Schiffer, L. et al. HMP16SData: Efficient Access to the Human Microbiome Project through Bioconductor. Am. J. Epidemiol. (2019).
Griffith, J. C. & Morgan, X. C. Invited Commentary: Improving accessibility of the Human Microbiome Project data through integration with R/Bioconductor. Am. J. Epidemiol. (2019).
Waldron, L. et al. Waldron et al. Reply to “Commentary on the HMP16SData Bioconductor Package”. Am. J. Epidemiol. (2019).
The following r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("knitr")
options will be used in this
vignette to provide the most useful and concise output.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE)
The following packages will be used in this vignette to provide demonstrative
examples of what a user might do with r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
library(HMP16SData) library(phyloseq) library(magrittr) library(ggplot2) library(tibble) library(dplyr) library(dendextend) library(circlize) library(ExperimentHub) library(gridExtra) library(cowplot) library(readr) library(haven)
Pipe operators from the r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("magrittr")
package are used in
this vignette to provide the most elegant and concise syntax. See the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("magrittr")
vignette if the syntax is unclear.
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
is a Bioconductor ExperimentData package of
the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) 16S rRNA sequencing data for variable regions
1–3 and 3–5. Raw data files are provided in the package as downloaded from the
HMP Data Analysis and Coordination Center.
Processed data is provided as SummarizedExperiment
class objects via
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("ExperimentHub")
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
can be installed using
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("BiocManager")
as follows.
Once installed, r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
provides two functions to
access data – one for variable region 1–3 and another for variable region 3–5.
When called, as follows, the functions will download data from an
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("ExperimentHub")
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
bucket over https
or load data from a local cache.
V13() V35()
The two data sets are represented as SummarizedExperiment
objects, a standard
Bioconductor class that is amenable to subsetting and analysis. To maintain
brevity, details of the SummarizedExperiment
class are not outlined here but
the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("SummarizedExperiment")
package provides an excellent
Sometimes it is desirable to provide a quick summary of key demographic
variables and to make the process easier r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
provides a function, table_one
, to do so. It returns a data.frame
or a
of data.frame
objects that have been transformed to make a publication
ready table.
V13() %>% table_one() %>% head()
If a list
is passed to table_one
, its elements must be named so that the
named elements can be used by the kable_one
function. The kable_one
will produce an HTML
table for vignettes such as the one shown below.
list(V13 = V13(), V35 = V35()) %>% table_one() %>% kable_one()
The SummarizedExperiment
container provides for straightforward subsetting by
data or metadata variables using either the subset
function or [
methods –
see the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("SummarizedExperiment")
vignette for additional
details. Shown below, the variable region 3–5 data set is subset to include only
stool samples.
V35_stool <- V35() %>% subset(select = HMP_BODY_SUBSITE == "Stool") V35_stool
Most participant data from the HMP study is controlled through the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database of Genotypes and Phenotypes
(dbGaP). r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
provides a data dictionary
translated from dbGaP XML
files for the seven different controlled-access data
tables related to the HMP. See ?HMP16SData::dictionary
for details of these
source data tables, and View(dictionary)
to view the complete data dictionary.
Several steps are required to access the data tables, but the process is greatly
simplified by r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
You must make a controlled-access application through for:
HMP Core Microbiome Sampling Protocol A (HMP-A) (phs000228.v4.p1)
Once approved, browse to, sign in, and select
the option "get dbGaP repository key" to download your *.ngc
repository key.
This is all you need from the dbGaP website.
You must also install the NCBI SRA Toolkit, which will be used in the background for downloading and decrypting controlled-access data.
There are shortcuts for common platforms:
apt install sra-toolkit
brew install sratoolkit
For macOS, the brew
command does not come installed by default and requires
installation of the homebrew package manager. Instructions are available at
For Windows, binary installation is necessary and instructions are available at
The attach_dbGap()
function takes a r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
object as its first argument and the path to a dbGaP
repository key as its second argument. It performs download, decryption, and
merging of all available controlled-access participant data with a single
function call.
