Groups Factor indicating class association of samples
#' @param classes Vector of class labels; the test will be applied between the classes given.
#' @return A data frame with columns 'statistic' and 'pval'.
#' @keywords chi-squared
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' dataMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group != "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' seMat = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=dataMat))
#' div = computeUnivariateDigitization(
#' seMat = seMat,
#' seMat.base = seMat.base,
#' parallel = TRUE
#' )
#' assays(seMat)$div = div$Mat.div
#' sel = which(colnames(seMat) %in% colnames(dataMat))
#' div.chi = computeChiSquaredTest(Mat=assays(seMat)$div,
#' Groups=breastTCGA_ER[sel],
#' classes=c("Positive", "Negative"))
computeChiSquaredTest <- function(Mat, Groups, classes){
chiSquaredTest(Mat=Mat, Groups=Groups, classes=classes)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Estimate the baseline support
#' Function for computing the basline support for multivariate features given gamma
#' and beta parameters.
#' @param seMat SummariziedExperiment with an assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param FeatureSets The multivariate features in list or matrix form. In list form, each list element
#' should be a vector of individual features; in matrix form, it should be a binary matrix with rownames
#' being individual features and column names being the names of the feature sets.
#' @param gamma Parameter for selecting radius around each support point (0 < gamma < 1).
#' By default gamma = 0.1.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param distance Type of distance to be calculated between points. Any type of distance that can be passed on
#' to the dist function can be used (default 'euclidean').
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @return A list with elements:
#' Support: a matrix indicating which samples were included in the support.
#' Baseline_list: a list where each element is the baseline of a multivariate feature.
#' featureMat: the multivariate features in matrix form.
#' alpha: the expected number of divergent multivariate features per sample.
#' gamma: the gamma parameter used for baseline computation.
#' distance: the type of distance used for baselien computation.
#' @keywords baseline, support
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = computeMultivariateSupport(seMat=seMat.base, FeatureSets=msigdb_Hallmarks)
computeMultivariateSupport <- function(seMat, FeatureSets, gamma=0.1, beta=0.95, distance="euclidean", verbose=TRUE){
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
computeFeatureSetSupport(seMat=seMat, FeatureSets=FeatureSets, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, distance=distance, verbose=verbose)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Find optimal gamma and corresponding support for list of feature sets
#' Function for searching through a range of gamma values for finding the smallest gamma and support that
#' provides expected proportion of divergent features per sample less than or equal to alpha.
#' @param seMat SummariziedExperiment with an assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param FeatureSets The multivariate features in list or matrix form. In list form, each list element
#' should be a vector of individual features; in matrix form, it should be a binary matrix with rownames
#' being individual features and column names being the names of the feature sets.
#' @param gamma Range of gamma values to search through.
#' By default gamma = \{0.01, 0.02, ... 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9\}.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param alpha Expected proportion of divergent features per sample to be estimated
#' over the samples in Mat. By default alpha = 0.01; i.e. search for the smallest gamma that provides
#' 1\% or less number of divergent features per sample.
#' @param distance Type of distance to be calculated between points. Any type of distance that can be passed on
#' to the dist function can be used (default 'euclidean').
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @return A list with elements:
#' Support: a matrix indicating which samples were included in the support.
#' Baseline: a list where each element is the baseline of a multivariate feature.
#' featureMat: the multivariate features in matrix form.
#' alpha: the expected number of divergent multivariate features per sample.
#' gamma: the gamma parameter selected.
#' distance: the type of distance used for baselien computation.
#' optimal: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the alpha criteria was met
#' alpha_space: the alpha values correspinding to the gamma values searched through
#' @keywords gamma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = findMultivariateGammaWithSupport(seMat=seMat.base, FeatureSets=msigdb_Hallmarks)
findMultivariateGammaWithSupport <-function(seMat, FeatureSets, gamma=1:9/10, beta=0.95, alpha=0.01, distance="euclidean", verbose=TRUE){
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
findFeatureSetGammaAndSupport(seMat=seMat, FeatureSets=FeatureSets, gamma=gamma, beta=beta, alpha=alpha, distance=distance, verbose=verbose)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Compute the binary matrix with digitized divergence coding
#' Function for obtaining the binary form for a matrix for multivariate divergence of data given a baseline range
#' @param seMat SummarizedExperiment with assay to be digitized, in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param Baseline A Baseline object; this corresponds to the output of findMultivariateGammaWithSupport() or
#' computeMultivariateSupport()
#' @return A matrix with the same columns as Mat, with rows being the multivariate features, containing the binary form data.
