
Defines functions panev.pathList

Documented in panev.pathList

#' @title PANEV pathways codes
#' @description The function retrieves the list of the available pathways in KEGG, according to a user defined search string. If path = \emph{NULL} the list of all available pathways is returned. To run all core PANEV functions a list of pathways of interest, coded with KEGG \emph{'path_ID'}, is required.
#' @usage panev.pathList(string = NULL)
#' @param string A string used to search within the description field of all KEGG available pathways (default = NULL).
#' @details This function is based on the \code{\link[KEGGREST]{keggList}} function of \pkg{KEGGREST} package (\url{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/KEGGREST.html}.
#' @return A \emph{dataframe} containing two columns with KEGG \emph{path description} and \emph{path ID} respectively. 
#' @author Valentino Palombo (\email{valentino.palombo@gmail.com})
#' @references Tenenbaum D (2017). KEGGREST: Client-side REST access to KEGG. R package version 1.16.1. 
#' @examples ##### EXAMPLES CODE #####
#' #Create a list of all available pathways for PANEV
#' list <- panev.pathList(string = NULL)
#' #Look for a specific pathway(s) in PANEV, matching your search string
#' list <- panev.pathList(string = "lipid")

#Script: panev.pathList
#License: GPLv3 or later
#Modification date: 2019-05-13
#Written by: Valentino Palombo
#Contact: valentino.palombo@gmail.com
#Description: Get the list of pathways available for PANEV

panev.pathList <- function(
  string = NULL
  #download the KEGG pathway list
  path <- data.frame(as.matrix(KEGGREST::keggList("pathway", "")))
  path$path_ID <- row.names(path)
  colnames(path) <- c("path_description", "path_ID")
  rownames(path) <- NULL
  #check for a specific pathway(s) of interest
  if (is.null(string)){
    cat("The list of all available pathways was created! \n")
    cat("Remember to use the correct path Id(s) for relative PANEV functions. \n")
    #look for the specified string
    name <- grep(string, path$path_description, ignore.case = T, value=T)
    path <- data.frame(path[path$path_description %in% name,], row.names = NULL)
    if (length(path$path_ID)>0){
      cat("The list of the pathway(s), matching your string, was created! \n")
      cat("Remember to use the correct path Id(s) for relative PANEV functions. \n")
      cat("No match found for the requested string! \n")
vpalombo/PANEV documentation built on June 13, 2022, 1:11 p.m.