V35_stool_protected <- V35_stool %>% attach_dbGaP("~/prj_12146.ngc")
The returned V35_stool_protected
object contains controlled-access participant
data as additional columns in its colData
The r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
package provides an extensive suite of
methods to analyze microbiome data.
For those familiar with both the HMP and r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
, you
may recall that an alternative phyloseq
class object containing the HMP
variable region 3–5 data has been made available by Joey McMurdie at However, this object is
not compatible with the methods documented here for integration with dbGaP
controlled-access participant data, shotgun metagenomic data, or variable region
1–3 data. For that reason, we would encourage the use of the
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
class objects with
the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
To demonstrate how r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
could be used as a
control or comparison cohort in microbime data analyses, we will demonstrate
basic comparisons of the palatine tonsils and stool body subsites using the
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
package. We first create and subset two
objects from r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
include only the relevant body subsites.
V13_tonsils <- V13() %>% subset(select = HMP_BODY_SUBSITE == "Palatine Tonsils") V13_stool <- V13() %>% subset(select = HMP_BODY_SUBSITE == "Stool")
While these objects are both from the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
package, a user would potentially be comparing to their own data and only need a
single object from the package.
The SummarizedExperiment
class objects can then be coerced to phyloseq
objects containing count data, sample (participant) data, taxonomy, and
phylogenetic trees using the as_phyloseq
V13_tonsils_phyloseq <- as_phyloseq(V13_tonsils) V13_stool_phyloseq <- as_phyloseq(V13_stool)
The analysis of all the samples in these two phyloseq
objects would be rather
computationally intensive. So to preform the analysis in a more timely manner, a
function, sample_samples
, is written here to take a sample of the samples
available in each phyloseq
sample_samples <- function(x, size) { sampled_names <- sample_names(x) %>% sample(size) prune_samples(sampled_names, x) }
Each phyloseq
object is then sampled to contain only twenty-five samples.
V13_tonsils_phyloseq %<>% sample_samples(25) V13_stool_phyloseq %<>% sample_samples(25)
A "Study" identifier is then added to the sample_data
of each phyloseq
object to be used for stratification in analysis. In the case that a user were
comparing the HMP samples to their own data, an identifier would be added in the
same manner.
sample_data(V13_tonsils_phyloseq)$Study <- "Tonsils" sample_data(V13_stool_phyloseq)$Study <- "Stool"
Once the two phyloseq
objects have been sampled and their sample_data
been augmented, they can be merged into a single phyloseq
object using the
V13_phyloseq <- merge_phyloseq(V13_tonsils_phyloseq, V13_stool_phyloseq)
Finally, because the V13 data were subset and sampled, taxa with no relative
abundance are present in the merged object. These are removed using the
command to avoid warnings during analysis.
V13_phyloseq %<>% taxa_sums() %>% is_greater_than(0) %>% prune_taxa(V13_phyloseq)
The resulting V13_phyloseq
object can then be analyzed quickly and easily.
Alpha diversity measures the taxonomic variation within a sample and
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
provides a method, plot_richness
, to plot
various alpha diversity measures.
First a vector of richness (i.e. alpha diversity) measures is created to be
passed to the plot_richness
richness_measures <- c("Observed", "Shannon", "Simpson")
The V13_phyloseq
object and the richness_measures
vector are then passed to
the plot_richness
method to construct a box plot of the three alpha diversity
measures. Additional r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("ggplot2")
syntax is used to control
the presentational aspects of the plot.
V13_phyloseq %>% plot_richness(x = "Study", color = "Study", measures = richness_measures) + stat_boxplot(geom ="errorbar") + geom_boxplot() + theme_bw() + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), legend.position = "none")
Beta diversity measures the taxonomic variation between samples by calculating
the dissimilarity of clade relative abundances. The
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
package provides a method, distance
, to
calculate various dissimilarity measures, such as Bray–Curtis dissimilarity.
Once dissimilarity has been calculated, samples can then be clustered and
represented as a dendrogram.
