suppressMessages({ suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(AnnotationHub) library(rtracklayer) library(DT) library(tibble) library(BiocStyle) library(lubridate) library(ensembldb) library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79) library(GenomicFiles) library(ontoProc) }) })
The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) is a collection of experimental results and computing resources devoted to elaboration of mechanisms of gene regulation. The project main page is a good overview of its scope, involving four main organisms (human, mouse, worm and fly) and dozens of biotechnological innovations that are used to analyze gene structure and regulation. We will illustrate ways of using Bioconductor to acquire and interpret ENCODE resources.
Main aims for learners using this document:
r Biocpkg("GenomicFiles")
package to
manage information about terabytes of data resident in public cloud storage. Specifically
the reduceByFile
method operates on GenomicFiles
instances to make targeted
selections from indexed cloud-resident files, avoiding tedious downloading
of large files.This document is part 1 of three parts -- the second part addresses ATAC-seq, and the third addresses RNA-seq preceded by CRISPR-based interference.
We can use AnnotationHub to get information on ENCODE results that have
been curated for direct use with Bioconductor. The
r Biocpkg("ENCODExplorer")
package provides a metadata table,
that we retrieve using r Biocpkg("AnnotationHub")
. We use
the "full" table because it provides links to raw and processed data files
curated in the cloud by the ENCODE project.
We'll begin with a query to AnnotationHub to learn about resources whose metadata mentions "ENCODExplorerData".
library(AnnotationHub) ah = AnnotationHub() AnnotationHub::query(ah, "ENCODExplorerData")
The recent 'Full' metadata table is over 90MB in size, so it takes a few moments to download from cloud (or load from cache, in case you have retrieved it previously).
fm = ah[["AH75132"]] # implicitly retrieves if needed, or loads dim(fm) table(fm$organism)
We are working with r nrow(fm)
records on r length(table(fm$organism))
different organisms.
We focus on human samples, and limit to ChIP-seq experiments for now.
# filter hfm = fm[which(fm$organism == "Homo sapiens"),] tail(sort(table(hfm$assay))) hfmt = hfm[which(hfm$assay == "TF ChIP-seq"),]
The proteins for which binding patterns can be
assessed are in the antibody_target
We'll manage the ChIP-seq data references with a
r Biocpkg("GenomicFiles")
For convenience, we'll focus on bigWig files.
hfmtbw = hfmt[hfmt$file_type == "bigWig",] dim(hfmtbw) table(hfmtbw$output_type)
library(GenomicFiles) gf1 = GenomicFiles(files=hfmtbw$cloud_metadata.url) colData(gf1) = as(, "DataFrame") gf1
The gf1
object reports only the "basename" component of the names of
files managed. The actual filename (URL) for the first file is
A virtues of the GenomicFiles discipline is that we keep together the file identifiers and metadata about them. The following information is crucial to downstream use of the files.
This table is very important, indicating that we are managing information
for which two genomic coordinate systems are in play. In the introduction
to Bioconductor, it is shown
how liftOver
can be used to translate between coordinate systems if needed.
We'll focus on data collected with GRCh38 coordinates.
gf1 = gf1[, which(gf1$assembly == "GRCh38")] gf1 gf = GenomicFiles(files=hfmtbw$cloud_metadata.url) colData(gf) = as(, "DataFrame")
We'll define a helper function to report on discrete properties of samples. This gives us clues on the contents of listings of biosample type and associated ontology labels.
tls = function(x) t(t(head(sort(table(x), decreasing=TRUE)))) tls(gf1$biosample_name) tls(gf1$biosample_ontology)
The use of ontology labeling helps us to organize information on samples.
Bioconductor's r Biocpkg("ontoProc")
package can be used to
develop a simple hierarchical display. We focus on the Experimental Factor
Ontology (EFO) tags, and take a very small subset of tags in use to
obtain a tractable display in this document.
library(ontoProc) ee = getEFOOnto() tail(sort(table(hfmt$biosample_ontology)),12) -> ioi nn = names(ioi[grep("EFO", names(ioi))]) tails = gsub(".*_", "", nn) tailss = gsub("/", "", tails) tt = paste0("EFO:", tailss) onto_plot2(ee, tt, cex=.6)
It is noteworthy that in this display HEK293 is not linked to "Homo sapiens cell line". This can be confirmed by visiting the ontology lookup service. It is not uncommon to find gaps in curated data resources. Whether there is a justification for this particular omission is unclear.