#' @keywords binary digitization
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' assays(seMat.base)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat.base)
#' baseline = computeMultivariateSupport(seMat=seMat.base, FeatureSets=msigdb_Hallmarks)
#' dataMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group != "NORMAL"]
#' seMat = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=dataMat))
#' assays(seMat)$quantile = computeQuantileMatrix(seMat)
#' Mat.div = computeMultivariateBinaryMatrix(seMat=seMat, Baseline=baseline)
computeMultivariateBinaryMatrix <- function(seMat, Baseline){
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
computeFeatureSetBinaryMatrix(seMat=seMat, Baseline=Baseline)
# ==================================================================================================
#' Perform binary digitization
#' Function for obtaining the digitized form, along with other relevant statistics and measures
#' given a data matrix and a baseline matrix with multivariate features of interest
#' @param seMat SummarizedExperiment with assay to be digitized, in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature; usually in quantile form.
#' @param seMat.base SummarizedExperiment with baseline assay in [0, 1], with each column corresponding to a sample and each
#' row corresponding to a feature
#' @param FeatureSets The multivariate features in list or matrix form. In list form, each list element
#' should be a vector of individual features; in matrix form, it should be a binary matrix with rownames
#' being individual features and column names being the names of the feature sets.
#' @param computeQuantiles Apply quantile transformation to both data and baseline matrices (TRUE or FALSE; defaults to TRUE).
#' @param gamma Range of gamma values to search through.
#' By default gamma = {0.01, 0.02, ... 0.09, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9}.
#' @param beta Parameter for eliminating outliers (0 < beta <= 1). By default beta=0.95.
#' @param alpha Expected proportion of divergent features per sample to be estimated. The optimal gamma providing
#' this level of divergence in the baseline data will be searched for.
#' @param distance Type of distance to be calculated between points. Any type of distance that can be passed on
#' to the dist function can be used (default 'euclidean').
#' @param verbose Logical indicating whether to print status related messages during computation (defaults
#' to TRUE).
#' @param findGamma Logical indicating whether to search for optimal gamma values through the given gamma values (defaults to
#' TRUE). If FALSE, the first value given in gamma will be used.
#' @param Groups Factor indicating class association of samples
#' @param classes Vector of class labels
#' @return A list with elements:
#' Mat.div: divergence coding of data matrix in binary form, of same dimensions at seMat
#' baseMat.div: divergence coding of base matrix in binary form, of same column names at seMat.base, rows being multivariate
#' features.
#' div: data frame with the number of divergent features in each sample
#' features.div: data frame with the divergent probability of each feature; divergence probability for each
#' phenotype in included as well if 'Groups' and 'classes' inputs were provided.
#' Baseline: a list containing a "Ranges" data frame with the baseline interval for each feature, and a "Support"
#' binary matrix of the same dimensions as Mat indicating whether each sample was a support or a feature or not
#' (1=support, 0=not in the support),
#' gamma: selected gamma value
#' alpha: the expected number of divergent features per sample computed over the baseline data matrix
#' @keywords digitize ternary
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group == "NORMAL"]
#' dataMat = breastTCGA_Mat[, breastTCGA_Group != "NORMAL"]
#' seMat.base = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=baseMat))
#' seMat = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(data=dataMat))
#' div = computeMultivariateDigitization(
#' seMat = seMat,
#' seMat.base = seMat.base,
#' FeatureSets = msigdb_Hallmarks
#' )
computeMultivariateDigitization <- function(seMat, seMat.base, FeatureSets,
gamma=c(1:9/100, 1:9/10),
seMat = check_SE(seMat)
seMat.base = check_SE(seMat.base)
gamma=gamma, beta=beta, alpha=alpha,
distance=distance, verbose=verbose,
findGamma=findGamma, Groups=Groups, classes=classes
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