V13_dendrogram <- distance(V13_phyloseq, method = "bray") %>% hclust() %>% as.dendrogram()
However, coercion to a dendrogram
object results in the lost of sample_data
present in the phyloseq
object which is needed for plotting. A data.frame
this sample_data
can be extracted from the phyloseq
object as follows.
V13_sample_data <- sample_data(V13_phyloseq) %>% data.frame()
Samples in the the plots will be identified by "PSN"" (Primary Sample Number)
and "Study". So, additional columns to denote the colors and shapes of leaves
and labels are added to the data.frame
using r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("dplyr")
V13_sample_data %<>% rownames_to_column(var = "PSN") %>% mutate(labels_col = if_else(Study == "Stool", "#F8766D", "#00BFC4")) %>% mutate(leaves_col = if_else(Study == "Stool", "#F8766D", "#00BFC4")) %>% mutate(leaves_pch = if_else(Study == "Stool", 16, 17))
Additionally, the order of samples in the dendrogram
and data.frame
is different and a vector to sort samples is constructed as follows.
V13_sample_order <- labels(V13_dendrogram) %>% match(V13_sample_data$PSN)
The label and leaf color and shape columns of the data.frame
object can then
be coerced to vectors and sorted according to the sample order of the
labels_col <- V13_sample_data$labels_col[V13_sample_order] leaves_col <- V13_sample_data$leaves_col[V13_sample_order] leaves_pch <- V13_sample_data$leaves_pch[V13_sample_order]
The r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("dendextend")
package is then used to add these
vectors to the dendrogram
object as metadata which will be used for plotting.
V13_dendrogram %<>% set("labels_col", labels_col) %>% set("leaves_col", leaves_col) %>% set("leaves_pch", leaves_pch)
Finally, the r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("dendextend")
package provides a method,
, to produce a circular dendrogram, using the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("circlize")
package, with a single line of code.
V13_dendrogram %>% circlize_dendrogram(labels_track_height = 0.2)
The r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
package additionally provides methods for
commonly-used ordination analyses such as principle coordinates analysis. The
method simply requires a phyloseq
object and specification of the
type of ordination analysis to be preformed. The type of distance method used
can also optionally be specified.
V13_ordination <- ordinate(V13_phyloseq, method = "PCoA", distance = "bray")
The ordination analysis can then be plotted using the plot_ordination
provided by the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
package. Again, additional
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("ggplot2")
syntax is used to control the presentational
aspects of the plot.
V13_phyloseq %>% plot_ordination(V13_ordination, color = "Study", shape = "Study") + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Finally, the ordination eigenvalues can be plotted using the plot_scree
provided by the r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
V13_ordination %>% plot_scree() + theme_bw()
In addition to 16S rRNA sequencing, the HMP Study conducted whole metagenome
shotgun (MGX) sequencing. These profiles, along with thousands of profiles from
other studies, are available in the
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("curatedMetagenomicData")
package. Here, a phylum-level
relative abundance comparison of the 16S and MGX samples is made to illustrate
comparing these data sets.
First a V35_stool_phyloseq
object is constructed and contains the 16S variable
region 3–5 data for stool samples. Then the MGX stool samples are obtained and
coerced to a phyloseq
object as follows.
V35_stool_phyloseq <- V35_stool %>% as_phyloseq() EH <- ExperimentHub() HMP_2012.metaphlan_bugs_list.stool <- EH[["EH426"]] # a modified version of ExpressionSet2phyloseq taken from curatedMetagenomicData # ExpressionSet2phyloseq was removed in curatedMetagenomicData version 3.0.0 ExpressionSet2phyloseq <- function(eset, simplify = TRUE, relab = TRUE) { otu.table <- Biobase::exprs(eset) <- Biobase::pData(eset) %>% phyloseq::sample_data(., errorIfNULL = FALSE) taxonomic.ranks <- c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species", "Strain") tax.table <- rownames(otu.table) %>% gsub("[a-z]__", "", .) %>% dplyr::tibble() %>% tidyr::separate(., ".", taxonomic.ranks, sep = "\\|", fill="right") %>% as.matrix() if(simplify) { rownames(otu.table) <- rownames(otu.table) %>% gsub(".+\\|", "", .) } rownames(tax.table) <- rownames(otu.table) if(!relab) { otu.table <- round(sweep(otu.table, 2, eset$number_reads/100, "*")) } otu.table <- phyloseq::otu_table(otu.table, taxa_are_rows = TRUE) tax.table <- phyloseq::tax_table(tax.table) phyloseq::phyloseq(otu.table,, tax.table) } MGX_stool_phyloseq <- ExpressionSet2phyloseq(HMP_2012.metaphlan_bugs_list.stool)
The r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("curatedMetagenomicData")
package provides taxonomic
relative abundance for MGX data (with an option to estimate counts by
multiplying by read depth) from MetaPhlAn2. MetaPhlAn2 directly estimates
relative abundance at every taxonomic level based on clade-specific markers, and
these estimates are better than summing lower-level taxonomic abundances.