We'll focus on the transcription factor CREB1. There are a modest number of samples in different cell lines. Some are treated with ethanol.
gf1_creb1 = gf1[, which(gf1$target == "CREB1")] table(gf1_creb1$treatment, gf1_creb1$biosample_name, exclude=NULL)
We'll focus on samples with type signal p-value
table(gf1_creb1$output_type, gf1_creb1$biosample_name, exclude=NULL) gf1_creb1_use = gf1_creb1[, which(gf1_creb1$output_type == "signal p-value")]
We will import a megabase of bigWig content from the
files selected in this way, using reduceByFile
myr = GRanges("chr17", IRanges(66e6,67e6)) genome(myr) = "GRCh38" rowRanges(gf1_creb1_use) = myr if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { sels = edxAdvBioc::creb1_sels } else sels = reduceByFile(gf1_creb1_use, MAP=function(range, file, ...) { sel = BigWigSelection(range), selection=sel, genome=genome(myr)[1]) })
Here is our targeted sketch:
lk1 = sels[[1]][[1]] lk2 = sels[[2]][[1]] plot(start(lk1)+.5*(width(lk1)), lk1$score, pch=19, xlab="midpoint of scored interval, chr17", ylab="-log10 CREB1 signal p-value", cex=.5, col=lava::Col("black", alpha=.3)) points(start(lk2)+.5*width(lk2), lk2$score, pch=19, col=lava::Col("blue", alpha=.3), cex=.5)
Review the following concepts before proceeding to exercises.
, which is a creation of the developers
of the ENCODExplorer package. We retrieved this table using r Biocpkg("AnnotationHub")
The number of rows of fm
is the number of metadata records related to experiments
performed in ENCODE. The number of columns of fm
is the number of metadata fields
descriptive of the experiments.hfmtbw
to limit attention to bigWig files collected
on human samples. The metadata field cloud_metadata.url
gives the URL of each
such file.biosample_name
and biosample_ontology
give information
(less and more formal, respectively) about anatomic or cell-culture origins of samples.
Ontological relationships among sample types can be useful for organizing investigations
and the r Biocpkg("ontoProc")
function was used to sketch relationships
among terms used to annotate samples.BigWigSelection
from r Biocpkg("rtracklayer")
, applied to cloud-resident files
through the reduceByFile
method of r Biocpkg("GenomicFiles")
. The resulting
scored GRanges instances were visualized using standard R plotting.gf1
represents data on r ncol(gf1)
ChIP-seq experiments for organism 'Homo sapiens' in
bigWig format. Use
the cloud_metadata.file_size
component to state a) the median file size, and b)
the total number of gigabytes of cloud-resident data to which gf1
mediates access.median(as.numeric(gf1$cloud_metadata.file_size)) sum(as.numeric(gf1$cloud_metadata.file_size))/1e9
r ncol(gf1)
r ncol(gf1)
metadata table. For the application of the ATAC-seq assay
to human samples, what is the most common biosample_name
?as_tibble(fm) %>% dplyr::filter(assay == "ATAC-seq" & organism=="Homo sapiens") %>% dplyr::select(biosample_name) %>% dplyr::group_by(biosample_name) %>% dplyr::summarise(n=dplyr::n()) %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(n))
field to
document submission of assays of diverse types. We'll use the hfm
table for this.newt = as_tibble(hfm) %>% dplyr::select(assay, date_created) %>% dplyr::mutate(ldate=lubridate::as_date(date_created)) par(las=2, mar=c(12,4,2,2)) ameds = sapply(split(newt$ldate, newt$assay), median) with(newt, boxplot(split(ldate, assay)[order(ameds)]))
How many assays of type long read RNA-seq
are present?
sum(hfm$assay == "long read RNA-seq", na.rm=TRUE)
to find out about
genes knocked down in CRISPRi RNA-seq experiments.
The language in that field is repetitious, and we massage its
values a bit, using gsub
and mutate
to get the name of the gene that was putatively knocked down.ii = (hfm %>% dplyr::filter(assay == "CRISPRi RNA-seq" & file_format=="tsv") %>% dplyr::mutate(targ = gsub( "RNA-seq on K562 cells treated by CRISPR interference targeting (..*).", "\\1", dataset_description)) %>% dplyr::select(investigated_as, targ) %>% dplyr::group_by(investigated_as, targ) %>% dplyr::summarise(n=dplyr::n())) ii
For how many different transcription factors, interfered with by CRISPR prior to RNA-seq, have tsv files been prepared?
unique((ii %>% dplyr::filter(investigated_as == "transcription factor"))$targ)
The following function, annotated in roxygen format, gathers the task of filtering bigWig data of a specific output type and target in a given genomic interval.
