knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,message = FALSE)
library("BiocStyle") BiocStyle::markdown()
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("proteoQC")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("R.utils"))
The proteoQC
package provides a integrated pipeline for mass
spectrometry-based proteomics quality control. It allows to generate a
dynamic report starting from a set of mgf or mz[X]ML
format peak list files, a protein database file and a description file of
the experimental design. It performs an MS/MS search against the protein
data base using the X!Tandem search engine [@Craig:2004] and the
package [@rTANDEM]. The results are then
summarised and compiled into an interactive html report using the
package [@Nozzle.R1,@Gehlenborg:2013].
We are going to use parts a dataset from the ProteomeXchange
repository ( We will use the
package to accessed and downloaded the data.
library("rpx") px <- PXDataset("PXD000864") px
There are a total of r length(pxfiles(px))
files available from
the ProteomeXchange repository, including raw data files
(raw), result files (-pride.xml.gz), (compressed)
peak list files (.mgf.gz) and, the fasta database file
( and one README.txt file.
head(pxfiles(px)) tail(pxfiles(px))
The files, in particular the mgf files that will be used in the rest of this document are named as follows TTE-CC-B-FR-R where CC takes values 55 or 75 and stands for the bacteria culture temperature in degree Celsius, B stands for the biological replicate (only 1 here), FR represents the fraction number from 01 to 12 and the leading R documents one of three technical replicates. (See also for details). Here, we will make use of a limited number of samples below. First, we create a vector that stores the file names of interest.
mgfs <- grep("mgf", pxfiles(px), value = TRUE) mgfs <- grep("-0[5-6]-[1|2]", mgfs, value=TRUE) mgfs
These files can be downloaded [^1] using the pxget
, providing the
relevant data object (here px
) and file names to be
downloaded (see ?pxget
for details). We also need to
uncompress (using gunzip
) the files.
mgffiles <- pxget(px, mgfs) library("R.utils") mgffiles <- sapply(mgffiles, gunzip)
To reduce the file size of the demonstration data included for this package, we have trimmed the peak lists to 1/10 of the original number of spectra. All the details are provided in the vignette source.
## Generate the lightweight qc report, ## trim the mgf files to 1/10 of their size. trimMgf <- function(f, m = 1/10, overwrite = FALSE) { message("Reading ", f) x <- readLines(f) beg <- grep("BEGIN IONS", x) end <- grep("END IONS", x) n <- length(beg) message("Sub-setting to ", m) i <- sort(sample(n, floor(n * m))) k <- unlist(mapply(seq, from = beg[i], to = end[i])) if (overwrite) { unlink(f) message("Writing ", f) writeLines(x[k], con = f) return(f) } else { g <- sub(".mgf", "_small.mgf", f) message("Writing ", g) writeLines(x[k], con = g) return(g) } } set.seed(1) mgffiles <- sapply(mgffiles, trimMgf, overwrite = TRUE)
Similarly, below we download the database file and unzip it.
fas <- pxget(px, "") fas <- unzip(fas) fas
## code to regenerate the design file sample <- rep(c("55","75"),each=4) techrep <- rep(1:2, 4) biorep <- rep(1, length(mgffiles)) frac <- rep((rep(5:6, each = 2)), 2) des <- data.frame(file = mgffiles, sample = sample, bioRep = biorep, techRep = techrep, fraction = frac, row.names = NULL) write.table(des, sep = " ", row.names=FALSE, quote = FALSE, file = "../inst/extdata/PXD000864-design.txt")
The first step in the proteoQC
pipeline is the definition of a
design file, that provides the mgf file names,
sample numbers, biological biocRep) and technical
(techRep) replicates and fraction numbers in a
simple space-separated tabular format. We provide such a design file
for our r length(mgfs)
files of interest.
design <- system.file("extdata/PXD000864-design.txt", package = "proteoQC") design read.table(design, header = TRUE)
We need to load the proteoQC
package and call the
msQCpipe function, providing appropriate input parameters,
in particular the design file, the fasta protein
database, the outdir output directory that will contain the
final quality report and various other peptide spectrum matching
parameters that will be passed to the rTANDEM
package. See
for a more in-depth description of all its
arguments. Please note that if you take mz[X]ML format files as input, you must
make sure that you have installed the rTANDEM that the version is greater than
qcres <- msQCpipe(spectralist = design, fasta = fas, outdir = "./qc", miss = 0, enzyme = 1, varmod = 2, fixmod = 1, tol = 10, itol = 0.6, cpu = 2, mode = "identification")
The msQCpipe
function will run each mgf input file
documented in the design file and search it against the fasta database
using the tandem function from the rTANDEM
. This
might take some time depending on the number of files to be searched
and the search parameters. The code chunk above takes about 3 minutes
using 2 cores (cpu = 2 above) on a modern laptop.
You can load the pre-computed quality control directory and result
data that a shipped with proteoQC
as shown below:
zpqc <- system.file("extdata/", package = "proteoQC") unzip(zpqc) qcres <- loadmsQCres("./qc")
When we perform the QC analysis, we need to set several parameters for MS/MS searching.
provides a table about modifications. Users can select modifications using this table.
Please use function showMods to print the available modifications. For the enzyme setting, please use function showEnzyme to print the available enzyme.
The final quality report can be generated with the reportHTML, passing the qcres object produced by the msQCpipe function above or the directory storing the QC data, as defined as parameter to the msQCpipe.
html <- reportHTML(qcres)
html <- reportHTML("./qc")
## Remove these files as they are really big ## but this breaks reportHTML(qcres), though unlink("./qc/database/target_decoy.fasta") unlink("./qc/result/*_xtandem.xml") unlink("../inst/extdata/") zip("../inst/extdata/", "./qc")
The report can then be opened by opening the qc/qc_report.html file in a web browser or directly with browseURL(html).
The dynamic html report is composed of 3 sections: an introduction, a methods and data section and a result part. The former are purely descriptive and summarise the design matrix and analysis parameters, as passed to msQCpipe.
The respective sections and sub-sections can be expanded and collapsed and each figure in the report can be zoomed in. While the dynamic html report is most useful for interactive inspection, it is also possible to print the complete report for archiving.
The results section provides tables and graphics that summarise
Protein inference from peptide identifications in shotgun proteomics is a very
important task. We provide a function proteinGroup for this purpose.
This function is based on the method used in our another package
[@wen2014sapfinder]. You can use the function as below: <- system.file("extdata/", package = "proteoQC") unzip( proteinGroup(file = "pep.txt", outfile = "pg.txt")
The labeling efficiency of the isobaric tag reagents to peptides, such as iTRAQ and TMT, is a very important experiment quality metrics. We provide a function labelRatio to calculate this metrics. You can use the function as below: <- system.file("extdata/", package = "proteoQC") unzip( a <- labelRatio("test.mgf",reporter = 2)
Given an MGF file, chargeStat function can be used to get the precusor charge distribution.
library(dplyr) library(plotly) <- system.file("extdata/", package = "proteoQC") unzip( charge <- chargeStat("test.mgf") pp <- plot_ly(charge, labels = ~Charge, values = ~Number, type = 'pie') %>% layout(title = 'Charge distribution', xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE), yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE)) pp
All software and respective versions used to produce this document are listed below.
[^1]: In the interest of time, the files are not downloaded when this vignette is compiled and the quality metrics are pre-computed (see details below). These following code chunks can nevertheless be executed to reproduce the complete pipeline.}
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