Note, this comparison becomes complicated because
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("phyloseq")
does not currently support row and column
matching and reordering. Instead, we use the phyloseq::psmelt()
method to
generate data.frame
objects for further manipulation.
MGX_stool_melted <- MGX_stool_phyloseq %>% subset_taxa( & ! %>% psmelt()
The 16S data sets do not contain summarized counts for higher taxonomic levels,
so we use the phyloseq::tax_glom()
method to agglomerate at phylum level.
V35_stool_melted <- V35_stool_phyloseq %>% tax_glom(taxrank = "PHYLUM") %>% psmelt()
There is a column SRS_SAMPLE_ID
present in the 16S variable region 3–5 data
that is explicitly for mapping to the MGX samples and the matching identifiers
are in the NCBI_accession
column of the MGX sample data. The intersection of
the two vectors represents the matching samples that are present in both data
sets. This intersection, shown below as SRS_SAMPLE_IDS
, can then be used to
filter both the 16S and MGX samples to include only the samples in common.
Along with the filter
step shown below, standardization of sample identifiers
to the SRS
numbers and conversion of taxonomic counts to relative abundance is
done. The conversion to relative abundance is necessary for comparability across
the 16S and MGX samples.
In either case, data is first grouped by samples and the percent composition of each phylum relative to the others in the sample is calculated by taking the count abundance of the phylum divided by the sum of all abundance counts in the sample. Samples are then sorted by phylum and descending relative abundance before being grouped by phylum – the grouping by phylum allows for the assignment a phylum rank that is then used to sort the phyla by descending relative abundance. Finally, only the sample, phylum, and relative abundance columns are kept once the order has been established and all groupings can be removed.
SRS_SAMPLE_IDS <- intersect(V35_stool_melted$SRS_SAMPLE_ID, MGX_stool_melted$NCBI_accession) V35_stool_melted %<>% filter(SRS_SAMPLE_ID %in% SRS_SAMPLE_IDS) %>% rename(Phylum = PHYLUM) %>% mutate(Sample = SRS_SAMPLE_ID) %>% group_by(Sample) %>% mutate(`Relative Abundance` = Abundance / sum(Abundance)) %>% arrange(Phylum, -`Relative Abundance`) %>% group_by(Phylum) %>% mutate(phylum_rank = sum(`Relative Abundance`)) %>% arrange(-phylum_rank) %>% select(Sample, Phylum, `Relative Abundance`) %>% ungroup() MGX_stool_melted %<>% filter(NCBI_accession %in% SRS_SAMPLE_IDS) %>% group_by(Sample) %>% mutate(`Relative Abundance` = Abundance / sum(Abundance)) %>% arrange(Phylum, -`Relative Abundance`) %>% group_by(Phylum) %>% mutate(phylum_rank = sum(`Relative Abundance`)) %>% arrange(-phylum_rank) %>% select(Sample, Phylum, `Relative Abundance`) %>% ungroup()
Provided that the phyla are ordered by relative abundance, the top phyla from each data set can be obtained and intersected to give the top eight phyla present in both data sets. The top eight phyla can then be used to filter 16S and MGX samples to include only the desired phyla.