#' import bigwig in an interval, given GenomicFiles for ENCODE bigWig files #' @param gf GenomicFiles instance #' @param target character(1) ChIP-seq target #' @param biosample_names character() vector of cell types to retain #' @param output_type character(1) defaults to "signal p-value" #' @param selection GRanges instance, one range allowed #' @export import_enc_bw = function(gf, target="CREB1", biosample_names = c("HepG2", "MCF-7", "A549"), output_type="signal p-value", selection= GRanges("chr17", IRanges(66e6,67e6), genome="GRCh38")) { stopifnot(length(selection)==1) gf_use = gf[, which(gf$target == target)] gf_use = gf_use[, which(gf_use$output_type == "signal p-value")] gf_use = gf_use[, which(gf_use$biosample_name %in% biosample_names)] rowRanges(gf_use) = selection ans = reduceByFile(gf_use, MAP=function(range, file, ...) { sel = BigWigSelection(range), selection=sel, genome=genome(myr)[1]) }) ans = GRangesList(unlist(ans, recursive=FALSE)) mcols(ans) = colData(gf_use) names(ans) = make.unique(mcols(ans)$biosample_name) ans }
We can generate our sketch data with a pair of simple calls,
assuming the construction of gf1
is accomplished as
First, we generate the requested data on the available biosamples.
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { skd = edxAdvBioc::skd } else skd = import_enc_bw(gf1)
A virtue of this approach is that the cell types (and all metadata) are bound to the scores:
To complete the task, we define a plotting function. We'll call it to compare HepG2 and MCF-7 patterns in the selected interval.
#' plot the result of a pair of import_enc_bw runs #' @param impeb output of import_enc_bw #' @param ylim limits of y axis #' @param xlim limits of x axis #' @param logy logical(1) whether or not to use log="y" in plot call #' @param leg_frac_x numeric(1) fudge factor to move legend to the right of natural #' position at xlim[1] #' @export plot_pair = function(impeb, ylim=c(1,500), xlim=c(66.1e6,66.3e6), logy=TRUE, leg_frac_x=.015) { stopifnot(length(impeb)==2) lk1 = impeb[[1]] lk2 = impeb[[2]] if (logy) { lk1 = lk1[which(lk1$score>0)] lk2 = lk2[which(lk2$score>0)] } seqn = as.character(seqnames(impeb[[1]]))[1] g = grep("chr", seqn) if (length(g)==0) seqn=paste0("chr", seqn) targ = mcols(impeb)$target[1] oty = mcols(impeb)$output_type[1] pspec = list(x=start(lk1)+.5*(width(lk1)), y=lk1$score, pch=19, xlab=sprintf("midpoint of scored interval, %s", seqn), ylab=sprintf("bigWig '%s' for %s", oty, targ), cex=.5, col=lava::Col("orange", alpha=.1), ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, log=ifelse(logy, "y", "")), pspec) points(start(lk2)+.5*width(lk2), lk2$score, pch=19, col=lava::Col("blue", alpha=.1), cex=.5) legend(xlim[1]+leg_frac_x*diff(xlim), ylim[2], pch=19, col=lava::Col(c("orange", "blue"), alpha=.4), legend=mcols(impeb)$biosample_name) }
In the following calls, we select distinct pairs of samples from different cell types for overlaid visualization within pairs.
plot_pair(skd[c("HepG2.2", "MCF-7")], ylim=c(1,1500), xlim=c(66e6, 67e6), leg_frac_x=.04) plot_pair(skd[c("HepG2.1", "MCF-7.1")], ylim=c(1,1500), xlim=c(66e6, 67e6), leg_frac_x=.04)
What is the number of positions at which binding of CREB1 to HepG2 exhibits signal p-values consistently greater than those seen for MCF-7 in the two displays here? (0, 1, 4, 10)?
Use the following code to simplify the data on one HepG2 sample:
s5 = skd[["HepG2.2"]] GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(s5) = "NCBI" seqlevels(s5) = "17"
Using genes(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79)
, find the gene nearest the strongest peak for CREB1
in HepG2.
g79 = ensembldb::genes(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79::EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79) g79[ nearest(s5[which.max(s5$score)], g79) ]
Run the following code.
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { uu = edxAdvBioc::uu } else uu = import_enc_bw(gf1, target="FOXA1", selection=GRanges("chr6", IRanges(151.5e6,152.5e6)), biosample_names=c("A549", "MCF-7")) plot_pair(uu[c("A549", "MCF-7")], xlim=c(151.5e6,152.5e6))
What gene is nearest to the strongest FOXA1 binding location
seen in the sample named MCF-7
top = which.max(uu[["MCF-7"]]$score) cand = uu[[7]][top] seqlevelsStyle(cand) = "NCBI" seqlevels(cand) = "6" g79[nearest(cand, g79)]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.