#' app to get details on events in packages
#' @param af ArtifSet S4 instance
#' @import shiny
#' @examples
#' af = make_demo_ArtifSet()
#' if (interactive()) {
#' browse_events(af)
#' }
#' @export
#browse_events = function(af) {
# stopifnot(inherits(af, "ArtifSet"))
# af <<- make_demo_ArtifSet()
# ec = collect_events(af, event_class="errors")
# wc = collect_events(af, event_class="warnings")
get_packnames = function(type) {
if (type == "errors") return(names(ec$events))
else if (type == "warnings") return(names(wc$events))
else if (type == "wontinstall") return(names(wc$noparse_paths)) # should be same in ec,wc
else stop("unrecognized type")
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$abc = renderUI({
selectInput("curpack", "packs", choices=get_packnames(input$eventtype))
output$def = renderPlot(plot(1, main=input$eventtype))
get_err_txt = reactive({
function(HOST) {
validate(need(nchar(input$eventtype)>0, "waiting"))
validate(need(nchar(input$curpack)>0, "waiting"))
dat = bbsBuildArtifacts:::package_by_host_data( paths(af)[input$curpack], host=HOST )
if (input$eventtype=="errors") cat(dat$parsed_chks$errors)
else if (input$eventtype=="warnings") cat(dat$parsed_chks$warnings)
else if (input$eventtype=="wontinstall") cat(dat$bld_txt, sep="\n") # a readLines result
output$errtxt_neb = renderPrint({ get_err_txt()("nebbiolo2") }) # EVENTUALLY LINUX
output$errtxt_tok = renderPrint({ get_err_txt()("tokay2") }) # EVENTUALL WINDOWS
output$errtxt_mac = renderPrint({ get_err_txt()("machv2") }) # EVENTUALL MAC
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