V35_top_phyla <- V35_stool_melted %$% unique(Phylum) %>% as.character() MGX_top_phyla <- MGX_stool_melted %$% unique(Phylum) %>% as.character() top_eight_phyla <- intersect(V35_top_phyla, MGX_top_phyla) %>% extract(1:8) V35_stool_melted %<>% filter(Phylum %in% top_eight_phyla) MGX_stool_melted %<>% filter(Phylum %in% top_eight_phyla)
To achieve ordering of samples by the relative abundance of the top phylum when
plotting, a vector of the unique sample identifiers is constructed and will be
used as the levels
of a factor
sample_order <- V35_stool_melted %$% unique(Sample)
A vector of unique phyla is also constructed and will be used as the levels
a factor
when plotting. If this were not done, phyla would simply be sorted
phylum_order <- V35_stool_melted %$% unique(Phylum)
Color blindness affects a significant portion of the population, but, using an intelligent color pallet, figures can be designed to be friendly to those with deuteranopia, protanopia, and tritanopia. The following colors are derived from Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat. Methods 8, 441 (2011).
bang_wong_colors <- c("#CC79A7", "#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#F0E442", "#009E73", "#56B4E9", "#E69F00", "#000000")
Using the sample_order
and phylum_order
vectors constructed above, stacked
phylum-level relative abundance bar plots sorted by decreasing relative
abundance of the top phylum and stratified by the top eight phyla can be made
for 16S and MGX samples. The two plots are made separately and serialized so
that they can be arranged in a single figure for comparison.
V35_plot <- V35_stool_melted %>% mutate(Sample = factor(Sample, sample_order)) %>% mutate(Phylum = factor(Phylum, phylum_order)) %>% ggplot(aes(Sample, `Relative Abundance`, fill = Phylum)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill", width = 1) + scale_fill_manual(values = bang_wong_colors) + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank(), legend.position = "none", legend.title = element_blank()) + ggtitle("Phylum-Level Relative Abundance", "16S Stool Samples") MGX_plot <- MGX_stool_melted %>% mutate(Sample = factor(Sample, sample_order)) %>% mutate(Phylum = factor(Phylum, phylum_order)) %>% ggplot(aes(Sample, `Relative Abundance`, fill = Phylum)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill", width = 1) + scale_fill_manual(values = bang_wong_colors) + theme_minimal() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank(), legend.position = "none", legend.title = element_blank()) + ggtitle("", "MGX Stool Samples")
In the plots above, legends are removed to reduce redundancy, but a legend is
still necessary and can be serialized as its own plot using the get_legend
method from the r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("cowplot")
plot_legend <- { MGX_plot + theme(legend.position = "bottom") } %>% get_legend()
Finally, the grid.arrange
method from the r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("gridExtra")
package is used to arrange, scale, and plot the three plots in a single figure.
grid.arrange(V35_plot, MGX_plot, plot_legend, ncol = 1, heights = c(3, 3, 1))
Notably, the figure illustrates the Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes gradient with reasonable agreement between the 16S and MGX samples.
When these plots were submitted for publication, the following code was used to produce ESP and PDF files.
V35_plot + theme(text = element_text(size = 19)) + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, tag = "A") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2A.eps", device = "eps") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2A.pdf", device = "pdf") MGX_plot + theme(text = element_text(size = 19)) + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, tag = "B") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2B.eps", device = "eps") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2B.pdf", device = "pdf") plot_legend <- { MGX_plot + theme(legend.position = "bottom", text = element_text(size = 19)) + guides(fill = guide_legend(byrow = TRUE)) } %>% get_legend() ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 1.eps", plot = plot_legend, device = "eps") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 1.pdf", plot = plot_legend, device = "pdf") plot_legend <- { MGX_plot + theme(legend.position = "right", text = element_text(size = 19)) } %>% get_legend() ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 2.eps", plot = plot_legend, device = "eps") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 2.pdf", plot = plot_legend, device = "pdf") plot_legend <- { MGX_plot + theme(legend.position = "right", text = element_text(size = 19)) + guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)) } %>% get_legend() ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 3.eps", plot = plot_legend, device = "eps") ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 2 Legend 3.pdf", plot = plot_legend, device = "pdf") V35_plot <- V35_plot + theme(text = element_text(size = 19)) + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, tag = "A") MGX_plot <- MGX_plot + theme(text = element_text(size = 19)) + labs(title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, tag = "B") plot_legend <- { MGX_plot + theme(legend.position = "bottom", text = element_text(size = 19)) + guides(fill = guide_legend(byrow = TRUE)) } %>% get_legend() grid_object <- grid.arrange(V35_plot, MGX_plot, plot_legend, ncol = 1, heights = c(3, 3, 1)) ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 3.eps", plot = grid_object, device = "eps", width = 8, height = 8) ggsave("~/AJE-00611-2018 Schiffer Figure 3.pdf", plot = grid_object, device = "pdf", width = 8, height = 8)
To our knowledge, R and Bioconductor provide the most and best methods for the
analysis of microbiome data. However, we realize they are not the only analysis
environments and wish to provide methods to export the data from
r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("HMP16SData")
to CSV, SAS, SPSS, and STATA formats. As we
do not use these other languages regularly, we are unaware of how to represent
phylogenitic trees in them and will not attempt to export the trees here.
Bioconductor's SummarizedExperiment
class is essentially a normalized
representation of tightly coupled data and metadata that must be "unglued"
before it can be saved into alternative formats.
The process begins by creating a data.frame
object of the participant data and
moving the row names to their own column.
V13_participant_data <- V13() %>% colData() %>% %>% rownames_to_column(var = "PSN")
Next, the taxonomic abundance matrix is extracted and transposed because
Bioconductor objects represent samples as rows and measurements as columns
whereas other languages do the opposite. The matrix is then coerced to a
object and the row names are moved to their own column.
V13_OTU_counts <- V13() %>% assay() %>% t() %>% %>% rownames_to_column(var = "PSN")
With the participant data and taxonomic abundances represented as simple tables
containing a primary key (i.e. PSN or Primary Sample Number) the two tables can
be joined using the
V13_data <-, V13_OTU_counts, by = "PSN")
The column names of the V13_data
object are denoted as OTUs or operational
taxonomic units based on their sequence similarity to the 16S rRNA gene. The OTU
nomenclature is not particularly useful without the traditional taxonomic clade
identifiers which are stored in a separate table. A dictionary of these
identifiers is created by extracting and transposing the rowData
of the
object which is then coerced to a data.frame
V13_dictionary <- V13() %>% rowData() %>% %>%
The column names of the V13_data
object contain periods which some languages
and formats are unable to process. The periods in the column names are replaced
with underscores using the gsub
colnames(V13_data) <- colnames(V13_data) %>% gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = .)
The process is repeated for the column names of the V13_dictionary
colnames(V13_dictionary) <- colnames(V13_dictionary) %>% gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = .)
The two tables V13_data
and V13_dictionary
are then ready for export to CSV,
SAS, SPSS, and STATA formats.
To export to CSV format, two calls to the write_csv
method from the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("readr")
package are used to write CSV files to disk.
write_csv(V13_data, "~/V13_data.csv") write_csv(V13_dictionary, "~/V13_dictionary.csv")
To export to SAS format, two calls to the write_sas
method from the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("haven")
package are used to write SAS files to disk.
write_sas(V13_data, "~/V13_data.sas7bdat") write_sas(V13_dictionary, "~/V13_dictionary.sas7bdat")
To export to SPSS format, two calls to the write_sav
method from the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("haven")
package are used to write SPSS files to disk.
write_sav(V13_data, "~/V13_data.sav") write_sav(V13_dictionary, "~/V13_dictionary.sav")
To export to STATA format, two calls to the write_dta
method from the
r BiocStyle::CRANpkg("haven")
package are used to write STATA files to disk.
write_dta(V13_data, "~/V13_data.dta", version = 13) write_dta(V13_dictionary, "~/V13_dictionary.dta", version = 13)
Here, version 13 STATA files are written because version 14 and above files require a platform-specific text encoding that would make the data less transportable. The encoding of the version 13 files is ASCII.
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